Tuesday, February 4, 2014


This week's challenge is an easy and obvious one. Take a multi vitamin every day, just in case you are missing a key element in your diet.  So there you go.  Nothing dramatic or life changing.  And I still weight 264…doesn't change.  I have been pretty good at keeping up with the challenges.  The only one that takes a hit now and again is walking the dog twice a day.

Andrew came over yesterday and picked up his final things.  He is such a fine person.  We took him to Asian Cuisine dinner (read Chinese Buffet) last night and had such a good time.  He seems to be a lot stronger and moving past all the pain.  I will be so happy for him when all the hoopla is well behind him.

Today we bought toilets.  Three of them to be exact.  I asked the boys to make sure to get me one that turbo flushes.  I hate wimpy flushers (shovel list).  Now from what I can see most toilets cost between sixty and 125 bucks.  And two of the toilets were pretty much that.  But mine, holy moly, it is the  limousine of all toilets ever made.  Its extra high, elongated, flush handle (not buttons) and a syphonated turbo flush.  I can't wait to use it!  And if I read the receipt correctly, it was about 300 bucks.

They also picked up the marble topped vanity for the bathroom downstairs.  It was put by fork lift into the back of Myles truck.  It was carefully driven home, down the side of the house and…..there was no way they could lift it out.  It said on the box that it was 276 pounds!!  So there it was, out in the open, a 850 dollar vanity, stuck in the back of an open truck!!  Off to Home Depot to buy lumber to make a ramp.  While they were pricing out the very expensive wood to make the ramp, the Home Depot lady suggested that for the price of one 4x6 (4.95) they could rent a ramp for four hours for five bucks…and thats what they did.  

Now it is 1 in the morning and I am tired.  Off to bed.  Sorry this was such a boring post.  TTYL

1 comment:

  1. Private please don't post-Just a word of caution about multi-vitamins Helen, if you're prone to kidney stones, bladder problems or take blood thinners consult your Dr. first- they can cause more harm than good.My Dr. said to take only the vitamin that may be low which is D 1000mg for me anyways. I was a multi-v taker for ever until I started getting kidney stones lately -painful- and had to stop. If you eat a good variety of decent foods then there's no need for multi vitamins, they're over rated. Please consult your Dr, I didn't think they would do anything but- they caused stones.
