Wednesday, February 7, 2018


And yet again I am sick.  I am getting tired of this.  It is exactly the same thing that I had at Xmas.  I thought that once you got that particular virus you then had immunity.  Clearly not.

I am using my new smaller laptop.  I like it.  But ironing out the initial wrinkles is annoying.  I was kind of sticking to the old lappy to avoid those annoyances, but the internet kept crapping out every five minutes on the old one.  I would have to shut the internet off up at the top and turn it back on every five minutes.  And then it started to do that on the new lappy.  Usually I can solve my own computer problems but this time I had to call Kevin.  And I think he actually solved my pvr problem as well.  Clever boy.

But I shall continue with this new little laptop now that I have it up and running.

I have missed a few things this week due to being sick.  One of them was the Kiwanis meeting.  I really enjoy them and I was going to make Kathy's and my lunch (egg sammiches...our fave) but I just couldn't go.  And tonite I am supposed to be attending a fund raiser dinner and there is no way I can go.  And I think I am going to have to post pone my lunch with Dana tomorrow.  :(.    (shovel list). I love having lunch with her and her mom.

Graeme's dad was here for a couple of nights.  He lives in Trail.  What a lovely person!!!  He is so much like Graeme its funny.  It was such a special treat to meet one of the boys' parents!  Gives you such a different perspective on the kid.  And I can see why Graeme turned out to be so special.  (and I don't mean 'special' in the Forest Gump way!!  Haha!!)

Graeme is on his way back to Trail with his Dad and all his stuff today.  He will be back in a couple of weeks to head out east with Anton.  I feel so bad that Monte isn't quite ready yet to join them.  I think it would be amazing if and when Monte can go to Montreal and meet up with his friends.

Well thats it for now.  My head is coming off and I cannot quit double sneezing.  For some odd reason my sneezes have turned into two sneezes instantly one after the other.  What the hell?  They feel good though!  TTYL

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