Friday, June 12, 2015


Oh My God!!!  That was the longest freaking plane trip ever.  It just sucks to be huge on a plane made for teeny tiny people.  It was hot as hell, no room to move and every other person was hawking and spitting.  I have never been so glad to get off a plane.  

The airport is the hugest place on the planet.  We got off way out on the tarmac, climbing down rickety shakey metal stairs to the tarmac, all 300 of us, one by one.  We then clambered over to a row of buses, scrambling under neglected equipment and old ramps.  When we got to the terminal we all climbed onto a little train that then took us to a building that was five miles long, seriously, five miles I swear!  The bag on my back weighed 32 pounds and I also dragged a bag.  We hoofed it for what seemed like miles to the customs, which went really smoothly.

We then hoofed it again for miles until we got to baggage, claimed our bags, loaded up a couple of carts and headed off to taxies. This involved wending our way through more miles of airport to finally arrive at a long long line up at an elevator that would take us to the taxies.

Upon arriving there (I say so easily, just try to fight off 1 million little chinese peeps trying to ram on to one elevator) we saw a massive massive long long line for the taxies. to the back of the line we went.  Just then a youngish Chinese fellow approached us and started to say something, all the while looking around furtively.  Finally we figured out that he had a car and could drive us for twice what the regular taxies were.  Whilst being a little sketchy, i was too tired to fight it and it was the best money we could have spent.  He drove us straight here in under forty minutes!!

Facebook and blogspot and youtube amongst other things don't work here in China.  So for the duration I shall email.  

I shall write again tomorrow.  Right now I am going to bed.  We are fifteen hours ahead of you people.  It is five in the morning at your place and we haven't slept yet.  Sleeeeeeeeeeeeep.........................Helen

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