Sunday, January 16, 2022


 Over the last week to two weeks, Monte and I decided that until omicron is a little more under control, he and I would not go anywhere where there are people.  No stores, no crowded parks, no answering the door without a mask etc...To some extent it's driving us a wee bit nuts.  But we try to get out every day for a drive and walk, unless the weather is truly inclement.

So today I had to make a deposit at the bank.  I waited until it was Sunday and waited until after six. When we arrived at the bank the ATM area was completely empty and no one was around.  So I hopped in there and made my deposit.  Just as I was about to finish, the door opened.  So I hurried and when I turned around there was an idiot, who could have waited outside the little room until I was done, and NO MASK ON.  I was shocked!  I wanted to kick him in the cookies believe me!  Boy was I mad!  We have given up so much to be safe then one asshat shows up and risks it all.  From what I have read, that is all it takes to get this latest covid version.  He's lucky he escaped my wrath!

And the reason I am so touchy about this and careful to the extreme is this.  From what I have heard getting covid causes you to not be able to breath.  Apparently its like breathing through a narrow straw.  And that absolutely gives me the hibijeebees.  I would rather die any other way than being suffocated, by my own body no less.  Great motivation to wait this one out.  Besides I heard her highness, B Henry, say that it looks like we are on the downside of the peak.  So soon....

People I know are going on trips to San Fransisco, Mexico, Hawaii...I wish I could be that carefree about it.  I don't trust those countries to look after me should I contract covid whilst there.  So no travelling here.  I think we are going to try again to make a BC trip when it's appropriate.  Monte really wants to get his anxiety about being away from home under control.  So maybe a trip to Rupert and back.  

Well I took down our tree.  I was sad.  I love that tree.  But I am leaving all the other lights up.  Arnie and Bradley have lights all up and down their stair banister and across the top of their loft railing all the time, not just at Xmas.  So I think I will do the same.  I love love love lights!

Well I heard that the food chain may be compromised due to the truckers, bless them.  So I have made a massive order at Walmart to be picked up tomorrow.  Stocking up on meat and meal makings.  I have a lot already but I do have an empty freezer downstairs.  I think I will attempt to fill it up with meat while its cheaper and still getable.

The neighbour across the street spent an extraordinary amount of time putting up Christmas decorations before Christmas.  They were absolutely splendiferous.  I have enjoyed them every single night.

Today was removal day.  I was sitting in my window sadly watching him.  He has a ladder that goes right to the top of his house.  He was at the tippy top when he suddenly fell, sideways, awkwardly and slowly, grabbing rungs as he tumbled.  Halfway down something on him got caught and he dangled there, mostly upside down!!!!  Holy Crap!!!!  I leapt out of my chair and was about to get my boots on, not that I knew what I could do, when a truck with two guys in it screeched to a stop, jumped out of their truck and dashed over to him.  It took them quite a bit of time but they safely got him down.  What a shock!!!!  He shook their hands and limped into the house.  I couldn't believe my eyes!  Activity out my window for once! So exciting!

I made tacos last night.  I don't eat tacos.  I think I ate one once in Maui, and it was awful, and I had a really good prawn one at Mr. Mikes with my friend Leanne (I miss that lady) once.  It was super good.  But I am just not a taco person.  Soft tacos are just another name for a wrap, which I don't care for, and the hard tacos rip the heck out of my lower gums, where there are zero teeth.

So Monte bought some hard taco shells, and last nite was taco night.  Well, I made taco ground beef and garlicky, jalapeño refried beans and all the trimmings.  And I gotta tell ya, they were delicious!!!!  So much so I have ordered a bunch more taco stuff and we are going to have taco Tuesdays from now on!  Only mine will be a taco salad, no shell.  And why the hell am I even telling you all this anyway.  Never mind.

Life is pretty mundane at the moment!  Maybe there will be a massive accident outside my window, where no one gets hurt of course, next.  Take care, stay safe and healthy.  TTYL

“I’m bored’ is a useless thing to say. I mean, you live in a great, big, vast world that you’ve seen none percent of. Even the inside of your own mind is endless; it goes on forever, inwardly, do you understand? The fact that you’re alive is amazing, so you don’t get to say ‘I’m bored.”
― Louis C.K.


1 comment:

  1. l! We have lights wrapped around the tree next to our side deck, the one with the painted toucan sitting on one of the branches.So healthy to surround yourself with beauty and sparkle wherever you can.
