Wednesday, January 29, 2020


Jesus Murphy!!!!  In the night something woke me up, who knows what, and squinting with my good eye, which isn't all that great without glasses on, I pushed the winder thingy on my wristwatch which lights it up, to see that it was all of four thirty am.  And I could tell that I was AWAKE!!!  No more sleep for me.  Damn!  

So I picked up my phone and figured I would play my word game that I play a lot.  It can sometimes lead me back to sleep.  And for some unknown reason, typical of the mysterious battery land of phones and computers, the battery was almost dead.  It was at 70% when I went to bed.  How does that happen?  One night not too long ago I went to bed and it was at 29%.  It was still 29% in the morning.  And it stayed at 29% while I played my game for an hour.  Stupid phones.  (shovel list)

Now, here I sit, in the dark, listening to the news stories on Global, over and over and over.  I decided I would start a post.  I love talking to all you folks.  Not that I have anything particularly  interesting to say.

As I mentioned in the previous post, Pete and I headed to Nanaimo yesterday.  What a great day we had!  I stopped at the fat lady store first and returned giant items.  They weren't going to take the bathing suit.  Apparently they don't let you return them when you buy them online.  I kind of had a fit.  I figure that maybe they should put a note to that effect on the item online so a customer would know ahead of time. They took it.

From there we headed into town to a fantastic Asian grocery store.  Wow!!!  There is no other store in the western world that looks like or is set up like an Asian grocery store.  The minute you step in, blind folded, you would know you were in an Asian grocery just by the smell. Cabbage, fish, five spice, all evoke an exotic unmistakable odour. The four or five aisles were so close together and crowded that there was literally no room to bend over to see what was on the bottom shelves.

The owner shouted out, "do you need help?".  I answered back that I was looking for ponzo sauce.  "you are in the Chinese aisle," he hollers, "Ponzo is Japanese.  You need the Japanese aisle!"  Okey dokey!  What do I know?  He pointed to the proper aisle and said that there were small bottles and big bottles.  I wanted a big bottle, and guess where the big bottles of everything were?  On the bottom.  No way I could see which was which.  So I ended up with two small ones.

One whole wall was frozen dim sum...which is what I was really after.  I went along and chose various packages, some of them looking pretty sketchy.  In fact one package of bean curd rolls, my fave,  were kind of soft.  I'm not sure if that is normal for them or if they are full of killing bacteria.  I bought them anyway.  If I live I will report here how good they were.  

We then proceeded to Costco.  Siiiighhh.  I love Costco.  I was just getting coffee. Sure.  Four hundred dollars later.....I think I am a food hoarder.  I did buy a kettle...I still can't find mine.  I also bought 90 bucks worth of coffee.  I don't really mind.  We don't smoke or drink much.  Coffee is our addiction.  I buy Salt Spring beans...the best coffee we have ever drunk and we go through a lot so I bought three 2 pound bags.  I also bought a box of Starbucks Verona pods...the best pod coffee in my opinion.

Before we left the store we stopped for a hotdog and fries and gravy.  Sooooo good.  It just wouldn't be a trip to Costco without that. 

 When we drove onto the highway we spotted a KFC.  I decided to get a bucket of chicken to take home.  And before you all, predictably I might add, go "Ewwwww....KFC???!!!!" I want to say something about KFC.

  That delicious treat was just that...a treat.  In our family we associate it with things like birthdays, moving days, Bamfield Friday nights when Bill would arrive from Vancouver with a bucket for us very 'deprived of everything' people, road trips in the US there!  And it was super well received by a grateful Monte when we got home.

But, before getting the chicken, we noticed it was in the same parking lot as that magical store Cabellos!!!  Peter was a Cabellos virgin. This warranted a visit!  So in we went and spent a very happy half hour wandering around looking at guns, fudge, cast iron cooking implements, sunglasses, clothes, fishing paraphernalia, cabin decor, camouflage everything, smokers, canoes, dead stuffed animals and on and on....A wonderful half hour!

All in all it was a great trip.  We listened to fabulous music that Pete had downloaded,  had great conversation, visited various bathrooms, enjoyed the scenery and ate fries and gravy.  What more would make the trip greater I ask!  Well it is now after 6.  Thanks for keeping me company!  TTYL

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