Monday, May 18, 2015


I'm not complaining…but…you should hear the birds around here.  At barely day break, just streaks of light in the eastern sky, the robins start up.  And they are loud and crazy and go on for about forty minutes.  Then the pigeons start.  And the other morning I was outside and I noticed that they stand on top of the metal chimney vents.  Thus their cooing comes straight down into the house.  Then, around six, the magpies start.  

Back in Langford it was blue jays.  Noisy harsh raucous  grating sounds.  But they can't hold a candle to the magpies here in Kamloops.  And magpies fight with each other and sling insults and generally behave like badly raised two year olds.  They are so funny to watch.  At six in the morning.  

Slowly but surely I am working through the list.  It seems weird not having to prod Spod to get his bag packed.  But I now prod Monte…who, as it turns out, is way worse than Spod.  Spod was slow, Monte doesn't move at all.  He was always like that.  I have often thought that trying to get Monte mobile is like shoving toothpaste back into the tube.  Mind you once he mobilizes, and he is directed, he moves mountains.  Its just the start up that drives me crazy.

Yesterday he was taking his final stuff to the storage unit and found a number of my boxes that the stupid stoner swampers put in his area.  Today I am going to go down to my storage room and check them out. Maybe, just maybe, my lamp parts are in one of them.  I am also missing the complete bedding set from one of the twin beds.  I hate that panicky feeling you get when all the boxes have been unpacked and you suddenly realize you are missing something vital and there is nowhere to look for it.  So a few more boxes is a good thing.  At least its a place to look.

You know how I go on about not really liking dogs…well there is one pet I dislike even more.  Birds.  I hate them.  I enjoy the outside birds, even at six in the morning but pet birds?  Uh Uh!!  Again I know some of you reading this have birds you love up to the sky.  I get that.  But for me over the years, my bird experiences have not been great.

We always had canaries when I was little.  They were okay.  But when I was a young mother with babies, I acquired a canary, called her Mabel.  And 'she' sang and sang and sang and sang.  Finally I put her cage in the bathroom with a cloth over it to shut her up.  Mom, a principal of an elementary school at the time, took her to school for a visit one day.  And after weeks of her 'forgetting' to bring her back, my dad dropped in for coffee one morning and told me that some kid had got hold of Mabel when no one was looking and……well, lets just say Mabel didn't meet a good end.  Made me cry dammit.

Several years later my friend Brenda gave me her canary, can't remember why.  It was bald with one feather on his head.  I called him Apache.  Little kids broke into my condo one day and …..well, lets say Apache didn't meet a good end.  I didn't cry but it made me sick.

Then when my dad died, for some reason it was decided I should get his retarded budgie.  That bird drove me nuts.  He could imitate the cat and the squeaky front door perfectly.  He tricked me many times.  He would make this one particular noise over and over and over.  It was like Chinese water torture.  One time I counted 82 times that stupid bird made that noise.  I gave it to the next door neighbour and every time I went out the front door I could hear him over there imitating the door squeak.  He died shortly after I gave him away.

A friend of Bill's ex wife's mother in Victoria gave Bill a cockatoo (or teal…the smaller one).  I refused outright to have it at home so it ended up in a big cage in the office.  And, again, this stupid bird would make this repetitive noise over and over and over until it drove me crazy.  I ended up bringing in a big dark blanket and would completely cover it up and it would finally shut up.  I do not remember what happened to that bird.  Probably met a horrible end.

Well yesterday we stopped at Petland to pick up supplies for Willie (rabbit) for while we are gone. Monte went ahead of me.    He kind of disappeared over yonder.  I had to pass him a few minutes later to get to the rabbit stuff.  As I came up beside him and a lady he was talking to, there was a sudden super loud screech…right in my ear. Almost gave me a freaking heart attack!!!  I automatically ducked, covered my head and looked around frantically.  Monte.  He had a stupid green bird on his shoulder, right beside where my ear was.  He was laughing and enjoying a bird visit.  I got out of there pronto.  But while I was getting rabbit stuff I heard Monte suddenly go "OWW"  That dumb bird bit him!!!  Haha!!  Don't like them.

So enough about birds.  I have more stories but I shall stop here.  TTYL

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