Monday, March 18, 2024


 I am a putoffski.  I can procrastinate anything.  And now here I am, sitting in a house of projects, all needing doing before the 23rd.  And both Monte and my backs are in really bad shape.  I think it may have something to do with our giant stomachs....although Monte argued against that one loud and long when I suggested it.

Plus now that I no longer own a truck, which in retrospect was maybe not such a great idea, there are no more dump runs.  And we have a stack  of flattened cardboard the size of my massive deck.  I have grown to utterly despise cardboard.  We also have a number of giant garbage bags full of...well, garbage.  Stinky awful garbage.  (shovel shovel shovel list). So, what do you do?  I am finally catching on.

I went to our local Facebook page and put out a call for a dump/recycling run for a hundred bucks.  Cheaper than owning a truck frankly.  Within ten minutes I had over ten responses.  The upside of living in a poor town.  Monday morning at 11am, a Kyle is coming to pick up all our cardboard and garbage bags.

And that means that not only do we have to get all the flattened cardboard, did I say a HUGE pile already?, down the rickety scary deck stairs and piled neatly in the carport, I also have to get several heavy garbage bags down there as well.

I would have the guy pack the crap down the stairs but with my luck the stairs would collapse when he was half way down.  I have a feeling my house insurance wouldn't cover the law suit.  I mean they won't cover a soaked bedroom from some unknown water source, why busted stairs and a paralyzed person?

And then I have to clean this house and get it ready for the housekeeper coming tomorrow at one.  I have discovered that if you put something somewhere that is convenient but not its final resting place, that something becomes two things, then five then ten then a heaving heap.  Well that is what I have in the dining room.  OMG!!! Containers of veg, containers of plastic containers, small boxes of general kitchen junk, two huge Rubbermaids full of xmas and Vancouver trip food (I mentioned these before and they are still there).  My poor dining room.  And now there is a giant snake in an even gianter aquarium box thingy.

When I agreed, and even looked forward, to having Smooch up here, I had no spacial idea of the size of that terrarium or whatever you call a glass box with a giant ball python in it.  It takes up the whole dang wall.  And my table has a broken leg.  If you move the table the wrong way it falls off.  And the two captains chairs for each end of the table each have one arm broken right off, and the cupboard doors and drawers on the buffet won't stay shut.  They slowly, when you aren't looking, creep open.  Frigging thing.  Bill, bless him, would have fixed all that with folded paper shims, if he were here.  I also need to hang that wall to wall, floor to ceiling cloth mural of the last supper.  If I can find it now.  (another giant shovel list)

I gotta admit I am feel a wee tad overwhelmed.  Monte is up and going to go get us breakfast at McD's and then we are going to gird our loins and go out to that deck and gitter done.  I know I will feel better when I get it all done today.  It's only 8:30 am.  I shall regroup at 8:30 pm and tell you how far I got today!

Well it isn't 8:30 pm, it is noon the next day, Monday.  I worked my butt off yesterday but still had a fair amount to do today.  I am sorely impeded by my stupid back.   I can go for about ten minutes then the pain sets in to the point I can't move.  So I impatiently sit until it subsides enough to get up and go another ten minutes.  So freaking shovel list annoying!!!!!  You have no idea!!!!!

But now here I sit, the house is as organized as possible, my bedroom is sparkling, Monte's bathroom is ready for the housekeeper, my deck is completely cleared of all garbage and cardboard.  My phone rings.  I answer.  The housekeeper isn't coming til tomorrow, something came up.  Really what can you do but laugh.  Such is life.  

Two things you will get very tired of seeing on this of the mountain and pics of my living room when it's clean and the sun is shining in.  I love it.

Thats it for today.  Have a lovely four days until I am back.  TTYL

'A good procrastination should feel like you are inserting lots and lots of commas into the sentence of your life.'  Ze Frank




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