Sunday, February 28, 2016


How does this happen?  I can't even walk into my 'walk in' closet.  This happened in the big house in North Van.  This happened in Langford.  It has happened here.  The only reason it didn't happen on Doran was because I didn't have a walk in closet there.

In the big house, on March 25th, 2003, I shoved the door to my walk in open to see stuff packed in there to the ceiling, wall to wall.  I started to clean and sort.  Oh, I had the best intentions but within an hour my bedroom looked like a hurricane had happened and I hadn't even made a dent in the closet.  So, crying giant self pitying tears, I shoved everything back in, shut the closet door and left the room.  Three days later the house burnt down and solved that problem!!!

Now, don't get the wrong impression here...I do not want this house to burn down.  I can still walk into my closet, albeit on two feet of stuff.  Sigh.  (shovel list).  Its time.  I think I will get Monte to go and buy me some containers.  I am not sure how many.  Its kind of like guessing how many grocery bags you need to pack your groceries at Superstore.  I shall simply fill the containers until the closet is empty then sort, toss and keep each containerful, one by one, until they are all empty.  I was going to get a closet system built in there.  But by the time you hire consultants, and have them come and measure and make choices, it costs a fortune!  Call me cheap but I just can't see myself spending five thousand dollars on a stupid closet.  A good cheap bead curtain door hides it all and solves that problem.  (there isn't a door on this particular closet)

I had the best day yesterday!  Jo texted early that they were going to McD's for breakfast and then Ainsley was going to play in the play area.  So we spent an awesome two hours just watching her play and visiting.  She is such a funny little individual!  I could watch her all day.  Then last night I went down to their place an hour before her bedtime and read books and played.  So much fun!  Then we played an awesome game for a couple of hours.  Loved it!!!!  And we ate Craig's mothers amazing pickled carrots!  Mmmmmmm.

I need to go to the doctor to get my face looked at.  But it involves two trips, one early to make the appointment, then back later for the appointment.  Tomorrow I have the insurance lady coming to renew my car insurance, its up on the fourth.  Tuesaday I have Kiwanis at noon.  And I have my nurse phone interview.  I just looked.  My insurance isn't until wed.  So I shall go to the dr. in the morning.  (shovel list)  I am pretty sure it will just go away if I wait it out.  I'm pretty sure Kathy and Kerry come home on Friday!!!  Yay!!!  I shall be picking them up from the airport.  Okay that was a bad disorganized paragraph.

I want to thank all you readers that hang in here and actually comment and give me advice.  I have a very boring life most the time.  Ergo, boring posts.  I think things will pick up as spring comes. I really want to hit the back roads and take my camera!  I have never ever gone so long without taking pictures.  Its to the point where I'm thinking I should be removing my camera battery before it corrodes my camera.  TTYL

Thursday, February 25, 2016


I still have a giant lump on the side of my head under my ear and behind my jaw.  I decided to google it.

Clearly, according to many google sites its a blocked saliva gland.  Okay.  Thats better than lymphoma.  Thats better than an abscessed tooth.  I thought.

The more I read though the more I began to think otherwise.  First step is sticking freezing needles into your mouth and then manipulating by hand, the stone area to get the sucker out.  If the little calcium stone doesn't move, they slice open the duct lengthwise "like a hot dog bun", and I quote, to remove it.  And if it keeps rehappening they remove that gland, at a great risk of slicing a very important nerve that makes your face look like you had a stroke.

The more I googled the more I freaked out.  Its making a colonoscopy seem like a walk in the park.  So I went to a hippie site....heal thyself...naturally.  Sounds good to me.

Firstly, they suggest, eat a lemon.  The sour lemon creates a flood of saliva that might undamn the duct.  Okay.  I did that.  Hurt like hell.   They also suggest sucking on a sour candy. Then they say to put warmth on it...I have Monte at Walmart as we speak picking me up a microwavable compress. (and Warheads...if you don't know what those are you are not very adventuresome in your candy habits).  Then the next step is to "massage the swelling forward towards your face".  Holy Crap!!!!  IT HURTS!!!  To just barely touch it almost makes me puke.  And lastly, drink gallons of water.  But it beats having my duct sliced up like a hot dog bun.  I will give it til Monday.  If it isn't gone or at least a bit better I shall go to a dr.

I ate the top off an iced chocolate cupcake.  What the hell is wrong with me.  I have been fasting for two days, and I am not even hungry and I was given them by a lovely lady at scrabble last night.  I couldn't say no without being rude.  So there they were and I just impulsively, with no self control whatsoever grabbed one and ate the top!!  I was horrified!!!  Like it was just gone before I could even think about it!  So I forced myself to take my blood sugar about a half hour later.  It jumped from 4.1 to 6.3....just like that.  Man!  I can't even trust myself!  I'm mad!!! but damn, it was good!

Now I hear Monte pulling up.  I shall sign off.  Time to warm, massage and suck warheads.  Have a good night folks!   TTYL

Wednesday, February 24, 2016


Yup!  I have a very painful baseball, well maybe golf ball size lump under my left ear past the end of my jaw.  It hurts like hell.  Actually its bringing back memories of the mumps I had when I was around six.  You can't open your mouth very wide!  Maybe thats a good thing!  I'd go to the doctor but its such an ordeal I think I will try waiting it out.  If it gets really ugly and more painful I will go in.

I went to the Kiwanis meeting at lunch yesterday.  Yesterday was an eating day.  We hold our meetings in a meeting room just next to the little cafe in the bottom floor of a senior home.  You order your food at a window by the kitchen and they take your name and bring it in to you in the meeting.

This lunch counter is run by very old ladies.  Their cook is much younger and I honestly can't tell if he is a he or a she.  A really nice person.  So yesterday the daily changed menu had egg salad sandwiches for five bucks plus their daily soup and daily special etc.   You can always get a full salad for five bucks too.  I ordered the full salad and I asked for the egg sandwich, but without the bread.  I asked if he/she could just put the egg part on the salad and I would pay ten dollars for the two.  Oh yes he/she said, no problem.  And then the old lady taking the order only charged me five bucks!  I tried to get her to take the extra five but she simply wouldn't.

When another old lady brought it in to me, it was a huge plate of salad and mounds and mounds of egg salad.  I could not believe my eyes...and it was beyond delicious!  Their egg salad is to die for!  So on the way out I dropped five bucks into the tip jar.  I will be having that again!!

Tonight is the Kiwanis Scrabble night.  For 25 bucks you play scrabble with about thirty people.  I think there are prizes for the highest score and for the lowest.  I am going to go down early and help get it all set up and then play.  This should be fun!  Everybody is always so happy and funny.

Last night Monte's band that he is now playing in came here to rehearse.  They have a gig on Friday night in Vernon.  I was upstairs here watching tv when they began their first song.  Within a minute I turned off the tv to was so fantastic.  I couldn't believe my ears!!!  I was expecting your typical basement sound from band wannabes but this was way way above that, in fact extraordinary.  I went downstairs after that first incredible song and told them I couldn't believe my ears.  The main singer, actually the only one that sings, is unbelievable.  And he writes all the songs.  The band is drums, bass guitar, guitar, slide guitar and keyboards (Monte's part).  No wonder they get gigs everywhere...they are amazing!

I hopped up in the late afternoon and made a giant pot of dahl.  I can't help it.  I can go only so long not making something.   The trouble is Monte hates dahl and I can't eat it!  So I shall bag it and freeze it.  I have changed from using Patak's
 Byriani  to Patak's Tikka.  Its so much more delicious.  I had a tiny bowl with butter floating on it.  Mmmmmmmmm

Okay enough rambling.  I must get on with my day.  TTYL

Monday, February 22, 2016


Well, I bit the proverbial bullet, hauled ass down to the doctor's office by 8 this morning and made an appointment for twelve noon.  I am NOT going to talk to him.  He would have a conniption  fit if he knew what I was doing.  To his credit pretty much any gp would.  But unless he apologizes to me for his behaviour last visit, and that aint likely to happen, I am not going to talk to him except for what is absolutely necessary.

What I am doing right now, after a huge huge amount of research on reversing type 2 diabetes, is fasting.  I am on day three.  I am following a world renowned diabetes doctor's plan.  He has cured many people of type 2.  But it is definitely not for the faint hearted.  Its called intermittant fasting.  What really pisses me off though is how much bullshit we have been fed over the years...about salt, about eating every two hours, about 'must' have breakfast, about type 11 not being curable, and so on.

So after reading it all I see my real goal is not weight loss but reversing the condition of my fatty liver.  And that means no sugar in any form (including too much protein) until my liver stops throwing out uncontrollable amounts of sugars into the blood and body.  I am really tempted to tell the doctor what I am doing, just to watch him have a fit.  And this is a way of eating that I will probably have to do to some extent for the rest of my life.  The intermittant  fasting part will stop but the no carbing won't.  So least to me.

Sue came over this morning and installed my lights.  They look fantastic!!!  I had Monte stay and help her out.  He is so tall and he proved invaluable.  She was pretty pleased with his help.  She is coming back tomorrow morning to finish the fridge.

Now I must be off.  I will report back here this afternoon on how it went!!!  See ya soon.

Well shut my mouth!!!  He was super super nice and full of little antidotes and stories.  He must have either felt bad or was having a much better day.  The first thing he did was ask my blood sugar.  When I told him it was in the fours he was astounded!  Haha...then...I told him what I was doing...fasting and low carbing...and thats when he got all talky!  He totally agreed with Dr. Fung's methods and completely supported what I was doing!  He was telling me how so many of his patients don't do anything about their diabetes and don't care and how hard and frustrating it is to try to get them to understand.  And when he turned on his computer he told me how last Thursday he had four patients whose birthday was Oct. 21st, which is crazy cuz I have never met anyone in my whole life with the same birthday as me.  Then after a few minutes of friendly chit chat, he took my blood pressure...and it was 140 over 78!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Finally!!!!!!!  We were both jumping up and down happy!!!

I was watching one of those messy house and lets get organized shows on tv.  I like to watch and feel all  superior and smug.  The last one I watched the lady of the house had stacks and stacks of paper...bills, emails, letters, junk mail, important stuff mixed with crap.  STACKS of it!!  So the hosty person was giving her shit and I'm sitting here shaking my head when it dawned on me that I was actually no better!  Looking for something this morning, I got a box and emptied my junk drawer under the microwave...and filled that box to the top with paper.  And my lovely purple dresser in purple room, the one with the really huge drawers, is full to the brim with papers.  I have at least two years worth of mail, including mail from Maui, stacked in there.  And I know of two boxes of papers in my cupboard.  So guess what I am going to do on Wednesday?  I am going to do what Spod used to do and drove me crazy....I am going to put leaves in the dining room table and do a clear out of paper once and for all.  I am kind of dreading it.  I am sure I will find 'hide your head in the sand' stuff and I won't like it.  I will take pictures.  I will 'document' pun intended!  TTYL

Saturday, February 20, 2016


I love those reality shows on tv about the people who live off the grid, usually way up by the north pole or waaay out in the bush, trapping and surviving or running really remote fish and hunt lodges (the lodges are NOT pretty, old converted containers).  I am not sure what is so appealing to me, ha ha, but I live vicariously through those intrepid people.  One couple actually has their baby out there with them!  I am smart enough to not put that life style on my bucket list but I sure do love watching others!

So today at the end of one of the shows, 'The Boonies', the rusty crusty narrator quoted a Henry David Thoreau quote.  Believe me I NEVER do quotes, I am just not that person.  But this one struck a very strong cord in me:  "I love to be alone.  I never found a companion that was so companionable as solitude."  

I guess that is part of the allure of those shows.  And at the risk of getting really boring here, I am going to mention one observation or conclusion I have reached regarding solitude.

If you can be totally alone, no matter where you are, and be content and happy, you have the power.  So many things scare so many people in this world.  And it is shocking to me how many people have never lived alone, not even for a week.  And its also shocking to  me how many people fear it.  Its true you need to be able to face yourself and any demons you have hidden inside.  You have to be able to go through the scary or tough or sad times with yourself.  No dependency. Autonomy is power. 

 Creating a safe environment and enjoying it is one of the most important things my self help books from the seventies taught me.  (and the Amway selling course Mom put us through when I was 12...made a profound change in my brain...self empowerment)  Now I know I have Monte living here but our lives barely intersect.  I see him briefly, maybe if I am up, at three in the morning when he gets home.  If I need a moderator and everyone does now and then, I phone April or Aryn.  They validate my final decisions on things...if I need validation.  I also use my awesome beloved sister...and her husband. I am really missing them right now.  They are in Maui for a month.  I will be happy when they get home.

My final observation:  Solitude doesn't argue with you.  You are ALWAYS right!!!!  Hahahaha!!!

I forgot to mention that I got a phone call last week from the colonoscopy nurse for the half hour over the phone interview.  It actually took forty minutes.  At the end she confirmed my address....the one in Langford!!  I went 'What the heck?'  Turns out they sent the form and info to Victoria!  So now on March 1st I have an appointment to do it all over again with a nurse from Kamloops!  I got a lot of info from her though!  I'm still scared of the outcome.  I'm okay through the day but in the evening I get that sicky nervous feeling in my stomach.  I hate this.  I just want it to be over and be okay.  And I haven't been back to the doctor yet.  Monday.

 My blood sugars are consistently down in the fives, I am aiming for the fours.  I watched an interesting presentation by a Dr. Jason Fung.  I think its one everybody should watch.  But one thing he said is your liver is the sugar canister of the body.  When its full and spilling over, that spill over then gets spread out throughout the body, causing irrepairable damage. So having a low sugar number isn't the cure.  Emptying that canister and keeping it empty is the cure.  So that means a period of time with low to no carbs in your diet and low complex carbs for the rest of your life.  So interesting!  At least to me!  So anyone who has type 2, look him up.  His site was by far the most valuable info I have ever got.  Sorry for the ridiculously boring post.  TTYL


Wednesday, February 17, 2016


I keep putting off going to the doctor.  I just don't feel like going.  Its getting so I don't care about my blood pressure anymore.  I am NOT going to take anymore pills than I already am.  The ones I am on are not cool.  They make my muscles tired.  I can't go for long walks before my legs give out. neck.  Holding up my head becomes tiresome.  I am still losing weight so hopefully when I get thin as a rail the pressure will drop.  As my weight drops though, my skin gets saggier and saggier.  I'm going to look like an eighty year old soon!

I had a busy day yesterday.  Sue, my handyman, is coming around this week to do a few things for me.  She is doing this because I have let her use the condo for all of March.  She absolutely does NOT have to do this but I think she will feel better about it.  So that being said, one of the things I am going to get her help with is changing the light in the kitchen and entranceway.  Off to Home Depot.

I decided that no matter what they had I was not leaving til I had two lights.  And...I knew that at least one of my choices would be out of stock.  They always are.

I immediately found the most awesome one for the hall way.  Out of stock.  Of course.  So I settled for a boob light, (boring..shovel list) but this one at least is a pretty stained glass one.  The kitchen one I found immediately but due to its oddness I didn't instantly grab it like I normally do when I am shopping.  I walked around it and looked and compared and looked again and finally picked it up.  I have been thoroughly ridiculed in the past for my lighting choices.  But this is my house and I don't have to please anybody so I got it.  They are both still in the boxes but I will take pictures of the pics and put them on down below.  Feel free to ridicule in the comments!!!

And speaking of the comments....Shannon I appreciate your offer to create a bathroom Cuba...especially the Latin cuba libra boys!!!  I have my giant purple bathing suit out and at the ready!!!

Now its time to get off my sagging ass and do something.  Not sure what but something.  Oh yeah, I forgot.  I didn't go to Costco yesterday, I am going to go today!   Yay!!!!  TTYL

Monday, February 15, 2016


I remember back when I did my first Atkins diet when I was 25, my biggest problem was going to dinner at people's houses and not being able to eat and not offending them.  I think, if I remember correctly, I just started to turn down all invites.

I don't really want to do that now but seriously, I can't eat 99% of the food that gets put on the table.  And the trouble is if I do actually partake, it will show up on my next three month average blood sugar test.  So....what to do?  Well, I tested it the other night.

My friend Anne's son Larry and family invited me over for Anne's birthday dinner.  So I tried something new.  I had her tell them that I would probably not eat much and why and I truly did not want them to change the menu or feel bad.  I asked her to tell them that I was used to this and was perfectly fine.

Well let me tell you, that meal was diabetic friendly and spectacular.  What a delicious meal!!  His wife is Japanese and a chef!  She served a cold salmon dish that was beyond delicious, a fantastic intricate salad with a myriad of vegetables, including marinated mushrooms in miso dressing, sweet potatoes, a kind I had never seen before steamed in lemon and butter, rice (which I didn't eat) and the star of the dinner...Anne's birthday request, breaded thinly sliced pork loin..deep fried.  Unbelievable!!!  And she kindly told me that I could feel free to peel off the coating...NOT!!! Dessert was creme brule...OMG!!  and strawberries...delicious strawberries.  Anne gave me a bite of the creme brule (best friend ever) and I can eat strawberries.  Soooo delicious.  And later when I checked my blood sugar, worried it would be awful, it was up only one point.

I got a call from the colonoscopy peeps.  Tomorrow I have a half hour interview by phone with a nurse to see if I qualify for the test.  Then, if so they set the date.  I have a million questions!  My dang doctor won't take the time to answer them and its not like I can just up and change doctors any time soon.  I go back and see him on Wed.  Thank god for the awesome people that emailed me with info.  Or I would still be scared.

Monte spent last night in the hospital...chest pains.  After tests etc..they gave him a clean bill of health but feel that his medication could be the culprit of the muscle spasms.  If it keeps up he is to go see his other doctor.  I hope its nothing...I just want his meds etc. to just work and he can get on with life.

Well tomorrow, at an ungodly hour, Cookie and Pam are on their way to Cuba.  One part of me is  pissed that I can't go and have to forfeit 2,000 bucks.  But the other side of me is really glad that I am getting control of blood pressure and sugars and getting a test that will either clear me of all nasties or save my life if there ARE nasties.  Clearly its all coming down in the next couple of weeks and going to Cuba was totally counterproductive to that.  They are going to have so much fun...without me....(snivel whine stamp my feet shovel list)  

I spent one day, I think most of yesterday, looking up rustic cabins in rustic settings within two hours of here on  I am definitely listing the condo with possession not being before the end of June.  Its crazy to not sell it and the money will partially go to a wilderness retreat here.  I found lots of really interesting wee cabins for under 100,000.

Which is what I really want.  I want a really tiny rustic cabin with an outhouse, on or near a lake with loons hooting on it, a moose eating in the weeds would be nice.  But it has to have heat, electricity and wifi.  Then I can go out into the wilderness and write REALLY boring blog posts!  It would be nice if there was an uncleared acre of land that I could fire up my chainsaw, build a huge fire and clear it.  Yes.  I'm looking.

Gotta bounce...I am developing bad habits here living on my own.  I don't go to bed til two in the morning, don't get up til, ten and fight tooth and nail to not get out of my pj's and stay home all day.  But then again...who says thats bad...I hear the faint echo of my mother's voice in my head.  TTYL

Thursday, February 11, 2016


This business of getting my blood sugar down is getting tedious and annoying.  (Shovel list)  To all you overweight sedentary people out there..bless your hearts, people after my own heart, but take heed.  Get up and move...don't eat those carbs!!!  The five times a day poking your finger and logging blood sugar is really vexatious (my word for the day). 

 And just as you think you are on the right trajectory...which is get a high freaking reading that immediately sends you into a downward spin mentally.  I mean when you are NOT eating even remotely like you were before, and you are craving anything with a carb in it, and at this point cardboard is looking good, it pisses me off when my blood sugar is up at 9.  HOW????  Where the hell did that sugar come from?  I ate one cup of beef broth with 0 carbs and six damned almonds.  Its pretty sad when you look at a hobo downtown eating a rotten sandwich out of the garbage and you envy him!  Seriously...that happened.

I had a great time with the grand kids this week.  Fenton and I spent a great time in my chair reading to each other.  Elise spent a lot of time occupying herself with a giant sticker/colouring book I bought her.  They are such amazing kids at keeping busy.  I also had a fantastic time with Kevin.  Tandy was in Vancouver for Tuesday night.  So instead of playing games, we sat here in the kitchen playing music.  We hopped from one song to another showing each other the stuff we have been listening to lately.  Kinda like what Monte and I do...a lot.  I loved it.  Also...note here to Cookie...Monte and I listen to one record in particular over and over and over....guess which one?  Mouth and MacNeil!!  He loves it almost as much as me!  And you would be amazed how many people know that song How Do You Do?.

Well its lunch tomorrow with Leanne!  We are going to Milestones.  I looked up their menu so I could pick ahead of time what I can eat and how to get them to change what I need them to change. I have to become one of THOSE people.  My mom used to do that.  No matter what she ordered she would change something about it.  I hate that.  (shovel list).  I can't wait to see Leanne.  We always have a ton to talk about.

Well its super late...Mouth and MacNeil, side two, is coming to an end.  Bed time!  (or rather chair time).  Its actually chair time and Judge Judy...the cow.  Every night I go to bed and go to sleep to pvr'ed Judge Judy.  She is such a bitch.  TTYL

Monday, February 8, 2016


Well its mom's birthday today.  I lifted the lid on my swear jar and wished her a happy one.  I miss her sometimes.

I am sitting in my comfy chair in my kitchen.  I bought, and Monte hooked up, a turntable and speakers.  Presently I am listening to Future them, and Kevin is in the living room working.  Tandy and the kids have gone to an indoor play gym.  Life is good!

I whipped down to Safeway and bought a few groceries.  I wasn't feeling all that well...the last pill the doc gave me causes my eyesight to feel faded, and I am dizzy and shaky.  So I kind of hurried and when I got out to the jeep I noticed that the really huge, and expensive,  bag of tomatoes I bought was hanging on the back of the cart...and not paid for.  Ach jeez!  I have a policy of always going back and paying but I felt so crappy I didn't.  Now I feel bad.

Kevin and Tandy arrived yesterday afternoon.  I have so enjoyed those kids.  After supper they had a bath and then it was reading time.  We have started Jacob Two Two...the old original, by Mordacai Rickler (sp?).  Such a good good story.  I love reading to the kids.  After they went to bed Kev and I played a game.  I can't remember the name but its a board game, very similar to tetris, but you are making a quilt.  The game royally pissed me off!!

Not much else to report.  Tonight K&T are going out to a movie and dinner.  I think I might sneak in a movie with the kids if possible.  There are lots of good ones on Shaw and they haven't seen any of them.

Off now to make subjit.  TTYL

Saturday, February 6, 2016


I am lunching more and more often.  As in I am meeting people for lunch.  I have never done this before and I find it lovely!  First we contact each other on facebook...thank you facebook!...we set up a time and place and then we meet.  I love it!!!!

Yesterday was a really good lunch date!!!  I met Dana and her awesome mother, Mary Ellen.  What delightful women they are!  I love hearing their stories and the kabissing.  We sure laugh alot!!  And lunch tasted so good and was in the blood sugar guidelines.  Chef's Salad...yummy.  Mind you Dana's ooey gooey grilled cheese and fries looked way better!

Well, Monte and I are dipping into clean mode today.  Kevin and the kids are coming tomorrow for a few days.  The middle bedroom, the one that the kids sleep in, is like an exploded laundry room.  I put the dried clean clothes in there to be folded...which never seems to happen!  Also, Willie is in there and a few other things that will need to be relocated.  The two things I hate most in the house is unloading the dishwasher (I love loading) and folding the clothes.   Fortunately for me Monte is always willing to unload the dishwasher and he folds his own clothes of course.

There is one dark cloud on my horizon.  The day after the dr. appointment I went back to Rexall to pick up my prescription and blood sugar monitor and to buy an American stamp for the envelope that had the five thousand dollar money order for condo taxes in Maui.  I bought the stamp and ordered and payed for ten canadian ones as well.  I set the envelope on the counter and applied the stamp.  When I finished buying the Canadian ones I put them in my plastic bag I got from the pharmacist.  Well, yesterday it suddenly dawned on me that I had zero recollection of mailing it.  And THAT I would remember.  Panic!!!  I went through all the mail and the bag I brought the drug stuff home in.  I found the little bag of Canadian stamps but no sign of the envelope.  'whimper whimper'.  So I phoned the post office and the lady didn't remember an envelope but she told me that if I left it there they would have mailed it.  I combed through my jeep and everywhere else.  I will lose five thousand bucks if that envelope doesn't get to where its going.  This is how one loses sleep and appetite.  'sigh'

Well I best get to it.  TTYL

PS:  I just convinced Monte to get on the scale.  He has lost almost thirty pounds!!!!  Now that he is off those evil fat making meds and he is doing the Paleo diet again...its showing!

Thursday, February 4, 2016


If you didn't read Shannon's comment the title of this post won't make much sense.  I have a wonky eye and when I first read her comment, not that it made any sense, I saw "anal fissure" and thought she was talking about a band!  Jeez, I don't know where my brain was at at that moment!

Let me thank all you people that sent me those encouraging, informative and so so supportive emails.  You have no idea the positive impact they had on me.  As a result I am no longer afraid and ready to take on whatever may come.  You people out there are so amazing.  Lorrie, Sylvia, Cari, Karen, all of you.  I have always believed that knowledge is your best weapon and you guys educated me...for sure better than my stupid doctor.  When I go in on Monday I am not going to talk to all.  I will briefly answer any question he might, and I mean might, have and thats it.  But thank you all.

So I have done a total turn around in my day.  I am tracking my blood sugars (and they aren't too bad I might add), weight, (I finally got batteries for my scale and I am lower than I have been in years), heart rate (averages 57), and my carb intake.  If I start thinking about eating crap I shouldn't, I just remember that three month average blood test coming up in April.  It feels so good to be in control.  

Monte is doing unbelievably well.  He just wrote another song...a beautiful, almost classical piece.  I listen to him down there slowly developing a piece from a nub of three notes to a full beautiful piece.  I might have thought I was biased and I just might be! but he played a gig in front of an audience and a bunch of band people the other night.  The reception to his music was huge!  And...he has been invited into an already formed band, they need a keyboardist, and he has been rehearsing with them and its going super well.  They hit the road here soon on a mini tour, starting in Vernon and ending in Pemberton.  He is soooo blinking happy right now!  Plus it looks like he may have a part time job at a local radio station, archiving (or something) their music library.  Happy kid!

Well its time to drink a green gross disgusting smoothie.  I need to do some serious tweeking!  TTYL


Tuesday, February 2, 2016


I had a feeling it wasn't going to be good.  My blood pressure came down a tiny bit.  He has doubled up one of my pills.  My A1c...the 3 month average blood sugar count was 10...which is out of control terrible.  My liver is fatty, just like me, and its ..whatever they call it, is elevated.  But the scariest one to me is they found blood in know where, sample.  Thats how they check for colon cancer.  So now I am lined up for a colonoscopy, sometime in the next three months.

On the good side, my kidneys are good, thyroid good, cholesterol good, heart function good, calcium and everything else is good.  

So, some of that I control.  I pick up my blood testing kit today and I shall start keeping track.  No more denial on that front.  As for the blood pressure I have cut way down on my salt, almost eliminated coffee and I am going to start walking.  Thats about all I can do about that.  As for whatever is scaring the crap out of me with the colon stuff, I don't know what to do.  I am hoping I run into someone who has had a colonoscopy and is willing to talk about it.  I am one of those people that needs to know everything before doing it.  One thing for sure...I am NOT googling any of it!

The doctor was a real prick this time too (pardon my French).  He was already cranky when he came into the room.  He was in mid yell at the last patient when he stormed out of her room and into mine.  He started to, quite nastily, go over my results with me.  If I tried to ask a question he would abruptly stop talking, roll his eyes and turn away as if he was saying "if you aren't going to listen then there is no point in my talking".  But he wasn't explaining anything or discussing what can be done about it.  When he got to the stool sample part, he bluntly said there was blood in it and I am now on the colonoscopy list.  So I tried to ask about the reasons for the blood, what is likely, how long for the test (and at this point I was freaked right out), and he once again rolled his eyes and copped a really impatient 'tude.  That was it.  I got mad.  So I yelled, and I really did yell, "LOOK! YOU MAY NOT WANT ME TALKING BUT I NEED TO KNOW.  YOU ARE SCARING ME AND I NEED ANSWERS.  THE LAST BLOOD IN STOOL SAMPLE I KNOW OF WAS MY HUSBAND'S AND HE DIED TWO MONTHS LATER!!!"  He kind of backed off at that point and told me not to worry about it until we have a diagnosis, sometime in the next three months.  Sure.  I'll get right on that.

Anyway, on to happier things.  I had the most delightful visit from Maureen, Leanne, Chris, Faith and Jenna.  I tell you, when I opened that front door to that precious awesome bunch of women, it was magic.  The next couple of hours was warm and funny and incredible.  I just love those people so much.  Faith, Chris's daughter, bless her, went out and brought in her piano books, sat right down and played for a while for us.  She plays beautifully.  What a treat!  Jenna, Leanne's beautiful daughter is into sports.  You could tell...she is tall and willowy and in total great shape.  But so was Faith!!!  I can't begin to explain how very special it was to have us all in the same room.  Kathy came up too.  When Leanne and Chris were babies, they lived next door to us in Westsyde and Kathy and I babysat them a lot.  We loved them and bonded with them in a way that can never be broken.  And all through the years we have watched them grow into amazing women.  And Maureen is just one of those friends that will be in my heart til the day I die.  This little reunion would never have happened if I hadn't moved up here to Kamloops.

So now its a beautiful sunny day.  My brother flies home from a month holiday at the condo in Maui. He has found someone that can clean the condo when needed, bless him.  I have been needing someone.  And at 11:30 today, I leave to go pick up Kathy and Kerry and take them to the airport for their one month stay at the condo.  I envy them!  I am not going to be able to go on my trip to Cuba but I intend to make some pretty big changes over the next three months, before my trip to Mexico in April.  And it starts today.  My holiday times are coming, just not yet.  And knowing what they have lined up over their in Maui, they are going to have a wonderful time.

Now I had best get dressed and get going.  And I again am going to make the promise that this blog will not turn into a 'health' forum.  I shall keep mention of all things health to a minimum.  But thanks for letting me do an initial spew.  I am still scared, but I know that will die down as time goes by.  I've been through this before.  And if anyone wants to share their experience, please please email me.  I would be so honoured to hear your stories, the more I hear the better I feel.  TTYL

(it's times like this that I miss my Spod the most.  He was so comforting and steady.  I would go through times of fighting with him and being distant but the minute I got scared about something or had to deal with a medical anything, I would run into his arms and bury my head in his armpit and feel safe.  I miss him)