Wednesday, July 13, 2016


Somehow, someway, by some miracle or 
Sharri's prayers, I turned a corner in the night.  This morning I woke up and was able to actually sit up without excruciating pain. It was such a shock.

Apparently yesterday during the day they got some cultures back (and don't even ask how they got those), realized that my bacteria was resistant to the antibiotic they were using and switched it.  It worked.  So another day or two and Imma outta here!!!!

Jeez...there is a lady in the corner, a patient in bed 4, who is snoring like a trucker.  That woman can sleep through everything.  I hate her.  She is three years younger than me, weighs about 100 pounds more, had a knee operation (but you'd think they had cut her leg off but left the nerves there) and can't accurately use a bed pan to save her life.  Her name is Ruth and she is a bible thumping, church going dogooder. She has the hospital priest come in and pray, sprinkle holy water, and bless her leg everyday.

She has this awesome gorgeous daughter in law with a two week baby, and twin two year olds.  That girl, whilst breast feeding and wrangling twins, helps Ruth clean herself, remake the bed around her, clean her area, get her coffees etc....  She is exactly the type of person one needs to come visit.

Well the minute her friends show up, and she seems to have a lot of them which amazes me, she starts badmouthing the daughter-in-law.  Apparently she doesn't bath the children every night, like Ruth always did with her children, she doesn't make them sit at the table to do their art work like Ruth always did with hers, she runs around doing so much good works, dragging the kids with her, Ruth would never have done that.  What a cow!!!  And she lowers her voice and leans in and whispers in a conspirator voice.

So yesterday she was on the phone going on and on and on about what an awful mother her d-i-law is.  Her curtain, as usual was closed.  Shortly after she hung up a nurse came in and opened the curtain prepping to do something with her.  When she left I spied her and said, "A lady came in to see you.  I think, not sure, but I think it was your daughter in law.  But when she heard you on the phone she waited to see if you were almost finished but I think she decided she didn't like to interrupt you so she left."  Shit you should have seen the look on her face!   Hahahahahaha!!!! 

The old dude across from me had a toe removed and has other problems, not the least of which is a prostate size issue.  Consequently he has to be catheterized twice a day.  He keeps asking every nurse that comes along, "Have you put that calliper in yet?"  He falls at least once every other day.  I hate that sound of human body hitting the deck.  He just kind of lays there and we yell, "Shit George!!!  Are you alright?"  After a minute or two you here a low laconic,  "yeeeeeep"  Then in come the storm troopers and scoop him up, give him heck for getting out of bed by himself, and plant him back there.

Well, time to organize my emails from the escrow in Maui.  My darling daughter Arnie is on her way up here to take over all of that.  Using her POA for me, she will be able to do everything.  She will even go to Maui for me.  I am going to phone westjet and get her a ticket and bank mine.  TTYL


  1. Ha! Well, I am not sure whether, why or how MY prayers should work unless God decided to throw a ringer in the mix. I don't imagine my balance in the heavenly bank account is very high, haha. But I don't care who fixed you or why...just that you are getting better. YAYYYY. Best news all day. Honest and truly....the very best. Welcome back!

  2. Omg!Helen,that was awesome!telling that cow about her visitor!

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