Friday, April 30, 2021


 I do not want to talk about Covid any more.  Now that I have my vaccine I just don't care.  I know I miss my kids and grandkids and no matter how much I read the science and watch the extreme whiners on the news, it won't affect my day to day.  I am covided out.

  I just don't care who dies, who gets sick, who sneaks into the country bringing covid with them, who gets their shots when they want them, and who doesn't, whose restaurant is going out of business, who can't travel where they want to, if kids are having mental issues cuz parents aren't calming and explaining enough, if teachers are never getting enough, if the earth is going to hell in a hand basket, if bears are being shot, if beaches and oceans are submerged in plastic, if red dresses are having to be replaced, if forests are being cut down, if we waste water blah blah blah blah blah!!!!!  I DON'T CARE RIGHT NOW.  I am going to pull a Scarlett O'hara...I will worry about everything and start caring again tomorrow.  (or the day after)

Other than being sick for a day, I had a great week.  Mont Man and I have been out and about going to post offices, starbuckses, Walmart curb, riverside and a lovely park with sea views.  We also made a stop at a local butcher/deli.  Oh Lordy!!!!  

They actually had fontina!!  And the salami selections were insane.  Plus they had alligator, camel, bison, kangaroo, venison, haggis (yum yum), liver and all the usual meat selections.  And then they had two walls full of pickle choices, olive choices,  saurkraut, beet pickle, hot sauces, mustards etc....And then we discovered a freezer full of ten different types of pirogies.  We bought little amounts of a bunch of things, took it down to the park and had a picnic whilst we watched kite surfers.  Sigh!!!!  Perfect time.

I wrote all that yesterday.  And just for the record I still don't give a rat's ass about....anything.  The closer I get to May 10th, my two week post vaccine date, the less I care.  About anything.  I must admit it will be a relief not to be scared for the first time in one and almost a half years. I know I am suppose to worry about ME passing it to others now, but, I  don't, not really.

  It's like at the beginning they asked us to wear masks to protect the other guy.  People didn't really start until they were told it protected themselves too.  Then you saw the masks!  Well, I kind of feel that way right now about infecting other people without even knowing I am.  Right now, right here, at this moment, I don't care unless it's someone I know and love.  Tomorrow. I will try to care again.

Hahaha!!!  I just got a message from April.  They are camping just north of Whistler.  They are having a lovely relaxing time but she said that she found out one new thing.  Pomeranians are flammable.  hahaha!!!!

Well that's it for today.  I apologize for my less than stellar attitude.  At the moment, temporarily (I hope) I have covid fatigue.  I will hopefully be over it by this time next week.  In the meantime I am going to languish and probably get frig all done.  TTYL

"The trouble with talking too fast is you may say something you haven't thought of yet."  Ann Landers (again...I love her)

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