Thursday, September 20, 2018


This place is amazing.  I can't believe how they keep up with everything.  I wish I had moved into a strata place sooner.

Every single week a herd of people show up with about eight mowers and a riding one, huge, rakes, blowers, and a big truck or two.  And in one hour they cover the whole property mowing.  We have a humungous amount of beautiful lawn and they keep it beautiful.

  The day after, a fellow shows up with a whipper snapper and goes around the property, whipping and snapping.  They just had a big tree muncher here yesterday and clipped and snipped all the trees, cleaning it up.  They pruned the three awesome huge cherry trees.  Plus they keep all the outdoor cement things like stairs, carports and curbs all fixed and solid.  There was a line painter in to paint all the lines on the road.  

And now they just delivered a giant dumpster for us to throw away all things that don't go into regular garbage.  The email they sent around said for us to clean up our balconies and carports and get rid of our awkward garbage!

Wrangler is sick.  He is sneezing and coughing and not eating and laying around moaning.  I know he picked up kennel cough up at the kennel but he was all better.  Well its come back with a vengeance. Poor guy.  Right now the weather is perfect for him to ride around with me everywhere.  He seems quite happy to curl up on the back seat and wait for me.

He's so funny.  When I say 'car ride' he knows.  I open the door to the jeep and because of his hips he is scared, or can't, jump in.  But he immediately puts his front paws up on my seat, and its quite a stretch, then just stands there and waits for me.  I put my hands under his back leg knees and scoop him up into the jeep.  Its a total routine now.

Yesterday I went in to the lab and did my thing.  And the doctor's office has called already for me to go in!  Ahh jeez.  I know my A1C, blood sugar number, is going to be awful.  He is going to look at me sadly and sigh and probably up my metformin which will be awful.  That frigging medicine is already ruining my life.  I spend my entire outside life looking for bathrooms.  I totally understand Spod and mom now.  

Well tomorrow is baking day!!!!!!!!  My fave!!!!!  We have a Kiwanis planning session on Saturday.  It starts at 9:30 and goes into the afternoon.  So we bring a bagged lunch and some goodies to share.  So I am going to make butter tarts, brownies and lemon squares.  If there are any left over I shall freeze them for my later.

I have to mention something here.  Cookie has a grandson by the name of Maxin.  He is five and started kindergarten this year.  After his first day his mom picked him up and asked him how was his first day of school?  And he answered "Unnecessary!!!"  Hahahaha!  What five year old says that!!!!  That kid is totally amazing.

Well I must unload the groceries I just bought.  Sorry about the very mundane entry here.  Not much happens in my life I must say.  TTYL

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