Saturday, August 18, 2018


It's funny, when I am leading up to a trip I hate to buy food.  I always end up either chucking it or giving it to poor Kathy, whom I am sure is too polite to say no.

But it dawned on me yesterday...I was actually hungry. In my cupboard was nothing edible but sardines, and weird tinned mixed tuna, and chick peas (shovel list), and pasta etc...Oh and a bag of old I am afraid to look at it.  I am pretty sure it will be full of weevils.  And we know about those don't we Cookie?  Weevils and hot tubs shall not be discussed.

I was whining to Arnie about being hungry and she said the obvious...go get some food.  So today I emerged into the smokey muck outside to Safeway.  And jeez!  I bought a ham, two rib steaks, a bunch of wieners, buns, breakfast sausages, chilli, tuna snacks, Mac and cheese in a box (two of them), bran muffins, four danishes, fried chicken. ahhhhhhh.........Needless to say I am NOT hungry anymore.

I know we are all tired of the smoke comments.  But seriously, how much worse can it get?  It is so bad right now and I am tired of the sky and atmosphere everywhere being a strange baby poop yellow.  It honestly feels like we are living in a wifi movie.  Achhh...not wifi, scifi.   A science fiction movie is the only place I have seen this before.

I will finish off this lame post with a feel good story.  I went to the Lemon Grass for lunch the other day.  They are Vietnamese and the pho is amazing.  The place, which isn't tiny, was packed to one last table, a pretty big one.  The waitress didn't blink an eye and sat me at this large table, one that they could be making way more money at than just little me.

I ordered the small veggie pho and agadashi.  It was delicious.  I read my book on my phone while I waited and then ate.  Somewhere there as I started eating I noticed about five young men milling at the entrance, waiting for a table.  The waitress came out to them and said she had a table for about four if they wished to squeeze.  No, they said they would wait.  So I waved her over and said I don't mind moving and they could sit at the table I had.  It was a table for six.

 She was so grateful and moved my food and called the fellows over and they profusely thanked me.  It was no skin off my nose.  So I moved and finished my lunch and ...I went up to pay and they had already paid for my lunch!!!  Wow!!!  I went straight over to their table and personally thanked each one.  They didn't have to actually do that!  Made my day it did!!!!!

One last comment....I hate Gordon Ramsey.


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