Monday, August 22, 2022


 Our turlett has been giving us endless trouble.  When we flush, and I have to tell this to anyone who comes here, before they use it, that you have to ever most delicately and gently flush it.  If you whack the flush handle down, there is a good chance that the round rubber pluggy thing won't go down properly.  Which then, of course, means the stupid thing will run til' kingdom come.  And I pay for our water.

Should that happen you have to then stick your hand down into what water is in there, ice cold water I might add, to straighten the thingy out and plug the hole.  

Not only that, you can't always tell if its down or not, so you have to stand there, tapping your foot, staring intently at the same spot in the tank every time, to see if the water is actually rising.  So freaking annoying.

Well, the other day something unusual happened.  The turlett became possessed and suddenly acted like it was on steroids!  The water gushed in so hard and fast that the water level came roaring up and even crossed the brownish fill line.  I was freaking out and already looking for the off tap under it.  The water stopped just below the top of the tank even though the water continued to pound in.  And there was no turning it off.

Next came the problem solving.  I have had endless trouble getting a plumber up till now.  So either I leave it and keep trying to find a plumber or turn the water to the turlett off and get a bucket to fill in the tub and dump into the toilet after use.  Grrrrrr.....

I decided to go for option one for starters.  I got my lappy (thank god I had it back, I could not have done this on my phone) and started looking.  I finally found a name way down the list, past all the Rotor Rooters, and name brand plumbers.  And it was called Faithful Plumbing.  Hahaha!  Well I had an Old Faithful to fix so I phoned.  And he answered!

When he asked where I lived, he perked right up.  His business is only about four blocks away.  And that lovely plumber was over here in less than two hours, and in half an hour the turlett was under control!

But I do have to mention one thing.  That man was drop dead gorgeous.  I mean he was like a younger version of Clint Eastwood.  He would have been about sixty and pure lovely.  I told Ange later that next time he comes, and he WILL be coming back to fix my kitchen tap and my frozen pipes, she absolutely needs to be hanging around to meet him.  He is exactly the right age for her!!!  Although we have both said that there will be no more p***ses in our lives!!!!  But we can look!!!

Well that's it for today.  Stay safe and healthy.  One of Monte's friend's just got covid and he said it's the worst he has ever felt in his whole life, and he has had some pretty awful sicknesses in the past.  You don't want to get it.  TTYL

'The geyser receded, followed by the horrendous sound of water draining down the tunnel, like somebody up on Olympus had flushed the godly toilet.'  Steven Magee



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