Friday, January 3, 2025


 Usually when people talk about their New Year's resolutions, I am like 'ho hum'.  I react very much the same way I do when people start talking about horses or their pets.  (me included, I bore myself silly talking about Floppy).  But I am sitting on the couch in April and Myles's place and I had a brain wave involving a resolution I just might make this year.

And no, it isn't about diet, or blood sugar, or exercise.  That is the usual go to resolution so you can see why I find it ho hum boring.  No, I came to the realization, probably ten years ago, that I am waaaaaay too attached to my big old comfy chair.  I spend many many hours in that ratty duct taped thing in a day.  I often sit there and think about all the things that NEED doing in that stupid little crap box and then guilt and shame set in.  So I get out of the chair, walk to my bedroom, leave my bedroom, go to the kitchen and eat something illicit then walk back to my chair, sink into its welcoming warmth and comfort and think, 'tomorrow'.  There is a lot of Scarlett O'Hara in me.

The only way I am going to be able to stop the guilt and shame is to get off my bubble butt and get to it.  And I know myself well.  It has to be measured in time allotments.  And here is my 2025 resolution:

I shall spend two hours a day working on my room or the closets or the laundry room or the storage sheds or the deck...and I won't stop my two hours per day until that project is done.  I will drag my red rolly chair around with me.  Due to certain bone issues I need to have a chair handy to sit for two minutes out of every ten to straighten out my hip and tailbone.  I am very lucky that it only takes two minutes.  So I work til I can't then sit til I can.

And I am going to make Ange my police person.  Poor Ange.  I am going to ask her to nag me and check my progress on the current project.  Then if I skip a day, no matter the excuse, give me hell and nag the heck out of me.  I need a moderator.

On another note last night April and I went to a Winners.  I have not been shopping in a brick and mortar in a very long time.  Grocery stores don't count but I haven't really even been in them for the last year.  Delivery is the anti shoppers best friend.  And I actually really enjoyed the shopping trip!  I did buy a few things but had to keep my very limited budget in mind.

After shopping we went to an awesome ramen place on Lonsdale.  I love ramen and pho etc...and the ramen last nite was truly awesome.  Then...get this, we went to a Mexican cantina and drank margaritas!  We shared a flight of them, lime, guava (my fave), mango and strawberry.  What a fun time we had.  April is a lot of fun and easy to go out with.  I super enjoyed our evening.

And now it is almost 10:30 in the morning.  Graeme will be here at 11 and I am sitting on the couch in my very ugly pjs.  Gotta go get dressed!  (not that he hasn't seen me in ugly pjs fact probably 80% of the time I spend with him) 

Have a great day and TFL and TTYL




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