Wednesday, September 28, 2022

 I thought I would get a head start on this post whilst I wait for Monte.  We are going to the sushi place for some sushi supper.  They make takoyaki balls...only the most awesome thing you can get in sushi...and not all places make them.

We first saw them in a Japanese place in a giant mall, the Alamoana Mall in Oahu one year.  We could watch them make them.  They had massive grills like stove tops, with round molds in it to cook the balls.  They are mushy, no clue what's in them, with a wee piece of octopus or squid in the centre and they turn and turn them in these molds.  They come out crispy on the outside and soft and creamy on the inside.  Then they squirt Japanese mayo over them and sprinkle them with creepy fish flakes (Benito) that look like paper and they wiggle as the heat rises from the balls.  They are soooooo good!!!  I will put a pic below.

This week has been a conundrum of appointment shifts and plans.  I managed to convince my pharmacist to give me an extra month of pills without a doctor's approval.  Bless him!  I did get my vaccine.  I almost didn't.  It showed that I had already gotten it on that Monday that Shoppers cancelled it because they ran out of vaccine.  So it took forever for them to straighten that fiasco out.  But shot up I am.

Today I was going to go renew my driver's license.  But the renewal place is tiny and crammed with people.  And not one was wearing a mask.  I am not fully protected from my shot yesterday for two more weeks so as long as I renew before the 21st I will be fine.  We are due back here by the fifteenth.  That tiny office is also Service Canada and Disability and Welfare.  And it can be pretty scary in that waiting room.  

As usual I have left my organizing and packing til the last minute.  I gotta do laundry!  And I need to pack a cooler full of the things I will need in Penticton.  Curry stuff, cranberry sauce, my external hard drive, I need help with it, and a ton of things coming in this week, I hope, from Amazon...all vegan snacks and food for Kevin and Tandy.  

So this is short today.  Not a whole lot to report.  I am amazed you guys still hang in here and read these posts.  They are so mundane and boring.  I am hoping they will pick up when we get back.  I will feel more comfortable going out in public and doing things.  Now I am going to attempt to put pics of takoyaki on here.  Stay safe and talk soon.

'We have a name for sushi in Georgia....bait.'  Blake Clark

Saturday, September 24, 2022


 That's what happens when you have no life.  It's pretty sad when the most activity you get is chasing shitting cats or flower eating deer (yard rats) out of your yard.  Having Leeloo has sure made a difference to me.  I take her out three or four times a day.  So, going from never going out except for purposeful walks, this walking her has been good.  I have met neighbours, met dogs, met bears, all exciting and better than sitting in my chair.  I have actually enjoyed it.  Note to self...must get dog.

Speaking of which, I keep reading articles in the paper about how the dog pounds are overloaded with dogs.  Yet I can't find one.  We would like to have a German shepherd, an older one.  I keep looking but....I am also a believer that the right dog comes along at the right time. 

I need to make a banana trifle.  Tomorrow evening is dinner with Ange and Monique and 90 Day FiancĂ©.  It's so much fun watching that show and trashing it.  LOL!!!  The three of us rotate bringing mains, sides and dessert.  And tomorrow it's my turn to make dessert.  

And now it's time to get the van ready for our trip to Vancouver to return LL and then on to Penticton to see the grandkids!!!!  I saw them when we were camping but that was too loud and peopley and not much chance to get close.  Seeing them everyday makes such a difference.  We will be there for about a week.

But their house is quite small and now the kids are at an age and stage where they need their bedrooms.  And Monte is just too big for their house.  So we are rigging up a bed for him in the van.  We can run an extension cord out of the house to the van parked in the back for his cpap.  I can't wait to see them all.  I am dying to talk to Tandy about her job.  At least what she is allowed to talk about.  She works for Revcan.  And Kevin is making a website for the company that makes my walker.  It is the only Canadian company that makes them! And Fenton has finished taking piano lessons.  He can play Moonlight Sonata.  I told Kevin to tell him to keep practising it til I get there.  I want to hear him play it!

Today is Saturday.  I was supposed to get my vaccine last Monday.  Shoppers Drugs phoned to tell me they ran out of vaccine and would I please come back on Wed anytime between nine and three.  Oh geez.  So I got myself up and out by nine, arrived and there was a ton of people there.  Oh man!  I left.  I can't stand that long frankly.  In the meantime I got an actual invite through email so I made an appointment for the 27th.  The full two weeks won't be over when I go up to see the kids, but it will be a week which is better than nothing.

Well I am off to Walmart's back door to get my groceries I ordered last night.  As annoyed as I am with Walmart, always being out of stock or not having it to begin with, I will never go back to shopping in person.  I hate it, always have.  And sending Monte can be lethal.  I give him a very specific list with great admonitions to not add anything to it, he always comes home with extra stuff.  Good stuff but jeez money and no room.....

Thats it today.  Take care, stay safe.  Talk later!

'She didn't care that people called her a bitch.  "It's just another word for feminist," she told me with pride.'  Gayle Forman, 'If I Stay'




Saturday, September 17, 2022


 Sometimes something bugs me to the point where I feel like unleashing on this here blog!!!  But I don't.  I feel like this isn't where you kind folks come to get a blast of my strong vents.  So I have come up with a plan.  From now on when you see the title WARNING, you will know I am about to get  opinionated and preachy and you can totally skip the post.  And if you totally disagree, or agree, or have an opinion of your own to voice, feel free to email me and let fly!  my email is  I might start putting it down at the end of each post.  Commenting is so hard on blogspot!

And of course this has to do with the Queen's funeral.  I am not necessarily commenting on the necessity of having a Monarch.  I am commenting on her funeral.  Well, I might comment of her reign! LOL!!  I will hopefully keep it short.

There are a number of reasons I think the passing of the Queen is important.  I shall list them in point form.

1.  This is an extremely historical moment in our history.  Whether you care or don't give a whit about her, this IS history in the making.  I seem to remember there being a huge notice and pomp taken when we buried Kennedy....and he had basically nothing to do with us Canadians.  And Martin Luther King...And black history in the making has very little to do with the majority of Canadians.  You get the point.  The passing of the Queen is an historical event that I hope parents, instead of whining about having to find a babysitter to look after THEIR kids, will take the opportunity to teach them about it so they will remember when they grow up.

2.  Please my American friends, please don't take this the wrong way but being part of the Commonwealth and having the monarchy our head of state is simply part of our unique identity.  This sets us apart from our southern neighbours, and I am quite content to be separate from their identity, as I am sure they are from Canadians.

3.  I heard on the news this morning  the latest polls identified 22% of Canadians identify with the monarchy/queen.  I have a feeling, and this really is just a feeling, many of the balance of Canadians that don't care, haven't actually travelled in Britain to any extent.  It is an amazing feeling to go to Britain where so many of our ancestors originated.  We have a connection with that.  You feel it.  Although it could be more to do with our own personal upbringing.  My dad's parents were from England and it was very evident in the food in our house, the idioms, expressions, language that we grew up with.

On Global this morning they had a person of 'higher learning', a professor from SFU expressing his opinion, which got me going on mine.  Instead of talking about the queen, monarchy or even history, all he could talk about was fentanyl deaths, colonialism and the lack of need for the monarchy.  He even mentioned how getting rid of the monarchy and commonwealth would make us identify more with the US.  In my opinion he is not only missing the entire point but as a professor, missing this opportunity to teach what an historical moment in time this is, which it is whether you are a queen supporter or not.

Thats it.  I also just want to thank my two main American friends, Sharri and Dean, for honouring her on Facebook.  I truly appreciate that.

So if you are still with me...I do have some good news, not so important but good just the same.  I found out from Ange that if you have a special need you could call this certain number and get an appointment for the latest covid vaccine, early.  I immediately called and got an appointment for Monday afternoon!!!  Monte did the same and he got an appointment for one hour from that phone call!!!! So he is done.  Ange gets hers on Tuesday.  And two weeks from now, when the vaccine takes effect, we are heading up to Penticton...where that household are antivaxxers.  I am so happy!!!!  I am still going to wear my respirators, probably will for the rest of my life, but I am happy that we will be extra protected.

Well thats it for today.  Like I said I would love any opinions, or newsies, via email.  Stay safe and be happy!!!!  Talk later!

'Everyone is our neighbour, no matter what race, creed or colour.'  Queen Elizabeth

Tuesday, September 13, 2022


My apologies...this is about the longest I have gone not blogging.  Geez...the time whizzes by and it's coupled with not a whole lot happening.  I am back in Port.  I am with dog. And trying to get back on my way of eating...low carb and low potassium.  So exciting, right?

We had a fantastic time in Vancouver.  Monte stayed with Graeme and visited his friends.  I didn't move much off April's couch.  I always love staying with them.  We have such a good time.  Monte picked LL and I up and we caught an afternoon ferry.  I think Myles and April are going to miss her.  

Leeloo is sure good for me!!!  Up and out the door in the morning around six or seven.  I take her for her morning walk and ablutions.  Another walk at lunch then before bed.  So far all without my walker but I must admit I could have used it this morning.

It was interesting being out and about over the last week.  We never go anywhere except the odd trip to Nanaimo.  I found it kind of shocking and off-putting how cavalier and uncaring the public is with Covid.  There are a lot of people out there that simply can't risk getting that flu and even wearing a respirator you are at risk.  And basically not one person is wearing a mask.  Yet covid is at it's highest since the beginning.

  I don't know why we even bothered shutting things down, having a vaccine card etc.... Now when it's as bad as it's ever been, nobody does anything.  We went from - I didn't know a single person who had had covid to I don't hardly know a single person who hasn't had it. Why do you think that is?  The only thing that has changed is not wearing masks anymore and no distancing.  And compromised people can just stay home I guess.

On Oct. 2nd we are heading back to Vancouver to return LL.  Monte is coming with me and after spending a night or two with April and Myles he and I are heading up to Penticton for a week.  Monte is too big for Kevin's house!  So we are going to figure out how to make a bed in the van for him.  Also that way he can sleep all day if he wants to. 

 He may have to fend off hobos though.  Every night when I was sleeping there up in Elisa's bedroom with the window open, you could hear them out in the alley rummaging thoroughly through IGA's dumpsters.  Kevin said he can park the van in the back.  If any hobo tries to get into his van he can fight them off.  LOL!!!

I think I came close to being involved in a dog napping.  And I don't mean sleep.

On the way home on the ferry, LL was sitting on my knee, leaning out the window.  We were first on the ferry thus we were right out at the front in a middle lane.  The Jeep beside us was also beside us in the parking lot, an older couple.  The lady got out and came over to our van and proceeded to go freaking nuts over LL.  Holy hell!!!  She spent almost the whole two hours we were in the lineup at my window, gushing, super gushing over the damned dog.  Now, I know she is cute and all (pics below) but seriously, there is a Rubicon you are crossing here.

So, on the ferry they were again parked right beside us.  I shut the window in anticipation of constant attention.  I find it super annoying.  I used to find that annoying with my other two poms I had.  I remember.

Monte and I were talking and there was a knock knock knock at the window!  Really!!!  Are you serious????  I roll it down and it's jeep lady...again.  "oh I just had to come back to see her.  She and I are bonding, aren't we?  aren't we...(in a squeaky baby voice)".  I wanted to punch her in the solar plexus.

Then, near the end, when we were pretty much docked she asked if she could take her for a walk!  What the hell???  No, I replied. We are getting off shortly!  She argued with me.  All kinds of reasons why a little walk would do LL good.  I have a feeling, and I could be wrong, I was once, that I wouldn't see that dog again if I said yes.

  People just get stupid around cute dogs.  One time with Molly a woman was so enamoured with her she wasn't watching where she was going and totally bailed on the curb and did a face plant.  I'm sorry but I don't get it.

Well time to do some laundry.  Sigh.  I hate doing laundry. Monte and I are heading down to Nanaimo today or tomorrow.  I ordered a pair of cropped tights. should see them!  I even got a fairly small size, from Penningtons.  I don't know what is with fat lady stores.  They seem to think that cuz you are on the chunky side, all women who shop there have big broad wide asses and big wide huge legs.  I happen not to.  I am shaped like a barrel on a toothpick.  The pants that arrived were extremely well made, heavy and expensive and totally unwearable for me and quite laughable.  I showed them to Ange and she cracked up.  Immediately!  So they have to go back.  So take care everybody, stay away from sick people!!!  Talk soon.

'The reason a dog has so many friends is that he wags his tail instead of his tongue.'  anon




Sunday, September 4, 2022


This is a whine so please feel free to skip this post.  I just need to get this off my chest, or should I say back.

I cannot bend over.  Well actually I can but that then is the end of my ability to walk around or stand for at least a half hour.  Who the hell knows why, but bent over is fine, it's the coming back up.  The minute I stand back up my tailbone lights on fire and stays that way.  I have to bend back over and shuffle to my chair and sit.  The minute I sit it completely goes away like it's all better.  But I have to stay sitting for at least a half hour or the burning pain is indescribable.  Grrrrrrrr.....

This conundrum reeks havoc with cooking supper.  Hahaha!!!  You should see the floor.  I know better than to bend over to pick something up.  I thought when we lost our last dog the floor became dirty.  Well it ain't equal to the kitchen floor after I cook dinner.  I am going fast so I can get in as much as possible in twenty minutes, the length of time  til my back starts to hurt bad enough I have to sit.  As a result lettuce, vegetables, anything I am chopping ends up on the floor.  Pieces of paper towel, plastic wrap off  food etc...  It's pretty bad!

The funniest thing happened.  Monte and I had to go do an errand.  After he got a hamburger we drove down to the river quay and just sat in the jeep and visited while he ate.  My phone dinged.  It was a text from April.  She sent me a text she had just got from her friend Alice.  She said that "your mom and brother are in their jeep sitting right behind us!"  Her friend Alice moved to Port and I guess she has seen pics of us that April has posted.  She was gone by the time I got this message.  LOL!!!  This happened in North Van too with another of April's co-workers.  I was sitting at a table in Whole Foods and this lovely girl came over and asked if I was April's mom.  So funny!!!!

Another incident...The three of us in this house are quarantining right now in prep for Monte and my trip to Vancouver.  Ape and Myles are heading to Scotland on the 11th. (9/11) and we daren't take the chance of giving them covid.  As a result when my bro phoned to tell me they were here in Port this weekend, I had to turn them down for a visit.

Yesterday about noon the phone rang.  It was Stan.  he told me to go out on the deck, go to the very left edge and look at Quality Foods (we back on the QF parking lot).  So I did just that and way over there was Stan in his truck, waving like a crazy person out the window!!!!  We were on the phone so we visited a bit, long distance!!!!!  It was awesome!!!

Well there is an extreme aroma of onions wafting through the house.  I best go check on it.  I also need to prep my eggplant for eggplant parmigiana I am making for dinner.  It had better be better than last nite's total and complete terrible awful flop of a meal.  I will tell you about that next time, if I remember.  Stay safe, have fun and talk soon.

"His cooking is so bad the flys fix the screens."  Rodney Dangerfield. (Bill's fave comedienne)