Monday, February 19, 2018


I think there should be a rule about taking people to the airport.

When Spod and I were travelling we never ever asked anyone to take us to the airport.  I think the kids voluntarily did drive us a couple of times, mainly Monte, and for sure Monte was the one to pick us up the most.  But I know people that will go to the ends of the earth to find someone to drive them.  Spod and I always called a cab.  In the end the fifty bucks was inconsequential and it saved a lot of hassle for someone out there.

But....if you really are going to get someone to drive you, make sure they are people like me, who truly don't mind driving someone to the airport and have the courtesy to confer with them before you book your flight.  If there is a choice between an easy late morning or early afternoon flight and an ungodly four in the morning or midnight flight, pick the middle of the day...or plan to pay the twenty bucks (Kamloops cost versus fifty in Vancouver) for a taxi.

The boys fly out tomorrow for Montreal.  They told me the flight was at one o'clock.  So, planning my week this morning, I calculated a trip to the airport, Kiwanis obligations, vet appointment, dr. appointment etc...accordingly.  And then ten minutes ago Anton comes upstairs after double checking flight times, and tells me the plane leaves at sevenish tomorrow morning!!!  What the hell?

So, you know those gps voices that go "recalculating, recalculating, recalculating"  Yeah well I had one going off in my head.  I gave Anton shit til he squirmed and apologized.  Poor guy!

 Actually I don't really mind.  I will get up at quarter to five and drive them out there but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to bug the guy. After tomorrow there won't be anyone to tease anymore.

  And I will admit that I would rather drive people at that time than in the middle of a trafficky busy day.  There is something awesome about driving in the dark empty streets!

Well off to do .....  well nothing.  My house is clean, food is cooked already, too much snow to walk...(I can hear the groans now).  I am debating something.  The vet I am taking Wrangler to is right at the end of my complex here beside 7-11.  Should I walk him there or drive? Hmmmmm....TTYL

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