Saturday, July 30, 2022


 Got our hair done!  We went in and Ange had her ridiculously long hair cut off into an amazing awesome haircut!  And thank goodness she loves it!!!  Pics below!  Mine took forever as usual.  She ended up only doing the top half as the bottom half was still pretty curly.  My hair is pretty curly naturally on the bottom.  I had Monte come by and pick Ange up and take her home.  He thought she had dyed her hair!  But she hadn't.

I have been reminded just why I moved to Port Alberni.  As you know the primary reason was to help Monte back to mental and physical health.  He had a mental health team here that just wouldn't be duplicated anywhere else.

  That being said, he just recently lost his psychiatrist.  And the only other one here doesn't see general patients.  He is the hospital's emergency psychiatrist and he is predominantly a geriatric specialist in that area.  So patients are left with online or phone doctors.

But, Monte still has his mental health nurse.  She keeps in touch with Monte, takes him out for coffee, checks in.  She managed to get him an appointment with that emergency doctor, Monte's original one. And should he have any issues, like he just did with his new medication, he just phones her and she helps him solve his problem.  She is absolutely amazing.

Monte has a GP, lovely guy, but he tends not to listen to Monte.  He is old and getting cranky.  Monte is needing a drug change but there could be issues with the dr cooperating.  So Caroline, his nurse, is, as we speak, sitting in that dr's office, with Monte, and the wait is rarely under an hour, so she can help Monte explain the drug change and make sure it happens.  Like who does that?!!!  I am so impressed.  She has been with Monte right from the beginning.  We wouldn't give that up for love nor money.  Well...not love but maybe money if it was tons and tons.  LOL!!

The petunias and the roses and the geraniums definitely did a great start at regenerating their flowers and leaves after the yard rat attacks.  God I hate those deer.  This morning we go out and guess what?  They were back in the night and freaking ate them all again.  I HATE them!!!  There are some broken cement bricks out there that I was going to get rid of but not now, I am going to save them and throw them at those asshats.  And I am going to aim right for their heads, hard.  Ange was saying that when she was in the bank everybody was talking about how prevalent they are this year.  Those suckers are everywhere!  Next year we are only planting lavender.  Apparently they don't like lavender.

Bill wouldn't eat venison.  He saw Bambi when he was little and I think it traumatized him.  He wouldn't even try it.  

I personally do not like deer meat.  It's dry, chewy and tasteless.  I way prefer moose meat.  But right now I would happily chow down on one of those suckers, right in front of one.  It would give me great pleasure to eat one, just to spite it.

It is now Saturday, Emily is coming today!  Monte and Ange made a very early, in fact so early it wasn't open yet, out to the dump/recycle place.  The truck was right full to the top with flattened cardboard.  Then Monte made a run back out with a whole load of garbage bags full to the tits, as he says.  And when I got my truck back I made a run to Save on.

As I have mentioned before, I am a great believer in lists.  I have two dinners (yipppeee!!!) to plan this week end.  One of the main dishes tonite is broccoli/leek impossible pie. I made a very clear, organized comprehensive list.

When I got home and put groceries away it suddenly dawned on me that I completely missed the damned broccoli.  Jeeeeeeez!!!!!  But I have a crap load of asparagus.  So asparagus/leek pie it's going to be.  I just checked with Em to make sure she likes asparagus.  Some people don't!  But that gal eats everything!

Thats it for today.  Time to go and do some prepping.  I want to take a minute here to apologize for how this stupid blog has become so mundane.  My life is pretty humdrum and thus humdrum blog.  The only exciting thing on my near horizon is a colonoscopy and I am pretty sure you aren't wanting to hear the deets on that event!  Next post I will be mentioning a decision I have made about something that is probably going to raise some eyebrows.  Til then stay safe, healthy and most of all, happy.  TTYL

'You could be the world's best garbage man, the world's best model;  it don't matter what you do if you're the best.'  Mohammad Ali.  (my mother would have loved this one...she taught us from a super young age that you need to become excellent in something, anything, just something)


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