Friday, July 4, 2014


Sorry to all that are actually still interested in the weekly challenge, I got distracted.  This week's challenge is to give back.  Any way you can.  Volunteering, in your local school, support your local special interest groups, go to old folks homes and visit etc….  It actually is a good idea.

The last few days have been pretty busy.  I see my last post was on June 29th.  Since then I had lunch with April at Milestones, went shopping with Spod, found out I may have a problem getting boswilla here in Canada (shovel list), trying to find an out door coffee table that doesn't come with three couches, six chairs and a big table, bought giant rugs for the bedroom so Spod doesn't wake up the peeps downstairs when he gets up twenty times a night, watched Spod plant that lovely dogwood tree his sister gave us, packed for a few day trip to Monte's place, just me, not Spod.

I arrived here last night at supper time and was pretty upset with the condition of the place.  It wasn't awful awful but bad enough I felt disrespected.  So we dug right in and started to clean, collect garbage for a garbage run, scrub down surfaces etc…  We then went to dinner at a local chinese joint…yummy!!! then home and to bed.  Today we got his truck fixed, cleaned some more, laundry and went to the dump.  On the way we ran into a bunch of first nations ladies sitting at the side of the river, selling the sockeye they caught.  I whipped back into town to the bank, stopped at a tackle shop and bought fish bags and went back and bought 16 salmon!  They aren't very big, but perfect for us.  When Monte and I got home we bagged each one and put them in his freezer.

Tomorrow morning, early, we are heading to Bamfield.  You can't imagine how excited I am!!!!  I haven't been back since we sold the log house.  I made a reservation at the Trails Motel for Saturday night.  I am not sure what we will be seeing or even who but I can't wait.  I plan to take at least a million pics!!!  Now its time to go cook a wee sockeye for our dinner!!!  TTYL


  1. OMG!!!!! Bamfield pictures!!!! Wahoo!!! Take lots!!!!

  2. Have you tried health food stores for your herb?
