Saturday, July 18, 2015


Sometimes you should speak up and sometimes you should shut up.  I should have spoken up.

I was in Nature Fare...a lovely health type grocery store the other day.  As I was poking around in the produce area I noticed a little one, about 14 months old, standing, walking around in a shopping cart.  Those carts tip over sooo easily and not putting your kid in the cart like that, unrestrained, sort of falls in that category of things we ALL know...don't leave kids and dogs in hot cars, breast over bottle, don't text and drive, don't leave your kids walking around the main part of the shopping carts.

I almost said something to the mother and grandmother.  They weren't even watching her!!  I moved away and chose not to say anything.  And guessed it...over went the shopping cart and I seriously actually heard the kid's head hit the floor!  Of course mom dropped to the ground and gathered up the now screaming hysterical baby, grandma righted the cart.  A little group of us women gathered. And I couldn't keep my mouth shut.  I shook my head and basically said that leaving a kid  in a shopping cart like that is tantamount to child abuse.

The grandma reacted very negatively to me I must say.  She shouted something like.. stay out of it and this wasn't the time blah blah blah.  I responded with something like ...well jeez we all know this...what the hell???  Fortunately for me the ladies around me all nodded and agreed.  I left.  Next time I will speak up!!

Speaking of shopping I was in Costco and I heard a father I was passing by ask a question of some sort of his older kid sitting in a shopping cart.  Still feeling kind of upset about the other incident I took a closer look, just in case intervention was needed, when the kid answered.  And I swear to God, that kid's voice was deeper and more manly than your average logger.  What???  The kid wasn't very big, a boy, who appeared to by around eight yrs old.  It was just downright creeepy.  I must confess I hung around them for a bit just to hear that kid talk!  It was so so odd!  And he had the bushiest eyebrows!  Its like his pituitary gland went crazy five years too early.  Soooo creeepy!!!

Monte is in Vancouver until tomorrow.  He went down on Thursday.  I have had a lovely few days to myself here!  I did go down to Kathys on Thursday, they are out of town right now, but Jo was there with Ainsley.  Had a great visit.  And Anne came over on Wed. and we visited all day, just like old times!  She and I went out for Greek food Fri. night.  We sat in there for three hours and talked.  I remember one time years ago she came to Bamfield, while we were still living in the trailer, and she and I talked for 17 hours...SEVENTEEN!!!!!  We never run out of things to talk about!

Now its bedtime...tired and sleepy.  TTYL

1 comment:

  1. I agree! Letting your kid stand in the shopping cart is like child abuse! It's happened here in Costco, right in front of me. And the sound of a kid's head hitting the cement floor is something I wont forget. I always say something now and I don't care if people do not like it! Why are people so Stupid!!!!!?
