Saturday, June 6, 2020


I am going to try really hard to get through a whole post with not one complaint or whine.  It gets pretty humdrum around here, which is fine with me but difficult for posting here.  So I will list the more positive things I feel are good:

1.  We aren't fighting!  I think it's amazing that there are four of us, a very diverse 'us' and we aren't killing each other yet.  It's been a full 3 and a half months that we have basically done the same thing day in, day out, with very little variation.  Thats over 100 days.  I am very impressed with the boys' ability to put up with Monte and I, both pretty strong characters, and they haven't run screaming yet.  They do have other options but they choose to stay with us and we all really do get along.

2.  The garden is much bigger and more complex than it would have been otherwise.    When you have invested as much time and energy and money into something, you don't just go galavanting off for a couple of weeks holiday and leave it. We don't know anybody that would be able to water it whilst we would be gone.  And Monte snuck some pretty odd and interesting things into that garden!  I just wish it would warm up!  I like the colder temp. right now for myself but its hard on the garden.

3.  I kinda like that a lot of us are learning that you just don't need a hoard of people in your life to make yourself happy.  I think I have always known that about myself but through social media and messaging with various ones it's been interesting seeing people in general settle down, and after an initial mini panic, learn to enjoy their own company.  I know some people that have never just been alone without a busy busy schedule involving people people people.  I think this might be hard on teenagers though.  It's supposed to be a social time in their lives.  Thank goodness they have social media and that they are so proficient at it!!  This just might be more acceptable going forward into the future.  We can supplement our physical connections with media ones.  Nothing wrong with that!  A social compromise.

4.  Trips into the bush have become even more special and amazing.  I am not going out much here at home.  I leave the grocery shopping to Mr. Tall and do all the other shopping on Amazon.  So my daily view is out my front window and off my deck or the rooms in the house.  Which is quite fine with me.  But it makes it super special when I hop into the truck with Monte or whoever, camera in hand,  heading for the hills.  I love love love that!  There is nothing more healing for the soul than nature, big beautiful Mother Nature.  There is always some kind of surprise around the next corner.  It might be a flower, or that fern Spod used to like, or a lovely chunk of wood on the side of the road, or a big beautiful rock to bring home.  Love it.

5.  Meal times have become ultra important.  Its kind of like being in the hospital.  Three times your day is broken into three segments...morning, noon and evening, by meals.  And the evening meal is the one that the household is most interested in.  Its been fun figuring out the next evening meal. For example:  tonight I am going to make lettuce wrap.  I have cauliflower rice, cashews to whomp up, onion, garlic, zucchini, broccoli, and mushrooms and a big head of lettuce.  I am pretty sure there is hoisin...the most important ingredient of all!  And the kids so appreciate it...which makes me happy!  Nothing makes a chef wannabe happier than their peeps they are feeding super enjoying your food you make.

6. And lastly, Wrangler, and I don't mean the truck.  Wrangler never did well on his own.  He doesn't like it, no dog does.  But now he has four of us in constant presence.  He is getting old, I mean near the end old.  If the SPCA was correct in their age they told Monte, he is now fifteen.  Other than a cataract in one eye and his hips not working very well, he is in good condition.  If you aren't sure just give him his rubber chicken!!!  Crap! he goes crazy with that thing!  As long as he is still doing that it's a signal that he still has lots of life left in him!

Well thats all the happy I have for today.  I can't promise it will be like this next time!  Stay safe peeps....TTYL

1 comment:

  1. We too, are doing ok. I am missing travel, though! And my friends. We cannot have our annual pool party with karaoke and debauchery this summer..:-(.
