Friday, April 12, 2024


I had no idea so much time flew by since the last post.  I love posting and there are times when I have things to say but I posted the day before and it is too soon.  Then there are times like now...a whole week goes by!  So unpredictable and inconsistent.  (shovel list)

Well another trip is in the works.  It isn't until the end of next September so both Monte and I should be able to shovel shekels into the travel account to cover the cost.  This one is a little more due to it being twenty days plus a flight home from Fort Lauderdale.

We planned to do three cruises before I cross the rainbow bridge.  This will be number three.  The first was Hawaii, the second one was Alaska and now it is the Panama Canal.

This trip also makes stops in Panama, Mexico, Columbia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, San Francisco. and Fort Lauderdale.  Not in that order.  And of course we transit the Panama Canal.

The only part I am NOT excited about is the flight home.  We fly to Toronto, two hour layover and then home.  I am not sure how I get seats that will accommodate Monte.  There is simply no way he fits into a regular seat on one of those planes.  I may get hold of the vacations to go guy and get him to get us a third seat.  They were only 250 us bucks.

We have been looking at rescue dogs.  There are lots of puppies or young dogs.  We want an old sedate dog that hates walks!  Hahahaha!!!!  I keep hearing about all these dogs needing to be adopted but they sure aren't here in Port!  And the other obstacle is I want a little lappy type dog (Leelooesque) and Monte wants a German shepherd (Parkeresque).  And neither of us are willing to meet in the middle and compromise! 

There seem to be lots of chihuahuas but I can't stand them.  They have bug eyes and they shake.  I don't like boxers or squash faced dogs like pugs, they look like Winston Churchill after he ran into a wall.  But then I think about what a sedentary household we are and start feeling sorry for any dog that enters our life.  When Wrangler was still able to walk we had Peter here who would take him out every day, all day long.  Eventually two things happened.  Wrangler couldn't walk up the stairs after a long walk and Peter left.  I have faith that the perfect dog that suits us both in every way will walk into our life eventually.  Remember that book The Secret?  All you had to do was wish for something hard enough and it would transpire.  Well maybe I will give that the old army try.  I will let you know how that works out!!!

I also want to consider Ange.  She has so very kindly offered to look after the dog when we would be gone.  I think there is a big difference between looking after a little fur ball and a giant needy dog.  I offered to pay her the same as I would a kennel, but some dogs need a huge amount of attention.  Should that end up being the case, kennel it would have to be.

Well enough silly rambling.  The clinic just phoned me to see why I haven't been in for my three month check up.  This doctor I have is pretty amazing.  I ended up with an extra three months of pills so I am not doing my A1c until they are all gone but I think I will go in and see her anyway.  She clearly has noticed my absence.  Normally that would piss me off but I like this doctor.

So I shall sign off now.  I hope this finds you all happy.  Take care.  TTYL


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