Sunday, May 31, 2015


Busy busy getting it all in!  We have been spending mornings at the pool, floating around and sunning.  Aryn has been hitting the gym over there and I have, unfortunately, been running into people I know.

I guess there is a big brouhaha going on around here.  There is a small group of single older women that hate Don, the guy that runs this place with his little band of merrymen.  They are moving heaven and earth to get him fired.  When I was in his office he showed me a humungous stack of letters from many of the owners around here in support of him.  The vast majority of us love him.

But, there is this little group…and he showed me letters they have written, that for sure do not love him.  They were the most viscous nasty letters I have ever read.  They were addressed to the 'Bullies and Dictators of Villas at Kenolio'.  Now I know Don runs a tight ship, and I agree there are sure a lot of rules…which they totally enforce, but those letters were awful.  

So yesterday I was floating around in the pool when Karen, an older broad I met last year, floated over and point blank asked me what I thought about what was going on.  I didn't know what side she was on so I told her honestly that I just arrived and other than what Don has told me, I didn't know much.  She launched into a diatribe of all the things she says Don has done.  I countered with all the great things he has done for me…fixing things, doing the odd jobs I need doing and not charging, gives us ripe papayas he has grown, everyday.  Jeez she went on and on.  I finally told her that I had seen all the letters that were written to him and 99% of them were totally wonderful and supportive of him and a tiny few were very very nasty and immature, hard to take seriously.  Haha…she floated away shaking her head.

As I have said before…I do not like people.  I need to be a hermit.  The day before that Monte came over to the pool and this well suited very distinguished older couple were sitting on deck chairs with ear buds in.  When Monte walked in the gate the guy looked at his wife and said loudly (he had those headphones and being OLD didn't realize how loud his voice was) W.A.L.K.S.  I wasn't too sure what he meant as he was looking directly at Monte.  Then when Monte got to the pool he loudly said, again to his wife, 'And eat less'.  Asshole. 

 With Monte there I didn't want to make a scene…you know 'mommy to the rescue' blah blah blah.  But I am on the lookout and as some of you may know…I know exactly what to say to him…he will not escape until he feels like a piece of crap under my shoe.  I will report here…not proud of that but necessary.  Jerk.

We spent yesterday, later afternoon, in Lahaina.  We first went to Whaler's Village shopping area.  I had broken my watch a couple of days ago and seriously, if I looked at my empty wrist for the time, one more time, I was going to scream.  I was intent on finding me a watch, as close to looks as the last one I had.  So I wandered into the first store I came across that was full of watches.  They were lovely, but not as lovely as the Guess watch I had just broken.  I loved my watch and really wanted something similar and the watches in there were not as nice.

But, I looked at them all anyway.  I did spy one that I could come back to if I really didn't find anything else.  I could always wear it temporarily until I found the right one.  I asked the guy if I could please see it.  So he took it out and carefully showed me.  I asked the price.  'Ten thousand five hundred" he casually says.  WHAT?!!  A little much for me I tell him.  He sort of snorts and shows me another one and suggests that may be more in my price range.  Well to begin with it was ugly and secondly it was five thousand.  Then I shut my bad eye so I could read the brand…Rolex.  Hahaha….outta there!

Right next door was a Swarovski store and the perfect inexpensive beautiful watch almost identical to my last one, was sitting right there waiting for me!  I love it! I will put a pic at the bottom.

Aryn arrived here with a purse that I coveted so much that she was spending her time clutching it to herself…worried I may snag it!  I absolutely love it.  Bradley's sister bought it in London for her so no hope of finding one here….except I did!!!  This one store we always spend time in had the identical purse and I bought that sucker before you could say Bob's your uncle!!!  I  put a pic down below.  I was so happy, not sure how Aryn feels about that though! (sorry Aryn…don't care!!!)  I could mentally feel Bill flick the back of my head…I have so many purses and he used to have a fit whenever I bought another one!  But when you are a fat broad and can't buy cute little clothes…you go to the next thing…purses, shoes, jewelry….

Yesterday was a real 'Spod' day.  So many memories for us all.  Last year he went off on his own to buy a nice Hawaiian shirt.  When he showed up at the pre arranged meeting spot, he had on his brand new shirt…soooo proud…and it was buttoned all wrong!  Jeez we laughed.  And last night as we walked past Cheeseburger in Paradise, there was a live singer singing "over the rainbow'.  It was like a squeeze to the heart…for all of us.  And when we looked at the last page in a guest book in an art gallery, there was a perfectly drawn picture of know, the nose and top of head and two little hands looking over the top of a fence.  He used to draw that ALL the time.  So many memories and we miss him so much.

Okay this is getting too long and we are off to the Aio Needle and Costco!  TTYL


1 comment:

  1. You're right, the bag is great and your watch ain't too shabby either...
