Sunday, June 25, 2017


Well that was crazy.  I sent Amy my realtor an email that suggested that I would be ready to list on July 5th.  I was still a week away from perfection.  Ceiling touched up, gutters and windows done, bedrooms and purple room cleaned and staged, front entrance cleaned up and know, all those little picky things that make quite a difference.

She phoned me immediately and said there was a family in town for a this weekend only.  They had looked at everything in Aberdeen (not much) and they were all too small.  Would I be open to them seeing the place the next day at one (Friday).  What????  No, the house was NOT ready and this phone convo was around two in the afternoon.

So of course I said yes then tore around the house for the next few hours scrubbing and cleaning and putting stuff away and prettifying.  Its a good thing Alice had done the basement!!!

Amy came over the next day around noon and we signed the listing papers.  And she told me someone else wanted to see it on Saturday and she wanted to do  an open house today...Sunday.  Kerry and Kathy came up yesterday and touched up the ceiling for me, I could not reach!  I had a previous commitment.  I sat outside Save-On selling raffle tickets from 1-5 in 35 degree heat.  But I met a lot of awesome people.  It was kind of fun actually.

Back to Friday.  Around suppertime the out of towners made a really decent offer, except they wanted a July 20 closing date.  Crazy!  So it was moved to Aug. 8 and accepted.  Six hours from list to sell!  That was so fast.  I have a feeling the poor people were over a barrel.  This house is one of the bigger ones up here and they have teenagers.  This place is perfect for teenagers.  Subjects are removed on July 5.  Financing, insurance and inspection.  If they ask for even one thing the answer will be no. Not doing it.

Right now I am trying to not think too much about the hurdles.  One of them being Monte's stuff.  I so need his stuff moved out of here and his storage locker cleaned out.  Its such a nuisance him not having a driver's license.  I wonder if one of his friends would have time to drive a budget truck up and back.  I would pay them five hundred bucks.  I will have to get Monte to look into that.

Also I don't think there is any way I will have a place to move to by then.  Even if I bought a place I am pretty sure I wouldn't get possession by Aug. 8.  Thank goodness for Beakins though.  They will load your stuff into a container and store it over on the reserve for up to six months.  But....I also have Graeme's and Anton's stuff..they will need their stuff before I get that container open.  Maybe if Monte gets his storage locker emptied I can put their stuff in there...don't know how but I am sure I can figure it out.  I need my truck back for a little while!!! 

 Well I am going to pull a Scarlett O'Hara and not think about this now.  I can't start moving or packing until the subjects are removed and thats a week and a camping trip away.  Next week is going to be super busy too.  Kiwanis on Tuesday, meeting at lunch and a work party putting all the grad stuff away Tuesday night. I have to call Samsung to fix both appliances.  I am going to be power looking at townhouses for sale.  Lunch with a friend on Thursday.  Packing for camping and leaving on Fri., my brother is coming on Wed. late, its Monte's birthday on Tuesday, Kevin's on Friday.  June is always such a crazy month.

Well, enough about me.....hahahahaha!  Love y'all! TTYL

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