Tuesday, July 5, 2016


I can't believe that so shortly after writing that whole post about blogging every day I once again am five days since blogging.  My apologies!

I have been in and out of the hospital and in the kind of excruciating pain that just shouldn't happen.  I was doing just fine, in fact most the pain from my operation was gone.  

Then Saturday morning early, a terrible pain on my lower right side woke me up.  By Sat. aft. I could hardly walk.  Kathy, bless her heart, took me down to emergency and after a long wait I finally saw a dr.  I had a cat scan and it came out perfect.  So they didn't know what it was.  Sent me home with pain killers.

Two days later I couldn't walk at all and the pain was out of control.  So this time Monte called an ambulance and I went down.  Long story short this doctor thinks I have a small hernia.  He did say it is an extremely painful condition.  Jeez you can say that again!  Sent home again with morphine, which doesn't really work on me.  I haven't started to take it yet.  I'm finishing up pain meds the first doc gave me.

So now I lay here, dreading the next bathroom stop and trying not to feel like this is going to go on forever.  I have to be better by the twentieth of July to go to Maui.  If anyone out there has heard of this and has advice please feel free to educate me!

I shall attempt to keep this updated!  TTYL


  1. Oh my God, Helen. I am so sorry. Michael had a hernia once and it brought him to his knees. Was right as rain after surgery though. Have they done any tests?

  2. Yuck! You don't need extra pain! My question would be if they think the hernia is secondary to any of the little cuts they made to do you surgery laparoscopically. If incisional in nature, I would expect the pain to diminish. If not, do they think the hernia is large enough that strangulation could happen? If no, good...if yes, could they repair?...and could they put in mesh to strengthen the area. I had an incisional hernia, and they did end up repairing it surgically, using mesh. No problems since. Popcorn prayers!
