Tuesday, October 18, 2011


I need to go on record about what I want to happen in my final living space. I keep alluding to my plan in conversations with my kids and friends, but I thought I should put it down in writing so when the time comes, and if I argue an opposite plan, someone can read this to me and remind me that one time when I was in a healthier state of mind, I knew what was best for myself!!!

Firstly, I have no problem whatsoever with being put into a home for seniors and the more they do for me the better. After years and years of cooking, cleaning, running errands, balancing cheque books, worrying about children, driving, planning trips around how available bathrooms are, sitting through endles hours of hair perming, dieting endlessly and getting fatter, feeling guilty about not changing my sheets every friday, guilt about not playing the piano enough, hours and hours and hours spent in airplanes.....etc.......I am more than ready to retire to a small space with few, if none at all, expectations on my part.

I do have a small list of must haves though to make this final living place perfect.

A comfortable, not squeaky, rocking chair is a must. I want one that doesn't "walk" as I rock. Rocking chair connoisseurs will know exactly what I am talking about. I also need a second comfy chair for guests.

I want a lap top (macbook pro with lit keyboard). I want one that will hold all my music and all my thousands and thousands of photos.

A pair of really skookum noise cancelling headphones with a long cord.


A really easy to use cell phone

A small tv

Access to an unlimited supply of cheezies and mars bars.

And that is all I need. No kitchen, no vacuum, no car, really short hair that needs no maintenance, no need for a calendar, just a small easy space with my little list of needs!!! Sounds like something to look forward to one day!

P.S. On that lap top is my playlist for my funeral and a little speech I want someone to read for me.

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