Monday, January 31, 2022


 I was thinking.....if the pros are saying, is eventually going to get covid, especially with the new even MORE transmissible variant arriving, then why don't I just go out and live my damned life and if I get it? I get it.

That was what I was thinking.  And then I read an article about a fortyish woman that thought the same thing.  So she went out and exposed herself purposefully to the damned bug, got sick...and died.  No type 2 diabetes.  No high blood pressure pills.  No history of pneumonia and bronchitis.  Not fat.  All things that Sneak goes after and I have all those enticements.  So a little longer in isolation from humans.  Which isn't all that bad.  I am not all that fond of stranger humans anyway.

Well the boys just got back from picking up the groceries from the back of Walmart.  There is no question I will be doing all our shopping this way from now on.  Curbside pickup is genius, the best discovery since January 2020.  And I found out that Walmart has been doing curbside pickup long before  Sneak interfered with our lives. 

 I really dislike shopping, of any kind except for armchair/laptop shopping.  And that can be dangerous!  It feels a little like an addiction. Smoke time!  Yay!!!!! Happy happy!!!  Well suddenly thinking of something I can order from somewhere makes me feel like that!  But other than the odd chair, I do attempt to keep it under twenty bucks a thing.

  I just ordered a super sturdy all metal spatula.  Mine fell apart.  It was about twenty years old.  Nine bucks. I ordered a set of four perfectly sized round containers with screw top lids for my various salad dressings...caesar, thousand islands etc....21 bucks. Now I did make an order for preserved lemons, a certain Moroccan spice, dried apricots etc and a tagine.  Monte is going to do some moroccan cooking.  All that was a little more but well worth it.  I love armchair shopping.  

I do turn stuff down now and then, stuff I really really want.  Like I have really wanted escargot dishes, for a long long time.  I absolutely love escargot and they aren't all that expensive to buy in a can.  Bucket of clarified butter, ton of garlic, cooked and hot escargot, crusty dipping bread, good to go!  But they are definitely over my twenty dollar limit.  Dammit!!! Plus I think I am the only one in my world that eats them...the weenies!!!!!

I barrelled out of my room this morning and whomped up a dutch oven full of chili.  I forgot how good homemade chili actually is.  I usually buy Stagg's chili.  It's really good but I like mine better.  I don't say that about everything I make that I could buy, but the chili is really good tweaked the way I like.

Alright, I have descended into food talk again.  I could write about my two secret ingredients that make it the yummiest, but I won't bore you.

Take care, stay safe, stay away from all humans, at least six feet away, and TTYL

this quote is so me its not even funny.  It explains a lot about my kitchen.

My mother was an enthusiastic chef but wildly disorganized, and often preferred purchasing yet another jar of mace or chili powder rather than having to hunt down its last incarnation. Janet Fitch

Wednesday, January 26, 2022


 I am my purple room!  I think a few people kind of thought, when they read the title of this post, WHAT????!!!! AGAIN?????.  It would only be the fifth move in that many yearsish.  I love moving, I really do.  But now due to bad arms and bad balance and bad eyesight I would have to ask for too much help...and that is truly the worst thing for me.  I absolutely hate asking for help.

So no, I am not moving houses, I am moving 'my spot' to a different room. Every house I have ever lived in I have created a 'spot'. My spot.  My home base in the house.  My spot has all that I would ever need.  Tv, side table or two, recliner or rocker, giant garbage can, all my techy plug ins, lamp, blanket, phone and lappy (my books on it).  

Right now that is all set up in the living room.  I have it set up in the window and for the past year or two I have become very familiar with the neighbourhood.

But now I have Ange moving into the basement and one thing I know from having Peter down there, it's noisy.  Every move we make in the living room thunders down there.  And April told me this Xmas that she could hear every word we said.  So I am moving into purple room, also known as my bedroom, which is tiny, has a tv and is perfect. 

With that in mind I have ordered a small recliner, a pretty pearl grey one from Wayfair.  It's cheap so I shall have to be careful.  It will just tuck into the corner of my room.  The only thing I will be giving up is the view out the window.  But frankly that view is boring now.  Nothing ever happens, except for the occasional man falling off a ladder. And Monte is hardly ever upstairs and when he is he's sitting at the dining room table eating.  Now and then he moves into the living room with me and we will have a fantastic convo.  So I figure that when he does come up I shall just go sit in the living room til he goes back downstairs.

Right now I do spend a fair amount of time in my room but I sit on the bed.  I am putting a permanent dent in the thousand dollar mattress!!!

Graeme, known as ToonyKoot, is here!  The poor guy is in basement jail right now.  He will get his freedom on Sunday, he can come on upstairs.  Right now I am making meals for him.  We put a little table outside his door and I put the meal there and when I have gone back upstairs he gets it.  It's probably not necessary but we are just being careful. The poor guy doesn't have tv or even a laptop.  His laptop bit the dust!  So he can't even play his games or listen to music.

When Toony arrived he walked around the side of the house, only to find water pouring out of the outside tap.  F*ckadoodle!!!!!!!  I am on a water metre and I would guess that water has been pouring out since it all thawed out after Xmas.  And I don't know what it may have done to the foundation and I do know what it did to our storage shed that is attached to the house.  Everything in there, Monte's stuff from his other place, is soaked.  Massive cleanup job.  

Toony got the water turned off for us.  He has very very kindly offered to help Monte drag everything out so we can load it into the truck and haul it to the dump.  Monte has become very large since moving here and can't really fit through the home made little entrance door.  Dammit!!!!!  Such is least something is happening in this oasis of nothingness...otherwise known as the vacuum life has become!!!!  I am going to wait until Myles is here to let me know how to fix all that. Grrrrrrr....I hate asking for help.

We had tacos last night...staying true to Taco Tuesdays.  Next week though I am going to try something I read about.  I have a load of those little soft boat thingies they make for tacos.  Shells I think they are called.  You push them down into cupcake pans and bake them for a bit til they crisp up a little.  Then you fill them with taco meat and bake them again for a bit.  Then you load all the toppings onto them.  Of course they look fabulous on the recipe page, but homemade is never quite the same.  We shall see!!!  If it super works out I may use that idea for other things than taco stuff!  I wouldn't mind trying a breakfast thing, involving bacon, hash browns and eggs.  (Toony, if you are reading this I will leave the egg part off yours). Oh and cheese...lots of cheese.

Well this post has descended into talk of food again.  Sorry folks.  I shall sign off now.  Stay safe and get well fast if and when you get omicron.  Apparently according to the experts EVERYBODY will be getting it sooner or later no matter how careful you are.  Sigh.  TTYL

Saturday, January 22, 2022


 Jesus H I can't seem to get through a freaking day without doing something wrong.  It's beginning to get to me.  Monte's end of the table where he sits to eat was a tremendous mess.  I offered to clean it up for him as I know how difficult it is for him to process it and get it done right.  In exchange I had him empty the dishwasher and take a load of freezer stuff downstairs and organize the downstairs freezer.

There were two large bowls on the table, both with dregs of soups he had been eating.  I scooped out the solids into the compost, dumped the liquid, washed and put away the bowls.  He came upstairs just now and loudly asked, "where's my soup?"  I threw it out I told him.  What??? There was a lot of chicken breast in there.  He was mad.  Well I didn't freaking know.  When he saw how upset I became he totally backed down, fast.  Tried to make me feel better.  I have a feeling that when you live in an effing vacuum things that happen aren't just happenings...they are EVENTS.  Jeez Louise!

I am making focaccia bread.  I haven't made it before.  But let me tell you unless you have the right size pan it isn't going to look great.  If I had a 9x9 I would have used that.  I will take a pic when I am done and put it below.

I am also making another dish that I haven't made before.  It is Polish.  It is called Haluski.  Basically it's egg noodles or gnocchi and fried cabbage and onions.  You can leave it like that or add any meat you like.  

I remember in Kamloops a friend of ours from the Czech Republic who had his girl friend make a dish from the old country.  It was fried cabbage, onion and little noodle dumplings and dill.  And it was amazingly delicious!  So, without the dill, I am hoping this will be as good.

I had the most disorienting thing happen.  About once a month I take one of Monte's pills, they knock you right out.  They are for anxiety or anti psychotics, something like that.  They are not addictive.  But some people take them for sleep.

I don't sleep.  I often have nights where I actually do not sleep at all.  And that's okay because since I was a kid I never did sleep a lot.  If I could get five hours a night I would be fine.  But alas! I don't.

Well those pills knock me out for a good long period, sometimes up to 36 hours, off and on.  I make sure I don't take one when I have anything I must do in the next two days.  So, the other night I decided it was time.  I have gone through several nights of no sleep.  Cat napping.  My sleep app that I use backs that up.

So around ten at night I took one.  By twelve I was out for the count.  I did wake up occasionally to use the loo but went right back to sleep.  This went on for all the next day and night.  I would wake up for a short while then pass out again.  But finally I woke up, a little more than before. I looked at the time and it was seven in the morning.  I got my laptop and started to do emails etc... I kept looking out the window and it wasn't getting light but it was only seven thirty.  After a few minutes I decided to watch Global Morning News.  I turned the channel and it was a paid infomercial.  What??  I checked my computer and it said Friday.  Did I miss seeing there was a holiday.  And now it's nine and still dark out.  I freaked out and messaged Aryn and asked where was the news and why wasn't it getting light?  She answers back asking what vortex I was in!  Hahaha!!  Then Monte came upstairs and told me it was evening, not morning.  Wow!!!  Now I know what it's like to be gaslit (or is it gaslighted).  I was so disoriented.  But shortly after I went right back to sleep til morning.  I am full of energy today, thus the cooking!

I think Mont and I are going to go to Parksville or Qualicum tomorrow.  We will see if we can find a Wendy's or at least something different in the way of drive thru food.  We are truly getting a little cabin fevery right now.  I am jonesing for a beach and some seashell hunting. I have to check with Graeme though.  He is arriving tomorrow or Monday.  Yay!!!

Well I can tell by the smell my bread is doing well.  I must go remove it.  I shall take a pic and post it here.  Although I did peek at it and I am not proud.  I definitely need a small pan.  It sure smells good.  I will also take a pic of my haluski.  I added some ground beef to it.  We shall see.  Take care, stay safe and TTYL

“brain fart: (n.) noxious gas emitted when mainstream journalists commit their thoughts to paper.” 
― Sol Luckman, The Angel's Dictionary

I looked up gaslighting and found this.  It is so true.  Just take a minute and think about it.  Journalists can be the greatest gaslighters of all!


Thursday, January 20, 2022


 Well today was clearly a different day at the booster station.  Outside the church was a lovely older man manning the door.  I asked him if it was as crowded in there as it was yesterday.  He said no.  He told me that there were complaints made, some on Facebook Chatterbox (where I posted), and they made changes.  He said that they would only take appointments and people getting their first or second shots.

Apparently there were very few first and second shot people and they were turning away booster peeps, telling them to wait for their age slot.  When I got inside there were only three people in front of me and I was in the place less than five minutes.  I didn't wait the obligatory fifteen minutes.  She didn't see me slip out the door.  From the time I left home, found parking and went in, talked to the gate keeper, got my shot and got home to my coffee maker, was less than fifteen minutes.  The church is practically next door. A tiny Lutheran church.

I spend the vast majority of my time alone up here in my part of the house.  I don't see Monte a lot.  I was telling Arnie the other day that something dark happens when you are alone too much.  At my age, approaching 70, your mind just sneakily wanders to death.  I mean I have said before that I resent covid stealing years from me. And I did smoke for 32 years.

So as my mind wandered around my brain, I started to think about what I would be physically leaving behind when my time comes to slide along that mortal coil.  And that thinking led me to my junk drawers, junk rubber maids, junk cupboards, just plain junk collections here there and everywhere.  It doesn't seem fair to leave all that sorting to the kids.

And then I find myself emulating my mother's mother.  Gramma, at about the same age as me or maybe a bit older, wouldn't buy anything new because she was definitely going to die before it got used properly.  And dangit if I haven't caught myself beginning to think the same damned thing!!!!  I think part of my not buying a nice new van is because of that thinking.  I might not get it up to past twenty thousand kilometres on the odometer.  What a waste, I was thinking when I realized just exactly what I was thinking.  Sigh...too much time alone.  Even watching The Bachelor or 90 Day Fiancé is better than that, and that ain't saying much!

But now that I am turning my head to cooking for people, as I mentioned before, I make myself start thinking and planning that when I catch myself wandering around in my stupid head.  I have signed up for various recipe websites to send me daily emails.  I now wander through those instead of into those dark places in my mind.  I love it.

Well that's it for today peeps.  I have a plethora of emails to wander through!  Stay safe and be happy.  TTYL

"For three days after death, fingernails and hair continue to grow, but phone calls taper off." Johnny Carson

"I do not fear death.  I had been dead for billions of years before I was born and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience."  Mark Twain

Sunday, January 16, 2022


 Over the last week to two weeks, Monte and I decided that until omicron is a little more under control, he and I would not go anywhere where there are people.  No stores, no crowded parks, no answering the door without a mask etc...To some extent it's driving us a wee bit nuts.  But we try to get out every day for a drive and walk, unless the weather is truly inclement.

So today I had to make a deposit at the bank.  I waited until it was Sunday and waited until after six. When we arrived at the bank the ATM area was completely empty and no one was around.  So I hopped in there and made my deposit.  Just as I was about to finish, the door opened.  So I hurried and when I turned around there was an idiot, who could have waited outside the little room until I was done, and NO MASK ON.  I was shocked!  I wanted to kick him in the cookies believe me!  Boy was I mad!  We have given up so much to be safe then one asshat shows up and risks it all.  From what I have read, that is all it takes to get this latest covid version.  He's lucky he escaped my wrath!

And the reason I am so touchy about this and careful to the extreme is this.  From what I have heard getting covid causes you to not be able to breath.  Apparently its like breathing through a narrow straw.  And that absolutely gives me the hibijeebees.  I would rather die any other way than being suffocated, by my own body no less.  Great motivation to wait this one out.  Besides I heard her highness, B Henry, say that it looks like we are on the downside of the peak.  So soon....

People I know are going on trips to San Fransisco, Mexico, Hawaii...I wish I could be that carefree about it.  I don't trust those countries to look after me should I contract covid whilst there.  So no travelling here.  I think we are going to try again to make a BC trip when it's appropriate.  Monte really wants to get his anxiety about being away from home under control.  So maybe a trip to Rupert and back.  

Well I took down our tree.  I was sad.  I love that tree.  But I am leaving all the other lights up.  Arnie and Bradley have lights all up and down their stair banister and across the top of their loft railing all the time, not just at Xmas.  So I think I will do the same.  I love love love lights!

Well I heard that the food chain may be compromised due to the truckers, bless them.  So I have made a massive order at Walmart to be picked up tomorrow.  Stocking up on meat and meal makings.  I have a lot already but I do have an empty freezer downstairs.  I think I will attempt to fill it up with meat while its cheaper and still getable.

The neighbour across the street spent an extraordinary amount of time putting up Christmas decorations before Christmas.  They were absolutely splendiferous.  I have enjoyed them every single night.

Today was removal day.  I was sitting in my window sadly watching him.  He has a ladder that goes right to the top of his house.  He was at the tippy top when he suddenly fell, sideways, awkwardly and slowly, grabbing rungs as he tumbled.  Halfway down something on him got caught and he dangled there, mostly upside down!!!!  Holy Crap!!!!  I leapt out of my chair and was about to get my boots on, not that I knew what I could do, when a truck with two guys in it screeched to a stop, jumped out of their truck and dashed over to him.  It took them quite a bit of time but they safely got him down.  What a shock!!!!  He shook their hands and limped into the house.  I couldn't believe my eyes!  Activity out my window for once! So exciting!

I made tacos last night.  I don't eat tacos.  I think I ate one once in Maui, and it was awful, and I had a really good prawn one at Mr. Mikes with my friend Leanne (I miss that lady) once.  It was super good.  But I am just not a taco person.  Soft tacos are just another name for a wrap, which I don't care for, and the hard tacos rip the heck out of my lower gums, where there are zero teeth.

So Monte bought some hard taco shells, and last nite was taco night.  Well, I made taco ground beef and garlicky, jalapeño refried beans and all the trimmings.  And I gotta tell ya, they were delicious!!!!  So much so I have ordered a bunch more taco stuff and we are going to have taco Tuesdays from now on!  Only mine will be a taco salad, no shell.  And why the hell am I even telling you all this anyway.  Never mind.

Life is pretty mundane at the moment!  Maybe there will be a massive accident outside my window, where no one gets hurt of course, next.  Take care, stay safe and healthy.  TTYL

“I’m bored’ is a useless thing to say. I mean, you live in a great, big, vast world that you’ve seen none percent of. Even the inside of your own mind is endless; it goes on forever, inwardly, do you understand? The fact that you’re alive is amazing, so you don’t get to say ‘I’m bored.”
― Louis C.K.


Wednesday, January 12, 2022


 I remember when I was a child and then again when I was living with a husband, both of them, I would get into trouble, one way or the other. As a child the consequence was a good shaleighlying (sp?).  As a wife to both husbands they would be angry and a fight would ensue and I would end up in the bedroom bawling my eyes out, hurt to the core.  And I remember after one session, looking back on the incident, I know that if I had only known ahead of time I would NOT have done whatever it was I did to get into trouble.  The last thing I want to ever do is make some one unhappy or angry, but I didn't know my action would do that.  Oh, if I had only known.  And I am thin skinned.  And if I am in trouble for something I did, well that made it so much worse.

Going forward I will be much more careful about who I talk about and what I say.  I thought I was actually doing that but clearly not.  And that's all I am going to say.  I shall make an attempt to put it all behind me and carry on!  I am so happy I changed my mind about stopping this.  I got a pretty big positive response from you folks and I more than appreciate it.

Now that being said there isn't much to report.  One thing, I won't be buying a van.  When it came down to the nuts and bolts they did not come through with the trade in value they had first mentioned.  So I killed the deal.  Which is okay.  I love the jeep and I will deal with the issues, which aren't that bad.  And after all the snow we had I was very glad we had a four by four.

Also a little more news....we have offered Ange the basement to live in.  There is a massive long list of people in this town looking for a place to any price.  Ange has a serious back issue, I can't remember the name and she cannot work.  Of course that means disability income, which is very very little.  I swear disability is designed to keep people down.

Her landlord has renovicted her.  She has til April. The lowest rent in this town is around 1300 hundred, even for a studio.  And that is the whole amount of a disability income.  We have been working on this, looking for anything.  I read an article in our local paper that even construction fellows working on three, four year projects in this town can't find anything to rent.  They are living out of their trucks.  Even if you had five thousand to spend on rent there would not be anything.

And here we are with a really big room downstairs.  Its the room Peter was using before he moved away.  We can fix it up for her and I would love having her live down there.  We would share the kitchen and she is willing to share the bathroom down there with Monte.  She would be welcome to use mine as well.  I think this would work out really well.  We get along so well and she and Monte have lived together for a long time before.  They have a huge mutual respect.

One last bit of news...I had a fantastic conversation with Arnie last night.  FANTASTIC!!!  I was moaning to her that spending so much time alone leads one's brain to start ruminating on dark things, like getting closer to old age death and all the problems that could leave behind and how this effing covid is robbing even more of my life.  She said I needed something to do, a distraction.  But everything I might do like piano, or rug hooking needs more eyesight than I currently have.  And forget arts and crafts.  As I was telling her if it involves a glue gun, the room ends up looking like a giant spider web.  And then she hit the bingo spot!!!!!

She told me about an instagrammer who makes food, large amounts, and sells it to the public.  Wow!!!!  The more she told me the more excited I got.  

Remember back when I moved here I was having once a month dinner parties for about twelve people. I loved them and loved the cooking.  So a plan hatched.  I would continue, but more frequently.  And I would package up the meals and deliver them to those that wish to participate, free of charge.  These people are mostly on disability and would not be able to afford it.  But I can and I love love cooking.  This wonderful idea, thank you Arnie, got me fired up in a way I haven't felt since my last move!!!  I have already started the planning and lists.  With Monte's help we will contact all these people and sign up those that wish to receive these meals.  I can't wait to get started!!! are a genius!!!!

Well that's all the news for today.  I received an amazing email from a dear friend who reads my blog.  I was telling him that I don't have very much interesting stuff to talk about, especially now that we are not going out at all.  I then told him that I could discuss, in detail, things about Walter.  Walter is a spider that lives in our sliding door corner.  Every now and then Walter moves his house to the next corner.  Its an exciting moment in our life.  "He moved!!!!  He moved!!!!  Come and see!!!!!" one of us will yell.  Sigh,  what has our life been reduced to?

Well that's it for today.  Take care everybody, stay safe, avoid that omicron monster, and if you do get it I wish you speedy recovery.  TTYL

Once you begin watching spiders, you haven't time for much else.E.B. White

Sunday, January 9, 2022


I have decided to continue this blog anyway, in spite of people trying to censor it. I did remove the comments I had made in my last post that certain people didn’t like. My comment to them is would they please STOP reading my blog. The only people that read this blog are my close personal friends and family and the occasional stray. And I work very very hard to not make harmful or hurtful comments about anybody. But a certain amount of comments I make will be about my friends and family. So if you are a peripheral reader and get offended, just stop reading this. I am going to continue and the only people I will consider in future is immediate family and best friends. I have made the decision to not be adversely influenced and will do my best, which I already feel I do, to not step on people’s toes. The real reason I am continuing though, if I am being honest, is that I LOVE blogging. I love sitting down with a cup of coffee and pouring out my heart to all of you. And I figure if you are bored, offended or don’t care, you would have stopped reading by now. But you haven’t. And for that I am so grateful and thank you. Anywhooo enough of that. It has been a very quiet day. I did make an attempt at Swedish meatballs…but without sour cream it wasn’t quite identical to Ikea’s! But I made a gravy using no name consommé (by far the best!) slightly thickened, a can of hot water as well and lots of worchestshire sauce. They actually were super good, just not Ikea standard. They needed lingonberries. Last night we were sitting here in the living room watching a particularly scary ghost paranormal show when there was a tremendous crash and heavy thump against the front door. After jumping out of our skin with ghost visions dancing through our hearts, we investigated. Upon opening the front door we were met with a huge pile of frozen snow that had slid off the roof, right over the door. Huge!! And thunderous!!! Man! What if we were heading out the door all happy, dum dee dum dee dum, and we stop to lock it up and BAM!!! Killer ice/snow hits you smack on your head! Jeez!!!! Today it has worked itself across the edge of the roof towards the end of the house. So LOUD!!! Well that’s it for today folks. Sorry about the blip. But I just couldn’t stay away, or as they say in the movies, “I just couldn’t quit you”. Ewwwwwww!!!!! TTYL


This is my last post. It seems that certain things upset certain people and frankley I just don't feel like worrying if I write something too personal or upsetting. Almost nothing bothers me so obviously I am a very poor judge. The absolutely last thing on earth that I would want to do is to upset anybody, even people I hardly know. So I am going to stop. It has been a long and wonderful time with most of you. I will miss you. Plus the way my life is right now there is very little to write about. Take care everybody. Helen Price...signing off.

Thursday, January 6, 2022


Monte and I are hibernating.  We have hunkered down and we are not seeing anyone....again.  We get our groceries curbside from Walmart.  We can get out and go for drives and walks, at least we can when the foot of snow goes.

  This town has exactly two snow ploughs.  They do eventually do our street, after the bus routes and emergency routes get ploughed, due to all the trucks that go past to get to Quality Foods.  But then the berm they leave alongside our truck is monstrous!  All the vehicles along the street are truly stuck!

And I remember writing a post back when I lived in the house in Kamloops.  I lived directly across the street from a fairly large cul de saq. And the second it started to get light the morning after a snowfall, all the men were out there shovelling.  It was like a badge of honour to be the first to finish the clearing.

It's not a whole lot different here. Seriously, there is Harry to our left, he did our sidewalk this morning. And there is the fellow next door on the right who does it the most.  We did manage to get two shovellings in this year.  It's kind of nice though.  I think that they got in the habit of doing it when the old lady lived here alone for years.  Clearly she couldn't do it and these fellas got into the habit of taking care of it.  We do have a couple of very capable people in this house that can shovel, but not before eight in the morning!

Thank goodness Monte and I get along like we do.  Being hunkered down with one person could not be so easy otherwise.

Before Xmas he spent most of his time downstairs in his room either watching stuff on his laptop, writing or making music.  But now he has been coming upstairs halfway through the day.  Since super bug omicron arrived coupled with a foot of snow, he has been housebound.  So he comes upstairs, maybe cooks and then we watch streamed stuff on either his laptop or the tv.  Paranormal videos, Skinwalker Ranch, Abandoned Sites, and my fave, can't remember the name, weird things seen by drones or google earth and they investigate it.  Oh, and Sasquatch shows.  Oh what have we been reduced to?  Sigh.

On the 19th Graeme is arriving from Tofino.  I am making him quarantine downstairs for a week.  I am sure he would be fine but you never know.  He loves being quarantined!  When he first came to us a couple of years ago he had to spend the first month in the bedroom, locked up.  He was sick and there was no such thing as testing then.  Oh yeah, there still isn't.  He loved it.  He got to play video games and nap and eat all day.

It will be awesome to have a new personage in the household.  We will have to restrain ourselves from pouncing on him when he is let out of the basement! I will find out five meals that are his faves and make one for each night he is in basement jail!  We love our Toonykoot!!!!

Now I must message Heather.  She is the friend of Jeni's (my niece).  She has two adorable ten year old twins, boy and girl.  I am going to be giving them piano lessons and we were supposed to start this January but......I'm afraid I am going to have to put it off til omicron is a thing of the past.  

I am hungry...going to go see what is in the cupboard.  I would like a salad but I don't have anything to make one.  And I won't until the next grocery order next week.  Maybe some Campbell's tomato soup...good for a snowy day.  TTYL

Shoveling Snow Quotes