Sunday, June 26, 2016


I am a blog reader.  As such there are a couple of things that really bug me and I try hard to avoid them here.  For example:

Long long long paragraphs.  I find that those blog posts that have really long paragraphs are annoying.  I get half way down then start skipping to the end.  So I try hard to keep the paragraphs shorter than normal.

Bad grammer and spelling.  I have actually quit reading some pretty interesting blogs because of that.  Its too much work to always be correcting and guessing what the writer actually meant.  And bad grammer?  no no no....I keep hearing my mother's voice in my head...having a fit!!

Blogs that go on for a month or two then just quit. I don't understand why there are so many people out there that start blogs then just quit!  I can't tell you how many blogs there are that all quit in the first month or two.

And....long long silences between posts.  By the time the next post comes you have forgotten you were reading it.  And that being said, I apologize for not posting for six days!!!  With no excuse.  The only thing I can say is its just been about the most boring week of my life and I have spared you that!!!

But things are about to get crazy!  There is so much happening in the next month....lets see, cherry picking, an awesome visit from Uncle Gordon and Auntie Orma, a visit from April and Myles for the long weekend, Stan and Antonia are staying for the same weekend and week, a bbq thrown by Sue, my awesome handyman, as a thank you for letting her use the condo, lots of legal crap to sell the condo, a trip to Vancouver to go to the US consulate, flying to Maui with April and Myles from the 22nd of July to the 29th, and.......

So posting will be frequent and a lot more interesting.  I can't wait to dust off the camera and take pics again.  I think this will be my last visit to Maui.  I really have a hard time going there without Spod.  From now on its Mexico with Cook and Oahu to party and eat!!!  So again, my apologies for not posting sooner.  And please please feel free to bitch about the blog in comments.  I shall take heed!!!   TTYL