Thursday, June 14, 2018


Well, I just got back from the doctor's.  Sigh.  Although, I have a nice system going.  I need pill refills every three months.  Your A1C (blood sugar average) is checked every three months.  And after today another thing is going to be checked.  So when I go in I get my refill prescriptions and a requisition form for labs.  When the labs are done they call the doctor to get him to make an appointment with me to come in and I don't have to stand outside for an hour at seven in the morning!!!  Win win I say!!!

Now I am in a conundrum.  I have high blood sugar so I can't eat sugars or flours or starches.

I have high cholesteral so no meat, but I have to eat fibre carbs which I can't eat because of diabetes.

I have blood pressure issues which means eating high potassium bananas and potatoes...not allowed on diabetic diets.

So I googled all this.  I can eat salmon and sardines and tofu with the occasional tablespoon or two of psyllium thrown in.  Oh and I can definitely eat KALE.  I freaking hate kale in any way shape or form.  I'd rather eat construction paper.

Anyway dinner tonight was cut up yams, onions and carrots and celery.  I put the tiniest bit of olive oil on it and sprinkled it liberally with roasted pepper and roasted garlic powder.  Mmmmmm....not.

I think I will go out and have my yearly chocolate milkshake from McD's before I get serious about all this.  (shovel list to the power of infinity)

I just did...slurp  TTYL