Thursday, October 29, 2015


I picked Kathy up to go down to the Kiwanis meeting.  It was an interesting one.  Kiwanis has been very involved with raising funds for SIGN hospitals.  Those are orthopaedic hospitals.  So, when the Americans accidentally bombed the sign hospital in Afghanistan, the club decided that we had better register, via letter, a reaction to this horrific event.  So the discussion was very interesting.  Plus they are getting ready for a radio so so much work involved.  Its crazy!!

I ripped home in time to meet the piano teacher.  I also wanted to make bread to take to Kathy's for dinner.  She was making Moroccan stew.  But, this lovely awesome tuner is a talker and a player.  Whilst he was downstairs tuning, I threw together enough dough for four loaves, put them on the rise in a warm oven and went into purple room, sat in my chair and fell sound asleep..for a whole hour.  Him calling me woke me up!!  Jeez!!

He called me down to show how obnoxious my piano is and how impossible it is to tune...yaddy yadda.  And all I could think about was my over proofing bread dough!  When he finished telling me all the woeful things about the piano, he sat down and proceeded to play the most incredible amazing complicated concert grade blues/jazz.  He always blows me away with his playing and the piano sounded spot on.  But.....BREAD!!!!

Next, as he was packing up, I dashed upstairs and punched a hugely inflated batch of dough down and filled the pans.  Up he came and he then he started talking about conspiracy theories, inter planet life, flying saucers on the moon (seriously!) and it was all very interesting bread!!!  Finally, bless him, he skedaddled and I rushed into the kitchen to get the baking process going.  But, to no avail.  Flat, hard (but very tasty) little loaves.  Damn!!

A quick interjection here...I am actually freezing.  Anyone who knows me knows that I am always hot, but right now my hands are so cold I can hardly type.  I just checked the temp in the hallway on the furnace thingy and its only 12 degrees in this house!  I am NOT putting the furnace on.  When Monte gets home I shall have him turn the little stove downstairs on for a while.

Dinner at Kathy's was fun and delicious!  There were lots of us there and the Moroccan stew was delicious and the round table after was fun.  A lovely evening!

Today was busy busy!  I got up early and was down at the doctor's office by 8:10 am.  Even then I was fourth on the list!  I went home and did a little work and a bunch of emails and a clean out down in the hell hole.  Back to the dr. at 12:40, only to find out my blood pressure hasn't budged.  Its still 185 over 85.  Dammit!!!!  So he has upped the ramapril and I will keep trying.

I had received a phone call from the place that I bought the chairs.  They can't get the ones I want.  Yay!!!  Cuz I found way nicer and more interesting ones in HomeSense.  So I dashed up to Home Sense, went in a had a really hard time picking out the ones I wanted....from an awesome selection.  I then went to the other place and got my money back.  By then I was starving.

There is an Original Joe's right next to my pharmacy to I called Monte and he met me there and we had a delicious lunch.  Now THAT'S the way calamari should be done!

I headed home to my freezing house and now I am going to see if I can get hold of Anne and ask her to house sit for me.  I hope so.  Although I have a feeling she will be needing some heat!!

Off to Vancouver tomorrow (Friday).  On Sunday we head up to Port Alberni for a couple of days.  Monte is anxious to see his old stomping grounds and see Pat and Angie.  Hopefully it will be sunny and good for pics.  TTYL

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