Tuesday, January 14, 2020


I mean it.  I am going to atrophy if I don't get moving.  My whole life I have been in a frenzy of activity...two sets of babies, houses to clean, mouths to cook for and feed, tons of laundry, building a log house a zillion miles over horrible roads away, working eight hour days blah blah blah.  So its been one hell of a treat to just sit in my chair, lappy open on my lap, tv going or music, reading books....  But I am going to die if I keep this up.

So today Monte and I are going to launch ourselves into the public pool.  I can't swim very well which plays in my favour.  Every lap I do, a good swimmer would have to do three or four to equal the amount of joules I burn in that one.  I hope the water is warmer than that stupid pool in Kamloops.  That pool was so cold you got hypothermia.  Not conducive to motivate a return.

The weather is pretty awful right now.  I postponed the lasagna dinner for everyone from this Friday to next Friday.  If I make the lasagnas I will need nine containers of cottage cheese.  And that means a trip to Costco and the roads are such we can't get there right now.

 But I am seriously contemplating buying Costco's frozen lasagna.  It is super good and big.  Four of those should do the trick.  I just don't trust my lasagna making skills.  It's not something I make often enough to know what I am doing.  I see most people use ricotta...I hate ricotta.  What noodles should I use...fresh, boil first, no boil needed?  Should I use straight beef or mix it up with sausage etc...  One thing I know for sure...there would be absolutely NO SPINACH in it!!!! I think I will do them all a favour and buy them already made by someone who knows way more than I do about the damned stuff.

I have so many projects right now.  And not one of them is getting done.  Procrastination at its finest.

The first one is all the stuff sitting in the guest room.  We have a he shed (Monte's stuff) a we shed (a mix of his and mine) and a she shed (the house and my stuff).  We brought in a couple of containers of stuff and they are sitting in the guest room waiting to be disbursed.

My room....its a holy hell mess.  Clothes and stuff everywhere.  I ride Monte's butt to clean his room.  Such a hypocrite!!!!  Gotta get it clean.

The dining room table.....its always covered with crap.  Right now amongst stupid small stuff, I put the big box of pictures to sort.  There are thousands......a very daunting job frankly.  Sigh.  (shovel list)

The deck......it's a mess.  Pots and pans and coolers and turkey roasters, old flowers, garbage, recycling, bottles, cardboard, and on and on and on.  

All these things need to be done by the end of next week.  Oh and of course....laundry!  That never ends!

Look at that!!!  Its only 7:30 am and its getting light out!!!!  Yayyyyyy!!!!!!  TTYL


  1. Maybe I should come for a visit. Hahaha! !!!

  2. It sounds overwhelming.,..COOKIE! You are NEEDED!
