Tuesday, January 28, 2020


Well both the boys came home on Sunday.  I was so happy to see them....for two seconds.  They both disappeared to their respective rooms and I didn't see them again until they came up at 7, briefly ate their stuffed squash and disappeared again.  Sigh.  Its almost like living by myself!  LOL!!  But just having them in the house is perfect.

I had an interesting night though.  Around three in the morning I heard a knock knock knock, quite loud downstairs.  Then I heard Monte talking, for about a minute than silence.  What the heck???  As I lay there in the following dead silence, I heard someone outside.  Clearly whoever it was was sifting through stuff, cans and paper etc...  Finally I got up and lifted a flap on the blinds to take a look.

Across the street and just down a bit, just out of the street lamp light, so in the black dark, I could see someone that clearly had a head lamp on.  I could just detect that he was behind or beside or 'in' a car parked in front of the neighbour's house.  He was clearly sifting through stuff.  After a while he shuffled on off down the street.  The next day I took a look in the light and there was no garbage container there or anything, just a car.  Frigging alley rats.  And when I asked Monte about who he was talking to, he had no memory of it and said he must have been talking in his sleep.  And knocking?  Who knocks in their sleep?  Like...no one ever.  Just sayin'.

I bought a cook book.  And you poor folks are going to occasionally hear about stuff I make from this odd cookbook.  But it is intriguing to me so I can't help it.  LOL!!

Peter gave me a waffle iron for Xmas.  I have never ever had one so I am excited.  But in my daily email from Book Bub, about six offerings every email for cheap books in the genres I chose, one of which was cooking, this exciting cook book was listed.  And that book is "Will It Waffle?".  Thats right!  Fifty two recipes for waffling all sorts of crazy stuff.  Some of the recipes I won't make.  For example:  a box of brownie mix, many eggs and butter etc....then waffle the batter, add ice cream and fruit and voila!! dessert!  And a million carbs that are a little too much for us.

But they have all kinds of other things.  You can actually cook bacon in it!  And eggs!  With almond flour you can waffle a base, make hollandaise on the stove and you have low carb bacon bennies!  Anywhooo I shall be experimenting and will report and picture here!

Well I best get going.  A filthy kitchen to clean and Nanaimo to get to.  Peter, bless him, has offered to come with me.  Monte is in the middle of making music so we have lost him for a while.  I have to go.  I ordered a couple of things from the Fat Lady store and they are too big....they gotta go back, and soon.  Plus I want to go to a Chinese grocery in Nanaimo and of course Costco.  We need coffee.  Always out of coffee!  TTYL

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