Thursday, April 17, 2014


Yes there was a fire.  Not here.  Although Cookie smelt something burning here in the condo and upon entering the kitchen noticed that my plastic cookbook I had earlier placed on the stove top, was melting, due to an accidental (not sure who:)) element turn on.  (run on sentence..shovel list)

Yesterday the kids decided to stay home and do some pool time and then packing.  Cook and I decided to go over to the pool earlier than them.  It was really quite windy so we knew we would probably have the pool to ourselves and enjoy some quiet time.

We were in the pool wading around cooling off when Cookie noticed billowing black smoke coming up from behind the pool house.  Upon further inspection, we saw a house was on fire about three to four houses down the street behind our pool property fence.

Around then the kids came over and we were all in the pool.  Next thing we see is a fire rescue helicopter circling and circling.  Suddenly Don arrived with 'the boys' and booted us out of the pool and removed the pool dividers so the helicopter (which now had a dangling water bucket under it) could scoop water.  Apparently this is something that has happened before.

But, much to Don's chagrin, the pilot felt it too windy and headed down to our little beach to scoop.  So all afternoon a helicopter flew back and forth, close enough we could feel water spray from the bucket on occasion.  Very noisy and exciting rather than relaxing!

I bbq'ed early.  In the morning I had made a giant potato salad.  Here in this Costco you can buy rib steak that is cut very very thin….VERY thin.  Doused in Hawaiian bbq sauce and zapped on the barbie, it is delicious.  Then the sad part started.  The kids got all packed up, bags weighed, hugs and kisses and Spod drove them off to the airport. The house was very quiet and empty.

Cook and I watched Survivor and then swung into action.  We totally rearranged the furniture in the spare room.  So many people that use that room would  prefer the beds be pushed together.  So thats what we did.  And then she moved all her stuff over from the den where she had been sleeping.  Now, instead of your head getting frozen by the air conditioner, your feet do!  Much better.

Now its 12 noon and we are off to the pool..its very very hot out today.  TTYL

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