Tuesday, April 19, 2016


I got called away and didn't post this.  When I got back I reread it and it was so negative I deleted it...I thought.  Just now I have come back to do a post and it was back!  So I am going to leave it with my apologies for the blackness.........

I decided I had better get packing!  So I hauled all my summer stuff out and ironed and tried stuff on and made decisions.  I remember when Spod and I first started travelling I super enjoyed this part.  But I don't so much any more.  I always end up taking way too much.

I got most of my shopping out of the way.  I spent yesterday at the mall, not something I generally do.  But what made it pleasant was Anne met me there and we spent most of the day sitting in the food court talking.  Jeez, she and I could talk the hind leg off anything.  We just never run out of stuff to talk about!

Molly is getting on my last nerve!  Twice now I have been on my way through the house to somewhere, in my bare feet, and stepped right smack into soft crappity crap.  You have no idea how much this just pisses me right off.  I put that stupid dog out all the time...there is no excuse for this.

So, this morning I got up really early, needed to head down to the dr's office to make an appointment, and I am heading to the kitchen and smack, right into one of her little gifts.  God I was mad!!!  So I opened the front door, hollering at her the whole time, and booted her out.  She frigging knows better.  Well, after cleaning it all up, including between my toes, I went out front to get her and she was gone.  Man! I was tempted to just shut the door and leave her.  But then I got thinking about the family and how they would be so mad at me.  Totally unfair.

I went out and hunted and called and hunted and called some more.  It was too early to really holler loud but she is quite deaf so I know she couldn't hear me.  That dog was gone and I had no time for this.

  Finally, I went down the street a ways...no dog.  Then I went up the street a ways....no dog.  But as I was standing there wondering if dog ownership is really worth it, when I caught a movement out of the corner of my eye.  That stupid dog was cowering and simpering under the stand of mailboxes.  I marched over and grabbed her and brought her home.  She skulked off under the dining room table.  Poor dog.  I kind of feel sorry for her...but not really.

  I have been down to the doctor and back, gone about 1 and a half hours and when I got home there was a huge puddle of pee in the middle of the kitchen floor.  Seriously.  I think her end time is coming.  If she can't do better than that then she is done.  I am not going to have crap all over my house and it isn't good for her to be in trouble all the time either. 

That is what I had tried to delete, but it came back...to haunt me.  I am such a bad dog owner.  You should see her right now.  I will see if I can get a picture of her.

Today was Kiwanis day.  Our meeting was held over at the Science Centre.  Jeez we had fun.  I will post a couple of pics to show some of the fun we had.  I also got all the banking done.  Not so easy.  I lost my driver's license.  After hunting everywhere I remembered I had put it in my pocket when I went into the hospital.  Thank God I remembered!  Such a pain in the butt.  Anywhoo, I sign off now.  More ironing to get to.  TTYL





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