Saturday, July 29, 2023


I can now let the identity of the buyer out of the bag.  Levi, Austin's brother, Monte's employer, from Victoria, bought Gladys and drove her away.  I didn't watch them leave.  I truly loved that truck.  It was by far the most unique looking vehicle I have ever driven.  But that being said, now driving the corolla, there is really no looking back.

Jeeps are routinely on the not so long list of worst vehicles on the road.   The only positive thing said about them is they hold their resale value better than any other vehicle.  But everything else is a fail.  And I have been driving jeeps now for a decade, long enough to forget what a dream it is to drive a well built the corolla.  I can drive it with only the tip of one finger on the steering wheel.  That sure ain't the case with the jeeps.

As I have said before jeeps need constant wrangling.  If you take your eyes off the road for one second those jeeps are heading gleefully for the rhubarb!  And you can't relax whilst you drive.  You gotta have both hands white knuckling it on that steering wheel.  And even then god help you if there is a little breeze blowing.   

You couldn't see out of the thing, especially the gladiator.  Blind spot was its middle name.  And it was a long vehicle with absolutely no turning ability.  That had me driving over curbs just to avoid going into oncoming traffic in the oncoming lane.  And just try parking it.  Back and forth, back and forth.  Thank god Ange was usually with me and co-piloted out of necessity!  Just to mention a few things.  But for me the cuteness factor was very high up on the positive list.

But now that I have a car that is a dream to drive, those negatives are a lot more evident.  The contrast makes those negatives a glaring drawback for jeeps.

  I love Smudge.  So easy to park.  So easy to drive.  Maybe not quite so easy to get into.  She is very very low and in the end no matter how you do it you have to fall the last foot into the seat.  Getting out is a piece of cake, as long as your knees hold up, which can be a concern at my age and size.  But so far so good!

There isn't much else to report right now.  I have spent the last two days in a true blue mental fog.  I don't sleep much.  I refuse to label it, I just wake up an hour or two after going to sleep and then at best I might have a short doze or two til I get up.  I read, watch tv, write or whatever.  No use fighting it and getting your druthers in a bunch.

But every month or so it catches up to me. (shovel list)  I get loopy and can't function properly.  Back a few months ago Monte had a medication that basically knocked you least it did me.  And every couple of months when I knew for sure I had nothing on the next day he would give me one.  And I would basically sleep for 24 hours with little food and loo breaks in there. It was awesome!  I would be good to go for another spell of time.

  His medication changed.  He no longer has those pills.  And I am having enough trouble that I just might, only might, I haven't made my mind up yet, mention it to the doctor.  That is a road I truly hesitate to go down, but this not sleeping isn't good either.  And that is what happened over the last couple of days.  I simply couldn't get moving or keep my eyes open.  Not sleeping mind you...just open.  So freaking annoying. 

Now, it is almost midnight.  I am trying to stay awake for another hour then go to bed.  If I go to bed too early I wake up before twelve midnight and then that is it.  Makes for a verrrrrry long night.

Now I am rambling.  Sorry folks.  I am loopy and I think I will skip the awake hour and just go to bed.  I am making a turkey dinner tomorrow and I need to be on my game.  The turkey is for no special reason.  I bought a smaller turkey, already stuffed and I have all the trimmings that go with a turkey dinner.  But as the turkey, still in the wrapping, sat on the counter to start the thawing process, I read the printing on that wrap.  I couldn't believe what I read!!!!  "WINGS, LEGS AND BACK REMOVED". What the hell???  Just the breast, that no one eats, is left?  How do they keep the stuffing in?  Jeez!!!!!  I will take pics and show you guys in the next post!  Til then....TTYL

'A two pound turkey and a fifty pound cranberry, thats Thanksgiving dinner at Three Mile Island.'  Johnny Carson. (and that sounds just like my fave turkey dinner.  Turkey, in my book, is just an excuse to eat cranberry sauce.)

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