Thursday, May 14, 2015


I met with the notary yesterday (Wed) morning.  What a difference from my notary in Langford.  When you went into the one in Langford you were so warmly welcomed and the banter back and forth so funny.  Not this place.  In fact she pissed me right off.

One of the the things she needed to do was pay off a small private mortgage I obtained from a private investor we know quite well.  I never really used the money, it was more as a safeguard until things sold.  So I told them that Aryn acted as my agent and the investor's agent and she was the only one that had the payment schedule and ability to work out the outstanding balance.  Well, she wouldn't take it from Aryn.  She insisted that the investor do the signing okaying it blah blah blah.  Which is fine but she then had the gall to basically tell me that she trusts bank balances, but not privates.  Insulting.  I got mad.  And I said "Fine, then in the future, when I need a discharge, and there will be many (for my mortgages I hold), I will just give you the payment schedule and YOU work out the balance."  Well she backtracked pretty fast on that one.  So I asked her, "Who would you like to get a balance from that you WOULD trust?"  From the investor she says.  And I said that the investors don't know the formulas for doing that, that that is what Aryn does!  Its like trying to make a recipe from the "Joy of Cooking".  It would depend on another recipe that needed the original recipe to make it.  Not possible.  Anyway I finally got it all signed and my bank account is considerably bigger at the moment.  Not for long I am afraid! 

I was done by eleven so I decided to go try to see the doctor, yet again.  It worked!  I got in.  And he freaked when he took my blood pressure.  This time it was 201 over 110 and my pulse was super fast (it always is, always has been).  Now he has put me on a different medication that came with so many dire warnings even the pharmacist was upset.  If my blood pressure doesn't kill me surely the meds will.

Last night I met with the grad class group for dinner and had absolutely the best time possible.  It was actually an amazing experience. 

 In the group were a couple from the 'it' group, a couple from the run of the mill bunch and a few from the not so cool group.  And it simply was not even a consideration.  Oh if only kids in school could see this.  There we were, all of us 62 years old, sitting in all our ugly/pretty, fat/skinny, double chinned, with/without makeup, old looking, young looking, having absolutely the time of our lives.  We laughed and laughed and laughed!  I can't wait for the next one!  I reconnected with a gal I was pretty good friends with in school.  We reminisced and told stories and laughed.  So much fun.

Today there was another visit from Shaw.  It just might never end.  I went to the drugstore and filled many prescriptions, went to the fat lady store for newer nicer summer tops and there weren't any, went to UPS and faxed a bunch of papers and came home.  Monte is so so sick right now.  He had better shape up before Maui.  And he had better not have given it to me.  I shall smack him.  

So tomorrow I meet the person at Lyons Garden Centre, the one whose goats got eaten by a cougar, to make my flower purchases.  I have my list ready.  And after we are through, I am going to hop over the road to Art Knapps.  I felt my mom's spirit there the other day and just maybe a little of Bill's to. I want to go back, have a coffee, waste a bunch of time in the gift shop and maybe even pick up a hanging basket or two.  I have to admit I am excited!  I have always just tagged along behind Bill, or Mom or someone that knows what they are doing.  This time its just me and I will probably come home with frigging mugs or something.  I have a sickness….mugs and purses.

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