Monday, May 11, 2015


The dumbest thing happened the other morning.  I got up around six thirty in the morning.  The very first thing I do is let Molly out the front door and she goes down a couple of steps to the lawn that is right there beside my walk way.  Its a small patch of grass that is on the left side of the house, facing the neighbour's right side of his house. 

Well, this particular morning, it just happened that the gardening company the neighbour hires was there.  Two guys, mowing and clipping and weeding etc.  I step out onto the little landing and lean on the wall to keep an eye on Molly.  She will wander off given the chance.

Then I noticed the two guys had spotted me and then they were making somewhat shouty jokey comments to each other about how it was a good thing they weren't there at FIVE thirty in the morning and other stuff I didn't pay attention to.  Finally Molly was done and we went inside.

Around ten in the morning there was a knock at my door.  A nice looking but unfriendly lady stood there and she literally, defensively, started to talk to me…no introduction, no nothing.  I quickly figured out who she was and from where.  And…she is explaining to me how six thirty in the morning is the only time those guys can come and she had checked the by laws and legally they can run their moweres…yaddy yadda.  Again…it took my brain a minute to figure out what was happening.  Ahh..this was the neighbour and they thought I was out there because of the guys noise.

I interrupted her, introduced myself and then asked, "Did they think I was out there because of the noise?"  "Well weren't you?" So I started to laugh and I said that they, being on lower property than ours, clearly did not see that I had let a little dog out to pee.  I didn't even know they were there until I let my dog out.  And they were thinking that I was standing there judging the noise they were making.  At this point Molly came bouncing out of the house, past my legs and onto the lawn for a pee.  Well she started to laugh.  She was so relieved that there wasn't going to be a problem with a neighbour! I asked her to make sure she told the guys!  I had stood out there for quite a while as Molly turned in endless circles before picking the perfect spot to take a dump.  (shovel list)  They must have thought I was really annoyed!

Today I have a brand new experience for me, not one I have ever done before.  I have six varying sized raised flower beds plus some small ones out front.  All of this has to be taken care before I head off to Maui for six weeks in about ten days.

I found a company that will take care of my front yard every week for 42 bucks a week.  And for 125 an hour (and the woman I am dealing with figures about two hours..they have a team of four)they can plant all the flower beds.  But, and this is where I come in, all those flowers have to be chosen, by me.  I know geraniums and petunias are a good bet, but thats all I know.  I did message a friend, who happens to be a master gardner, and she sent me a list of possibles too.  I shall take that with me today.

I am meeting Kim, the head lady, at their garden centre, and she will walk me through and explain colour height etc and I shall say yay or nay and then pay.  I am going to take notes and maybe do this myself next year.  Cookie told me that gardening is an old lady activity!  Good thing I don't mind being labelled an old lady!!!  When I come back the end of June I should have wonderful flowers filling the beds.  

The only worry I have at this point is the irrigation system.  Myles checked all the zones etc.  and got them all up and running and ran the tests.  Yesterday Kevin set the timers for me.  I am not sure which day he set it to start but so far they aren't going.  Tomorrow morning if they don't run I will know I have a problem.  They have been set to run every other day.  I am on a water metre so it doesn't matter which days I pick.  Its times like this I miss my Spod.  He would have done the buying and planting of flowers and he would have fixed any problem with the irrigation.

Well I best get at it.  Shaw is coming back AGAIN today.  This will be the fourth visit.  Sigh.  TTYL


  1. Hi Helen, I'm a terrible yard waterer (my poor plants) but pretty sure in kamloops even numbered houses water on even days. Odd on odd days. Don't want to come home to a fine. Dana

  2. That neighbor could have at least said 'Hello' first! and btw, I know a couple of old ladies that love gardening! :]
