Tuesday, January 24, 2017


I got an amazing letter from Oxo!!!Actually an email.  They profusely thanked me for using their product for so many years.  And they were very sorry that due to marketing and consumerism etc...they had to discontinue the product.  I am so sad but I truly appreciated their letter.

Monte is right where he should be.  In fact now that he has moved into his tiny little haven, he has relaxed, enough that his symptoms have kind of settled down.  His first doctor appointment is today at one o'clock, within walking distance from his little room.  He has taken the place for two full months.  I am not sure what will happen past that. He is already making videos and music and he has a show coming up in Feb. at the only venue in town.  He is happier than I have heard him in a long long time.

April and Myles are coming up this week end.  We are going to have our Christmas!  I have two huge Santa sacks full of presents and the tree is still up, waiting!  I am going to get a standing rib roast, and I am going to make my own yorkshire puddings.  Roast and yorkies are Ape's fave dinner.

I have developed a hacking rib breaking cough.  I don't feel sick per se, but it just won't stop.  I was heading out to the Kiwanis meeting but I just can't stop hacking, not an appreciated by others state to be in these days.  Think I will hunker down and drink hot stuff...like that will help.  I sincerely do not want to get that horrendous flu that is going around.  Its an ugly one.

Well I have a fairly long list of things that need to be done before Friday night when the kids get here.  I have already done the dining room...that was a big job.  All the good dishes and serving bowls and a ton of other stuff was stacked on that seven foot table.  But its all clear now.  I also cleaned my bathroom, scrubbed it from top to bottom.  It feels so squeaky clean in there now!  Today its the living room, kitchen and laundry room.  Its amazing how all those little corners, chairs and shelves get stacked with clutter.  Time for a clean out.  And if I can ever slow the coughing down, I really need to go out and get some grub.  There is NO food in this house and I have no Monte to go get it for me!  TTYL

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