Wednesday, January 12, 2022


 I remember when I was a child and then again when I was living with a husband, both of them, I would get into trouble, one way or the other. As a child the consequence was a good shaleighlying (sp?).  As a wife to both husbands they would be angry and a fight would ensue and I would end up in the bedroom bawling my eyes out, hurt to the core.  And I remember after one session, looking back on the incident, I know that if I had only known ahead of time I would NOT have done whatever it was I did to get into trouble.  The last thing I want to ever do is make some one unhappy or angry, but I didn't know my action would do that.  Oh, if I had only known.  And I am thin skinned.  And if I am in trouble for something I did, well that made it so much worse.

Going forward I will be much more careful about who I talk about and what I say.  I thought I was actually doing that but clearly not.  And that's all I am going to say.  I shall make an attempt to put it all behind me and carry on!  I am so happy I changed my mind about stopping this.  I got a pretty big positive response from you folks and I more than appreciate it.

Now that being said there isn't much to report.  One thing, I won't be buying a van.  When it came down to the nuts and bolts they did not come through with the trade in value they had first mentioned.  So I killed the deal.  Which is okay.  I love the jeep and I will deal with the issues, which aren't that bad.  And after all the snow we had I was very glad we had a four by four.

Also a little more news....we have offered Ange the basement to live in.  There is a massive long list of people in this town looking for a place to any price.  Ange has a serious back issue, I can't remember the name and she cannot work.  Of course that means disability income, which is very very little.  I swear disability is designed to keep people down.

Her landlord has renovicted her.  She has til April. The lowest rent in this town is around 1300 hundred, even for a studio.  And that is the whole amount of a disability income.  We have been working on this, looking for anything.  I read an article in our local paper that even construction fellows working on three, four year projects in this town can't find anything to rent.  They are living out of their trucks.  Even if you had five thousand to spend on rent there would not be anything.

And here we are with a really big room downstairs.  Its the room Peter was using before he moved away.  We can fix it up for her and I would love having her live down there.  We would share the kitchen and she is willing to share the bathroom down there with Monte.  She would be welcome to use mine as well.  I think this would work out really well.  We get along so well and she and Monte have lived together for a long time before.  They have a huge mutual respect.

One last bit of news...I had a fantastic conversation with Arnie last night.  FANTASTIC!!!  I was moaning to her that spending so much time alone leads one's brain to start ruminating on dark things, like getting closer to old age death and all the problems that could leave behind and how this effing covid is robbing even more of my life.  She said I needed something to do, a distraction.  But everything I might do like piano, or rug hooking needs more eyesight than I currently have.  And forget arts and crafts.  As I was telling her if it involves a glue gun, the room ends up looking like a giant spider web.  And then she hit the bingo spot!!!!!

She told me about an instagrammer who makes food, large amounts, and sells it to the public.  Wow!!!!  The more she told me the more excited I got.  

Remember back when I moved here I was having once a month dinner parties for about twelve people. I loved them and loved the cooking.  So a plan hatched.  I would continue, but more frequently.  And I would package up the meals and deliver them to those that wish to participate, free of charge.  These people are mostly on disability and would not be able to afford it.  But I can and I love love cooking.  This wonderful idea, thank you Arnie, got me fired up in a way I haven't felt since my last move!!!  I have already started the planning and lists.  With Monte's help we will contact all these people and sign up those that wish to receive these meals.  I can't wait to get started!!! are a genius!!!!

Well that's all the news for today.  I received an amazing email from a dear friend who reads my blog.  I was telling him that I don't have very much interesting stuff to talk about, especially now that we are not going out at all.  I then told him that I could discuss, in detail, things about Walter.  Walter is a spider that lives in our sliding door corner.  Every now and then Walter moves his house to the next corner.  Its an exciting moment in our life.  "He moved!!!!  He moved!!!!  Come and see!!!!!" one of us will yell.  Sigh,  what has our life been reduced to?

Well that's it for today.  Take care everybody, stay safe, avoid that omicron monster, and if you do get it I wish you speedy recovery.  TTYL

Once you begin watching spiders, you haven't time for much else.E.B. White

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