Thursday, August 9, 2018


I am making the switch over to my little new laptop.  This makes me tres nervous.  I don't like change.  But, as I was saying a post or two ago, my other one has so many lines etc...and black blocks on the screen from a tiny crack, its hard to see some things.  This one is so easy and its way smaller so easy to handle.  We will see.

I have had a good day or two since the last post.  Yesterday morning I was busy doing banking and emails when my phone rang.  It was Annie with an invite up to her place for waffles, strawberries, butter, maple syrup and whipping cream!!!  I have not had that combination since living for a summer with my aunt in Anacortis Washington when I was 12 years old!  I have had awesome waffles at my sister's, but not the strawberries and whipping cream.  What a lovely invite!!!  It was so dam good!

Today I made a trip up to Costco.  I am testing out my new shoes.  I def needed new good walking shoes.  I really want to walk further and with less discomfort when we are in London and Paris in a couple of weeks.  I think they are going to work out.  Yay Solomons!  Best shoes ever!

A couple of days ago April got hold of me and told of a horrific thing that happened to Jessica, her friend in North Van.  She had tied her cat up on a long leash at her door.  She does this often.  But a couple of nights ago the cat was attacked by three raccoons.  No surprise there...North Van is totally riddled with the bastards.

She flew out the door, making sure Mabel, her one year old baby didn't follow her, and grabbed the leash to save her cat.  One of the raccoons attacked HER!!!  It scratched and bit her!  She ended up having to go to the hospital and the cat to the vet.  And now she has developed sepsis and has to go to the hospital every day and have intravenous antibiotics pumped into her.  And she is breast feeding... a problem.  I think I will contact the news.  Something has to be done with the raccoon population in north Van.  So many people are attacked and animals killed by them.  Time to do something about it.

Well its ribfest weekend in Kamloops!!!!  Yummy!!!!  Last year we went but it was so cold it was hard to enjoy it.  I don't think we will have that problem this year.

On Sunday Kathy and I are heading over to the Dirty Jersey to do the meat draw.  Thats always fun but this time there are new registering tickets etc rules.  One of the fellow Kiwanians is coming to teach us what we need to do.  I have heard its a pain in the ass...but fun just the same.

Tomorrow Annie, good friend that she is, is coming over tomorrow morning to help me unload and figure out what to do with all the stuff in the boxes downstairs.  On the one hand I am looking forward to it but on the other I don't want my place looking even more like an old lady's over stuffed house.  And it would piss Alice the scary housekeeper off.  She has already given me shit for having too much stuff.  I'm scared of her.  Overpaying her doesn't seem to help with the attitude.

Well I am off to do laundry.  I am going to organize my bags upstairs and start packing.  Possibly I will find forgotten clothing in the boxes that I can take to London/Paris.  I am going to take three hot day outfits and three cold day ones and thats it.  I always pack way to much.  I can easily wear the same outfit for a week.  I have no pride...can do it as long as it isn't too dirty.  Some dirt is okay though.  I have noticed though that now my stomach isn't as big (its still huge, just not quite as huge) I can lean over the plate further and its cut down on the spillage.

Thats it folks...pretty lame post.  I will take pics tomorrow of us unloading boxes and having fun with stuff.  I have zero pics on this machine.  Forty six thousand on the old one!  TTYL

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