Thursday, June 7, 2018


Lately I have been taking some time here and there to read blogs....blogs that win awards.  I want to see what they write about that gets them those coveted awards.  And just to clear up something here...I AM NOT after any award.  Not only is that laughable but that would completely change my off the cuff writing, which I enjoy.  But for curiosity sake I took a look.

And Wow!!  My blog is so completely pedestrian compared to those!!  I am embarrassed!

Those blogs are intelligent, meaningful and important.  Every single one of them had a theme, or topic that they stuck to.  The blogs were political, or foodie, or mommy advice, or mathematics and science, or gardening, or knitting (shovel list), or our stupid pets (double shovel list), or some topic backed up with a ton of investigation and info.

Then I re read mine.  Oh lordy.  Like I said mine was aimless, diary like, humiliating, and certainly not intelligent.  It isn't even well written.  Thank god for little red lines or it would be unreadable.

So I gave this a lot of thought, especially in the middle of the night.  Which is probably good because one's brain definitely takes off on its own, outside the box.  I trotted through a number of topics that I felt like I might have interesting info on, enough to write a blog about.

The first one that came to mind was downsizing and reorganizing one's domain.  After all I have moved three times in the last four years, each time seriously reducing my detritus.  But then my present day cupboards came to mind.  Yeah.  One thing I am absolutely dedicated to in my loser blog is honesty.  I try hard not to exaggerate (see? red line on that one.  Who knew there are two gg's in exaggerate?) or twist the facts to enhance the story.  And to pretend I was successfully organized would just be too hard for me to put across to readers, cuz I am NOT.

Then the topic of tv shows came to mind.  I am an avid tv watcher, I am not going to lie.  After spending the first 12 years of my life deprived of tv, only imagining it in my mind, (there was no tv up north in the fifties), television is still a god, a miracle, a major influence in my daily life.  PVR was invented just for me.  But then I discovered that in the entertainment blogs I have read, those bloggers personally know the actors and producers and can get onto tv locations and sets.  I have no connections that can compete with that. And I resist leaving my house so getting to know actors etc is not appealing.  I have been seriously  entertaining the idea of agoraphobia.

I resist a food blog.  There are soooo many of them out there...all pretty smiley face ladies, they're hold mixing bowls in their arms, whisking away with big cheesy smiles on their faces.  And as much as I love to cook, I am a plain down home farmhouse cook...mac and cheese, shepherds pie, roast chicken, beef stew etc....  food thats been around forever.  And I don't have any kitchen hacks at all.  Not one.  I don't even know how to use a braun hand blender, or a spiral thingy or anything.  So no food blog.

Politics.  Oh geez.  I am waaaaay too opinionated for that one.  For sure I would lose half my readers.  And I am unable to tone down my stand on the issues.  So no, no political blog.

I could write one on schizophrenia (no red line there, that word has been bandied about a lot lately here in my life).  I could include advice on how to lose one of your children.  How to come to terms with finally accepting that you will never have him back and to stop hoping.  Hope just keeps the wound gaping and raw.  How to remember how it was years ago when you were so close to him and ......Okay now I am crying and I can't get my head around writing a blog that makes me cry every time.   Way too dark and way to boring for readers.  Onwards.

I could definitely write a blog about dieting and how unsuccessful the act of dieting is.  I started seriously dieting in 1977.  I lost a hundred pounds and kept the weight off  until I quit smoking in 2009 ish.  Up and down, but always got it back down.  Two babies, a huge abdominal tumour removal, hormone replacement and quitting smoking finally defeated me.  So I am fat again.  So that wouldn't be much of a blog.

So back to square one.  My blog will continue to be mundane stories about daily life, falling down, occasional trips, complaints about everything, the exciting topic of my trials and tribulations with my hair etc....  But you folks should go and explore real blogs.  They are well written and very educational.  There is always a 'take away' from every post, unlike mine.  But thank you for reading.  It means a lot to me.  TTYL

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