Saturday, May 11, 2013


I can't remember what I did yesterday.  I just asked Bill and his answer was "More the same."  Big help!

I did get a call from Monte last night...a distress call and I am sorry to say he is back in the hospital.  He was so terrified he was heading for another break, felt he was losing touch with reality.  The medication they have him on makes him feel like he is living in liquid cement.  He certainly isn't as bad as he was six months ago...but he sure isn't good.  So....I spent a lot of time on the phone with various people etc...over the last day and last night.  I think this is a sign of what that poor guys life is going to be like a lot of the time.

I also remember that the dogs got groomed, and Molly looks ridiculous.  Parker was so stressed out he shat all over the groomer's place and the truck on the way home.  Poor dog.  Some things he still isn't jiggy with.  Molly just ran around looking stupid.

Aryn came over for a while.  We had a nice visit.  She was on her way to get her hair done.  We had picked up Granddog for her and she came back around nine to pick her up.  She was telling me tonite that she was on her way to the back of her car today to open the hatch for Sadie to jump into.  She always takes a full bore run and flies into the back.  She does the same with our car.  Well...she did exactly that, full bore, launch and...the door wasn't open yet!  She dinted the car and almost knocked herself out. Today she can't run.

Well I apologize if this is a little short and unentertaining.  My brain has run out of fuel and I have a feeling I am going to have dig up some more to burn before the night is out.  A few of April and Andrew's friends are coming over.  A very close friend of theirs, a 22 yr old girl, is at the end of her life with leukemia.  They just found out last night that there is nothing else that can be done and this has been so devastating to them all.  A first encounter with death amongst your close friends is life altering for all of them.

More tomorrow.  We have a few things on our agenda and I shall drag my camera along.  TTYL

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