Tuesday, February 23, 2021


 This is going to sound silly and fey fey.  But....I was sitting in my chair this morning and for a few glorious moments the sun came out and blazed into my living room.  I looked out the window and saw the prettiest sight in the most mundane spot.

You know the trickle of water that runs down the road beside the curb.  We have a wee bit fuller one than normal due to all the rain that fell last night.  But when the sun hits it, it sparkles.  And I mean really sparkles.  It immediately gave me the urge to grab my old trusty Nikon.  Not many things do that any more.  So I just sat in my chair and watched the sparkle stream slide down our curb.  

A funny little side note here, as I was sitting here enjoying the sparkle stream and the warm sunshine, a woman came along and stopped, took out her phone, stepped out onto the road a ways and took numerous pictures of the little stream!  So methinks the sparkles were extra sparkly!

Well I have a doctor's appointment this morning.  For some odd reason I am not in the least sick stomach about it.  I had sick stomach just going to the lab the other day but this appointment not so much.  Don't know why.  I kind of look forward to meeting her.  She's a very pushy know it all newbie doctor. At least on our phone appointments.  I know my sugar numbers won't be great.  They never are after Xmas and I am sure she will be giving me lectures.  Sigh.  (shovel list).

 It is always amazing how Captain Obviousy people can be.  It's like telling a smoker he/she should quit smoking.  If anybody is super aware of that little goodie, it's a frigging smoker.  Same goes for a diabetic. I don't need to be told that sugar, flour, potatoes, fruit or anything with no colour or deliciousness are all OUT!  We diabetics know that for heaven's sake.  But then today maybe she will have some other goodie found out in my labs to go at me about.  I do know that I will be getting my shingles and pneumonia shots next door at the Medicine Shoppe after.  (another shovel list...quaint cutesy names). I shall report when I get back.  I will do my best to remain civil throughout.

Well, that was a slice.  She was quite nice and very thorough.  I am not used to a doctor taking any interest whatsoever in whats going on in my body...at least not unless I pursue it first.  I think that since the province started to charge up to 200 dollars for annual physical exams people have obviously stopped requesting them.  Things get away from doctors.  Look at Ange.  Her doctor didn't catch her type one diabetes and she damned near died.  My family doctor in North Van, whom I loved dearly, missed my type 2 diabetes, I diagnosed myself and he completely missed Bill's pancreatic cancer.  An annual physical exam would have caught those things.

Today I found out my blood sugar is too high, my cholesterol is perfect, my kidneys only work at half mast and clearly I don't drink enough water (shovel list...I hate water about as much as I hate walking), my blood pressure was perfect and no ugly little markers showed up in my blood.  Woot woot!!!  She did add and adjust my pills.  And my two shots are scheduled for two weeks from now.  Alls well on the health front!

I had to laugh...when I went out to get in the truck to go to the dr., I looked down as I stepped over the sparkle stream to see that under those deceptive sparkles was the muddiest brown filthy water you ever saw!  A whole load of metaphors popped into my head!!!!

So, this past week was easy and tough.  I opted not to shop at all this last week to avoid the plastic challenge.  Walmart is really bad.  They use twice the amount of plastic bags than actually needed.  They will put one thing in a bag then get yet another bag for one more thing.  And because I am not doing the shopping I have no control over that.

I did rearrange a corner of my kitchen.  I have ordered a lovely large red metal bread box.  It will be here in a couple of weeks.  In order to use it properly I had to rearrange stuff that is permanently on my counter and it looks so much better, even before the new addition.  I will take a pic when it arrives.

I also did some work on the rug.  It is so slow going!  I just can't see well enough.  But I am going to continue until its done!  It's a good opportunity to practise teaching my brain to completely ignore what my right eye sees.  The left eye sees perfectly, the right eye is the one that screws things up.  Past ten feet it all evens out.  Its just up close stuff...like hooking a rug or playing the piano or reading a book.  Fortunately I have all my books on my lap top so I can adjust the size of print and background colour...makes it possible to read my hundreds of books.  LOL!!  I will put a pic of my rug and what tiny progress I have made this week at the bottom.

The next two challenges:

9.  Spring clean either one room in your house or reorganize a very full messy closet, which ever needs it the most!

10.  Discard ten unnecessary items from your house.  This challenge may show up periodically through the year.  And it doesn't matter how tiny and insignificant the items can be.  I still have every single shirt I have bought since our house burnt down in 2003.  Time to let some of them go.  Especially the ripped ones.  The ones that have holes in them from where I am constantly grabbing them to tug them down.

Well thats it folks.  Stay safe, noodle and be nice to old people.  TTYL


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