Monday, June 24, 2013


I fell, just now.  I took Kenai out for his morning ablution.  Its pouring rain out so I put my mismatched crocs on and a short rain coat over my not very long nightgown and pulled up the hat.  Not my finest look.  I only take him up on the path at the back of our own lot, so, there isn't much chance anyone will see much of me.  I have figured out with this dog if you just stand at this one particular spot he will finally do his business.  On the way back to the back door, stepping very carefully because the deck is as slippery as snot when its wet, my right leg slid right out in front of me, and I fell right smack on top of Kenai onto my left knee.  Parker, seeing this, came rushing over as well. So there I am on one knee, one leg straight out in front of me, squashing one dog and being licked and pawed by another, with my nightie up around my ears.  Really really not my finest moment.  Now my knee hurts like hell and my left hand is slowly seizing up.  I think I broke my little finger.   Wahhhhhh!!!!  Mommmmmy!!!!

Well yesterday was hair day.  Not just washing but a full head spiral at the salon.  It takes three hours.  The hairdresser I have had until the last few times had an aneurism and is still in rehab learning to walk and talk.  The new one I use is way faster and shaved a good hour off the time it takes.  She is such a sweetie too.  Normally its busy in there, but quiet and orderly.  Not yesterday.  I don't know if there is a full moon or not but it was crazy!!

There was a kid that came in with his dad.  Now, I am not for beating kids anymore, but this one needed a serious kick in the pants.  I couldn't see them.  They were just out of sight in my mirror.  My first hint there was a kid on the premises was his screaming "I don't want to sit straight!!!  I don't want to sit still!!!", proving my point that children are the most unhappy miserable group of people on the planet.  (all peoples' children of people reading this excepted!!!).  And he escalated, and got louder and hollered awful things at his dad.  Finally I asked Annie to move aside a little and turn my chair so I could see the little jerk.  Well I couldn't believe my eyes!!  He was big.  I mean he had to be around 10 years old!!  I thought he was five.  He was behaving about as badly as I have ever seen a kid behave, and it was immediately evident why.  His meek simpering cajoling father was standing there, letting this kid yell at him and hit him and even kick him.  Finally the hairdresser, an awesome east indian girl with the most beautiful accent, just let loose and freaked out all over him!!  Hahahaha!!! She pushed him down severely into the back of the chair, got right in his face, and told him that if he didn't sit still she would cut him and cut him bad.  She described the pain and blood that would ensue, graphically.  He finally shut up.  And then she got him talking about his video gaming (reason number two for the bad behaviour) and he stayed calm until the end.

Shortly after they left, there was a sudden howl and anger from a fully grown male.  I could see this one.  And this one was bleeding like a suck pig from his right ear lobe.  The poor little hairdresser was freaking out, apologizing and crying and trying to mop up blood.  But the man was obviously in pain, really really angry, and missing an earlobe.  You would not believe how much blood comes from one little earlobe.  And you wouldn't believe how much anger can come from one man.  Holy cow!! He even scared me!  He threw things around, said he was phoning his lawyer, got right down and into that poor little girl'



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s face and just screamed at her.  What a giant nasty baby!!!  I was about to get out of my chair and lay one on him when another hairdresser there, a skookum loud white girl (all the others are little Vietnamese girls) went over and hauled him off and calmed him down.  He finally left and we all sat there in shock.  Not sure what will happen with that.

And then one more thing happened after that believe it or not!!  I was at the neutralize part of the process.  This means, at one point, I have to just lay back in the sink chair and wait for a timed five minutes while the neutralizer works.  So I had just finished having the stuff squirted on when two of the hairdressers started to fight.  One of them, a very very overweight really ugly older lady (she has been there forever) decided to let the new young flamboyantly gay beautiful vietnamese boy know he just wasn't pulling his weight.  She tore into him about his work habits, punctuality, cleanliness etc...  He took it for a while and then started to fight back, complete with hand waving and jumping up and down.  By the time they were separated they were nose to nose, just yelling!  God it was funny!!  Finally the lady marched off to her station, which is the messiest of them all and she spends most her time sitting on her ass not helping or doing laundry, and starts throwing her stuff around and "cleaning".  Well, she drops a really big mirror which simply shattered everywhere!!  And I mean everywhere!  And, she is too fat to be able to bend over and pick up the big pieces.  And guess what?  The boy she had been yelling at went over, patted her on the back, soothed her and picked it all up and swept and cleaned.  I thought that was awesome...a true class act.  I love that guy, he is such a fun and entertaining addition to the salon.  You should hear his stories!!!

Well this is getting too long and its time to dress and greet the day.  And I am hungry.  I will post a few more odd random pics.  TTYL

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