Wednesday, May 3, 2017


I'm not sure I can remember whats gone on.  I know the day Anne came up, last Friday, was a lot of fun!  We had a leftover lunch, a huge amount of chit chat and then Mr. Mike's for dinner.  And I ate a whole best rib eye steak I have ever eaten.  The whole thing!  Thats the most meat I have eaten in months!  It was perfect!

Saturday and Sunday, and Monday for that matter, Graeme and Anton moved their stuff into the basement.  Graeme is storing his stuff temporarily until he gets settled in Victoria.  Anton is storing his stuff until next September.  Its meant lots of moving things around and adjusting rooms etc...I'm just happy that basement is finally getting some use!

But this weekend is going to be really busy.  Our block is going to have a garage sale.  I was going to put a table out and give all proceeds to Kiwanis.  But I forgot that Monte and Bryce are going to be here for the weekend and my brother Stan is also going to be here.  So I am not sure just how much time I will have for garage 

Tomorrow I do believe Anne is coming over to give me a hand with unloading my closet.  I intend to get rid of 90% of my clothes.  I have way too many and I have peeps I can give them to.  It will be such a good feeling!  And as such, I do not think I will have time to find all the stuff for a garage sale down in my hell hole.

Now I need to get to bed.  I am tired and my horse is tired.  I will try to write a more exciting post next time.  Some stuff has happened, gossip, you know.  But I am just too tired to write it tonight!  TTYL


  1. Um, how's the diet going and where are the weekly photo updates young Mr.Mikes even allowed? Hmmmm

    1. I know I know...Mr. Mikes is pretty easy to stay on track with. I can't find the pink shirt but I will look again today. Sigh and shovel list
