Thursday, November 23, 2023


Finally got that wee tree up.  Normally I have the tree up by the end of the first weekend in November.  I am one of those people that LOVES all things Xmas!  And I love that the stores put xmas stuff out as soon as Thanksgiving is done.  It means I can spread the cost out over two and a half months.  Makes sense to me.

  I'm kind of liking having a three footer.  I have put it on a table in front of the front window so it looks Christmassy outside. We don't have a plug in out front so no decorations out there.  

Having a smaller tree cuts the cost of decorating way down.  Plus it is super fast to decorate, not my favourite pass time. In fact I have put 200 lights on that sucker so you can't see the decorations anyway.  I like tons of lights and I am leaving it up until at least the end of January.  I am a sucker for anything lights.  But you will see below I couldn't even get a decent pic of the tree due to lights.  I tried to tweek the picture but nothing helped.

It has not been a very eventful week.  Which is good, I guess.  We did have Monique, Ange's friend, over for coffee.  That was fun.  And we made one or two trips to Nanaimo, can't remember what for.  And guess what?  We have to go back again today.

I hate nagging.  And I really really hate being put in the position of 'nagging'.  Monte puts his glasses on the bed beside him when he sleeps.  Several times now he hasn't immediately been able to find them.  It was so so tempting to say 'put them on the bedside table just in case you roll on them or they fall off the bed and break.'  But I held back.  He is a man, not a kid.  But you guessed it.  He rolled on them and now they need to be professionally fixed.  And that means a trip to LensCrafters in Nanaimo.

Many many times I have tried to discern between micromanaging, nagging and just shutting up.  But when there is collateral damage inevitable, I am thinking one should speak up, especially if the consequeses involve you.  But I also know the futility of speaking up.  Monte wouldn't do it anyway.  It's just easier to put them on the bed so on the bed they go.  And now to Nanaimo we go, which fortunately for me I love doing!

Ange had an episode with someone knocking on her door around nine at night.  No one ever knocks on her door.  It's a basement door buried deep in a dark carport.  It was a massively upset female who according to Ange smelled like alcohol but wasn't drunk, who claimed that a car had been following her around. She was scared apparently. She was meeting someone over at QF but it was closed. Keep in mind that it is extremely lit up over there, read safe, and Cascade Liquor is attached to QF and is open til ten.  This just doesn't make sense.

She asked if she could wait in the carport.  But a few minutes later she asked Ange if she could come in.  And because she was so upset Ange let her in.  Ange said she didn't get bad vibes from her.  

 I have been remiss in not telling Ange that the policy in our house has always been you don't let anybody in, ever.  If someone is in trouble you call the police and frankly her story just doesn't add up.  She could be casing our place, figuring out who lives where etc...I haven't mentioned it to Ange yet but I will soon.  I don't want her to feel like she did something wrong. It's my fault for not telling her, how was she supposed to know?  Eventually the female got hold of someone to pick her up....back over at the store.  Go figure. 

 Twice in my life I have had what seemed like innocent types come to my door, I let them in and totally lived to regret it.  When you have been through that you kind of get hypersensitive.  I am still a bit worried about it.  Ange just came upstairs and I mentioned it to her.  And typical Ange she took it as I meant it and not as a criticism.  She is amazing!

Well this post is getting long.  I need to get my day eat breakfast.  I am watching, while I type this, Naked and Afraid.  That show makes me both hungry and cold!  TTYL

'Rice is great when you are hungry and you want 2,000 of something.'  Anon



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