Saturday, May 29, 2021


 There is simply a lighter feel in the air.  I think it can be attributed to three things.  Summer, vaccines=safety and the end of Covid around the corner.  There is still a wee ways to go...that Indian variant may cause some trouble before it's all over, but the end seems to be near.  And really the variant will be wreaking havoc on the unvaxxed, and that frankly is their problem. 

 I have a feeling the speed up on getting our second doses has more to do with that variant than the fastness of how we all got our first ones.  I don't totally trust the powers that be, they can be pretty sneaky with their dribbling out their info, portending what is coming around the corner that we may not like.

I was feeling pretty happy and bouncy until that terrible news came out of Kamloops.  I have a feeling that that is only the beginning.  Those poor wee souls, it actually hurts, hurts right down in my heart to think about the incredibly awful treatment those innocent, so undeserving little people the hands of adults, religious adults, government officials, the sick bastards.  I hope they have pictures of those heinous people and parade them out to the public. 

 And I sincerely hope anyone of the generation above mine is feeling some responsibility  for turning away and letting it happen.  May I make the suggestion to the people my age (69), if you have parents still alive, ask them how this happened.  I would sure be interested to hear the 'reasons'.  We do have to remember though that there wasn't internet, or even decent communication back then and possibly they were unaware.  I don't know.  Like most human reaction, I am looking for someone to blame and be angry with.  I sure like to hope that it wouldn't happen in today's white culture.  And I would hope that our First Nations People today have a much stronger, heard, voice.

I have been deep diving as they say into how protected we actually are after a single dose.  What I repeatedly found was.....completely ridiculously unclear.  On CBC Health they quoted learned people and it went from 35% all the way up to 90% at different times past the date of the shot.  I would really like to know seeing as how we have to live on one shot for quite a while and we are all running around and going into places etc...and there is a renegade scary variant out there that the head honchos are sounding pretty nervous about.  Sure I know we will obviously still wear masks and distance and all that crap, but I would really like to know definitively.

My apologies for this rather dark unhappy post.  Let us all take a few minutes to just sit and think about the babies that were lost.  So many lives.  It is inconceivable.

Take care, stay safe and send some loving strength to the survivors here who have to feel their lost ones pain.  TTYL.....this is a quote I wish to send to all that are so effected by the tragedy.

"May the stars carry your sadness away, may the flowers fill your heart with beauty,  may hope forever wipe away your tears."  Chief Dan George

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