Monday, July 25, 2016


Busy busy busy!  I have to get back into the swing of posting!  I am finally beginning to feel somewhat back to normal.  I have lost a ton of weight and a ton of muscle.  Gotta start building it all up again.

Monte and I are in the middle of planning a road trip!  We plan to leave on the Tuesday after the long weekend.  Heading straight over to Kevins for a couple of nights.  Apparently they have a fossil bed nearby that they go fossil hunting in.  So I have asked if we could do that one day!  I LOVE fossil hunting!

Then we will head down through Osooyos and onward to Vancouver, maybe cross the border there and head over to Seattle.  I just know we are taking Spod's old huge fish cooler with us and we are ending our trip in Port Alberni.  I will head out to the reserve and make a deal for salmon.  This time of the year it will be fave next to pinks.  I want to bring back enough for everyone.  Keep up the Heyman tradition!

I finally bit the bullet and hired a housekeeper.  She is going to come every Friday and clean the floors, bathroom, kitchen, dining room and living room...65 bucks!!!  Thats crazy!!!!  And I have decided not to feel like a loser when I have a kid and two legs two arms and the ability to clean my own place...but don't want to.  I am so looking forward to it.  She starts this Friday.

But, that being said, this week is going to be a super organize and clean week.  This house is NOT ready for a housekeeper.  And she wants to use the built in vacuum which I have no clue if it even works.  Probably does, given who owned this house previously.  But it means hauling it out and testing it and going out to the garage to see where the canister is blah blah blah.  I like my little meile thank you.  So much simpler.

I have to mention again...I spent 750 bucks on Lyons planting my backyard boxes in colourful perennials.  You should see it back there.  Its just plain pitiful.  Ugly.  No flowers.  At all.  I am NOT happy.  I am going to dig the whole shitload up, throw away the perennials and each year fill the boxes with impatiens and petunias.  It is so ugly back thrown items, like coffee pots and mops don't help much I must say.

Well I have to go let Molly out of the bad dog box.  We caught her going through my garbage again.  One thing about her being deaf, she doesn't hear us sneaking up behind her.  When she does see us she leaps into the air then freezes to the spot.  Stupid useless dog.

I have found an awesome kennel for her for while we are gone.  Its going to cost me 420 bucks for two weeks...stupid dog.  I think Kerry thinks I am insane.  He would just kill the dog.  He told me that.  But it isn't time yet, that final sign hasn't happened, my kids would hate me, and its not her fault she's stuck with me.  So I shall fork out the money and preserve my relationship with my kids.  At least she doesn't bark endlessly like some dogs I know!!!  LOL!!!

Gotta bounce!!!  TTYL


  1. Next year, I will be retired and can help you with your garden!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
