Sunday, May 17, 2020


I read somewhere that you should keep your windows and doors wide open all day, especially if there's a hoard of people living in your house.  It kind of makes sense.  But.... I got up yesterday morning and it seemed particularly cold. I had shut the doors but left windows open.  I took a look at the thermometer on the wall and it was 62/16 degrees!!!  Jeez!!!  I cranked it up to 74 and warmed it up in there.  I wish the weather would just warm up and stay there!

Do any of you ever watch hoarders?  I don't really relate to it as I have no trouble getting rid of stuff. I was thinking that my biggest unload session was in Langford before moving to Kamloops.  I seriously got rid of thousands of dollars worth of stuff.  Bill's sister-in-law turned me on to a hoarder couple who lived in Victoria and voila!  so easy.  I hate trying to sell stuff.  So aggravating.

I did decide to sell my beautiful floral Canadian made sofa bed.  I loved that thing but it weighed a ton so moving it would cost.  I advertised in Victoria Used.  And right away the calls started coming in.

Well let me tell ya, I spent the next weeks taking calls, making appointments, hanging on to it and not selling it cuz someone "was definitely taking it", then they never showed up, people coming in and laying on it, sitting on it, taking it apart, then say no and leaving...leaving the couch in pieces.  I wasn't asking very much for it.  Like 100 dollars.  I paid a huge amount more than that two years before.  And always the first words out of their mouths was, "would you take 25?"  NO I FREAKING WOULD NOT!!!!  GET OUT!!! JUST GET OUT!!!!"  Finally a couple took the   couch the day before the movers were coming. For 50 bucks.  I hate them.  Can you imagine going through that process with everything else I got rid of?  I would kill someone before it was over.

So, that brings me to now....and thinking of everything I left behind in Bamfield.  When we sold the house, with everything in it, it was at a time when there were such overwhelming limitations.  We could only take one pickup truck worth of stuff.  We had zero room for anything back in Vancouver.  It was such a painful leaving that I just shut my brain off, picked out the most sentimental stuff, filled big red's truck box, and left.  And I haven't allowed myself to even think about what was left behind...until now.  And now, for whatever ridiculous unexplained reason, it is really really hurting..for the very first time.  I am tearing up just writing about this.  It hurts.

I could list three pages of stuff here I would give my right you know what to have back.  And I am having to replace, at quite a cost, some of it that we are gardening and landscaping. And what really hurts is when we went to the log house last summer, there was stuff they were clearly getting rid of just sitting outside.  Stuff that Bill and I picked up on our trips to the south, stuff that didn't matter to them anymore.

  I could see the two big sun and moon platters leaning in the kitchen window, I could see the shelves sitting on a barrel full of beautiful red and green Xmas dishes,  and all the beautiful Amish furniture we paid a fortune for, and what I wouldn't give to have the huge galvanized bathtub back.  I would use it in the garden.  And Bob's bright red little kid's Adirondack chairs....still sitting on the deck.  Okay I will stop now.

This covid shit is getting to me.  I am finding it harder and harder to look forward to waking up in the morning.  No matter what projects are on the go, like the garden, they don't seem to make a difference anymore.  I don't even want to cook dinners.  And thats crazy.  I have never not wanted to plan and execute dinner.  Sigh.  And I am sure everyone is feeling somewhat the same.  Except my sister has her grand children with her all the time and Cookie gets to see some of hers frequently.  I can't see mine, they are in Penticton. I can't wait until I can hop into the car and go visit them.  Whimper whimper.....(shovel list)

But then I think of our dear dear friend Clare.  Clare is in his 90's.  He is one of Bill's best buddies he used to meet with every Thursday for lunch at the pub.  He and his beautiful wife Tish have been married for over 70 years.  I am not sure of the exact number but over 70.  And she fell last year and ended up having to live in extended care.  Which was so difficult for them.  They had never been apart.  Clare would walk up to her home and visit every day and sometimes take her out in her wheelchair.

And now, you guessed it, he isn't allowed to see her.  Unbelievably painful.  I can't even imagine not being able to see the love of my life, knowing she was only one block away.  And she has a touch of dementia and doesn't understand why she can't see him.  This is untenable.  I hear that they are beginning to lighten up the visiting rules.  I so so hope that he will be able to suit up and go and see her...soon.  So clearly I have zero excuse to feel the way I do.  I am going through nothing compared to them.  There are so many sad sad stories out there.

Well I had better sign off before this turns into an even more maudlin whine.  Take care people, stay home, be safe.  TTYL

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