Saturday, May 13, 2017


That was the name of the play we saw last night.  Apparently only drunks and children tell the truth. The play was amazing...about a couple of our first nations reconnecting.  The acting was particularly good.  So often in these small productions the acting is overly dramatic and loud.  But what really stole the show last night was the very natural acting of two of the four characters.  So good.

I went on that and found the exact townhouse I want.  I mean I really want it!  It has a pretty funky layout, not at all like any other townhouse out there.  And the kitchen cupboards are bright bright red! I just might give the realtor a call and go see it.  Maybe, with any luck, the red cupboards will put people off and it won't sell for a while.  Theres no appliances either.  But I have a feeling its going to sell.  Hey Cookie, here is the MLS # 139833.  Go take a look and let me know what you think!!!!

On Monday I am going to go and buy boxes....again.  The middle smaller bedroom upstairs is empty.  I shall start packing and filling that room.  Sigh.  Not quite shovel list though.  I kind of like packing.  Why?  Cuz it means throwing stuff out and sending stuff to Sally Anne, which happens to be one of my most fave activities.  And I also know that as you pack, the place looks emptier and emptier.  I just happen to know that realtors are always whining how your house is too 'cluttered'. 

Which reminds me of the North Vancouver house.  Due to circumstances I didn't call my realtor until the house was completely packed.  We bought a house in Victoria and everything was moved over there. The house was empty.  Then I called Dane to list it.  And when he arrived he was shocked!  I casually asked him if the damned place was uncluttered enough for him.  Then the bugger wanted to stage it!!  I said absolutely NOT!  Theres no making them happy I tell ya!!!

Well the girls are on their way...left Prince George an hour ago.  I have a bunch of things to do before they get here.  And our friend Jimbo is coming over.  He texted me last night asking me to put a cup of his barley in water to soak.  I have never soaked barley before...other grains but not barley.  He is going to cook it when he gets here.  I better clean my kitchen!  Gotta bounce!  TTYL


  1. Is it the one on Hugh Allen Dr? over 1800 square feet. and I love the kitchen but that bathroom has to go! more outdated then mine is!! :] but a nice layout and lots of book cases!

  2. I have heard that phrase definitely holds true. You are moving!
    I can't wait to follow your next adventure.
