Friday, April 2, 2021


 I just hung up the phone from talking with Clare.  He is such a dear and important friend.  He meant so much to Bill and to our family.  And what was so wonderful was in the last few years Bill would meet Clare and their friend Dave at a nearby pub for lunch every Thursday.  We tagged along on occasion.  After Bill died us kids would meet up with Clare now and again and what was super wonderful is he would bring his wife along, Tish. And this gave us the opportunity to get to know her even better.

She was just about the sweetest woman you would want to meet.  And not just sweet...she was sharp as a tack and really funny.  And even though she was nigh ninety, she was truly beautiful.  She had soft beautiful white hair and a lovely face and she was tiny.  I would sit beside her at the table and she would entertain me through the lunch.  I was so pleased that my kids got to know her.  I know Clare misses her so so much.

Well, I am not sure if I mentioned before but Monte had an appointment yesterday at a local food banky type place to get a vaccine.  It was set for 11:30 to 1:00 and open to mental health people.  We drove by the place at about 11:15 and there was no line up so we went and got coffee and came back around 11:40.  Monte went to the locked door and they opened it and said that they were out of vaccine.  He goes 'What?  How is that possible?"  And she said that there had been a line up and they went through all the doses.  And that was a flat out spin.  There wasn't one person inside waiting out the post shot fifteen minutes.  Monte told me that there was a nasty looking man telling her what to say before she opened the door.  We know her. She is Monte's mental health nurse and a straight dye.  Boy was Monte pissed off!!!  Whew!!!  Anyway he goes back on the 7th for it.  I think my turn to make an appointment is on Sunday or Monday.

I am not sure what is going on in our world.  It seems like people are getting more and more raucous every day.  There sure are a lot of angry people out there and I think covid isn't helping.  It's almost like covid is a license to misbehave to some.

Another thing I have noticed is the disrespect and lack of understanding of our intrepid leaders, both political and medical by a huge portion of the public.  They choose to not understand (they aren't stupid) that this is the first pandemic for them and it is a huge learning curve.  They just aren't going to get everything perfectly correct every time.  And there is so so much behind the scenes we are not privy to or understand.

I mentioned that I was reading Bonnie Henry's book.  I suggest you read it if you can.  Nothing will make you understand the logistics and the massive amplitude a pandemic is and all the immense history and work and data that is collected to help make decisions.

Vaccines!!!!!  Now that it's happening you can feel the mood of the people lifting.  There have been some serious hitches though.  A huge shipment of Moderna didn't get delivered this week.  That is probably why Monte et al didn't get a shot.  There was no way they could phone them all because it was walk in.  There has been some serious whining by groups that weren't singled out for advanced shots because of their vulnerability one way or the other to covid.  For example dentists.  Even though there has not been even one covid case happen due to dentistry, they want the advance shot.  A lot of whining by groups.

Another group that isn't happy are restauranteurs. Even though they can do take out and patios, they are freaking out that they can't do inside dining or liquor service.  And people are saying why not when stores are still allowed to be open.  They just don't seem to get it that the Bonnie Henry's make the decisions based on contact tracking and where the virus is most easily spread.  Makes sense to me.  And look whats happened to hockey teams?  Canucks are shut down for the next few games because of covid.  And that hockey team isn't the only one. Come on now!  This is Canada and the NHL is MONEY...they wouldn't shut down unless covid was a serious issue.  Those conspiracy attention getting theorists just don't get it.  When NHL is is real!!!

Well, I am hungry.  We went to Buy Low for the first time yesterday and it was fantastic!  I bought a couple of cheese pepperoni bread sticks.  I just ate one this morning and it was unbelievably delicious!  I am now going to eat the second one.  Can't help it! Monte will be mad but we will have to go there as soon as he gets up and get more.  Soooo yummy!!!

Stay safe people, noodle and phone an elder.  TTYL 


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